Published Aug 9, 2005
2 Posts
The nurse that relieves me at night practically insists that he count the narcs alone when he comes in and seems to get agitated if you don't hand him your keys when he enters the door even though the cart hasn't been cleared.
I have no idea what the reasoning for this is, but I am uncomfortable with anyone having access to controlled meds that I alone am responsible for. I've even been "warned" by my coworkers to watch out because he will do things for the sole purpose of getting certain people into trouble. :uhoh21: I try to ignore the flood of gossip I hear at work and form my own opinions, but still I just can't help but wonder at this.
My question is who would be at fault if he has his way and takes the keys over and decides something isn't right after he has counted alone? Would it be my fault for not counting, his for taking the cart without counting or a shared thing?
244 Posts
I would NOT hand over the keys until a count was done. A count that I was involved with. Period.
68 Posts
The nurse that relieves me at night practically insists that he count the narcs alone when he comes in and seems to get agitated if you don't hand him your keys when he enters the door even though the cart hasn't been cleared. I have no idea what the reasoning for this is, but I am uncomfortable with anyone having access to controlled meds that I alone am responsible for. I've even been "warned" by my coworkers to watch out because he will do things for the sole purpose of getting certain people into trouble. :uhoh21: I try to ignore the flood of gossip I hear at work and form my own opinions, but still I just can't help but wonder at this.My question is who would be at fault if he has his way and takes the keys over and decides something isn't right after he has counted alone? Would it be my fault for not counting, his for taking the cart without counting or a shared thing?
YOU are responsible to make sure that controlled meds are CORRECT BEFORE you sign off on your count sheet. Don't two of you have to sign the book? If so then why on earth would you sign something you haven't counted??? Please tell me you don't allow him to take your keys and count alone. Did you ever think he may want to take narcs from the count and if the count is not right your the one who has to do the explaining of missing meds. Tell your supervisors what is happining here cause something is not right, he's up to something. Good Luck.
Super_RN, BSN, RN
394 Posts
Don't allow him to count alone! Don't hand over those keys unless you are prepared to take the fall for someone else. Who cares if he gets irritated?! It's YOUR license at stake, so let him get irked. In the end, you are responsible, so don't sign anything you didn't do.
:Melody: Jaime
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
Any narcotic count should be done with two licensed nurses. I wouldnt accept anything less, just make it "your" policy if for some reason your facility has relaxed their rules or are not implementing policy.
jmgrn65, RN
1,344 Posts
You must count with him, I have never heard of only one person counting, there would be no accountabitly. 2 persons must sign off, and if you are signing and don't know if the count was accurate then your liscense is on the line. I agree with everyone else's post.
night owl
1,134 Posts
Never, ever sign the narc count sheet without counting "together" with either the nurse going off or coming on duty especially if you were warned about his antics. Any other way and it's illegal. I would never let him sign the book alone especially if he insisted. Right away I would think he's up to something. All the more reason to tell him, "NO, we'll do it the legal way."
17 Articles; 45,832 Posts
The individual in question must be reported should this be his "normal" practice. He is doing something illegal. Red flags are going up all around this unsavory nurse.
All the above advice is accurate and you MUST do something to protect yourself.
87 Posts
I wouldn't sign anything I hadn't counted. I would, in fact, report him for insisting on counting the drawer solo.
If you sign your name to something you have not counted, and it's wrong, or things are missing, you'll be in just as much trouble. It's not worth it. Let him have his fits.
Thanks for the advice and for clearing it up. I wanted to make sure though because I get the impression that I'm disrupting a routine. You are all right; I'll keep counting the right way. Tomorrow night when we count I'll be sure that my intentions are clear.
20,964 Posts
sign nothing but a VARIANCE or OCCURENCE REPORT concerning this behavior. Make it very specific, dates, times, what is said.
And if management is not inclined to take action regarding this----then leave, fast.This person sounds like a menace. If you do elect to go, make sure you explain in your exit interview or resignation, your concerns.
If this person is not on the up and up, guess who goes down with him when he falls? Those who cosigned his counts.
14,633 Posts
The nurse that relieves me at night practically insists that he count the narcs alone when he comes in and seems to get agitated if you don't hand him your keys when he enters the door even though the cart hasn't been cleared
Never sign for any narcotics count in which you did not actually, physically participate. Never allow anyone to bully you into "fudging" the narcotics count process. Never turn over the narcotics keys to another shift until the count has been done and has tallied up. If he says the count came up short, it would be up to you to prove that he was wrong, and you would be responsible for any missing drugs (since the cart had been under your control for the previous shift ...)
You need to find and review your facility's policy on doing narcotics counts, and insist that on-coming staff join you in following the policy to the letter. You also need to make management aware that this guy is trying to pull funny stuff with the narc keys and counts ...
You must protect your own license (because no one else will ... :uhoh21: ) Good luck -- :balloons: