Published Aug 21, 2012
13 Posts
Hi guys,
I just started my Fall semester today. I'm taking Microbiology, English 100 and Intermediate Algebra. My question is: of the science classes, what was the most difficult nursing pre req? At my school we just need Fundamentals of Bio, Micro, Anatomy and Physiology. In the syllabus it says to be prepared to dedicate about 20 hours a week outside of class time for Micro (homework/studying). From your experiences, does that sound about right?
Thanks guys!
6 Posts
According to pretty much everyone in my micro class, including the professor, the class was incredibly difficult. The woman who sat next to me was in the class for her second time, and spent several hours a week listening to the lectures again (she recorded them) and rewriting notes. I didn't really spend too much time outside class studying, save a couple of hours the day before and day of the exams, and I got a B in the class. It IS a lot of info, but it all went together and made sense to me. I actually had a more difficult time with physio because of the lab reports, which for my professor pretty much were research papers.
71 Posts
Micro by far is the most difficult out of the science courses you listed.. It requires a ton of studying and focus!... If I had to choose the most difficult science course out of all the ones I've taken, I'd have to say organic chemistry for sure!! It kicked my a** : (
You should do fine though as long as you pay attention, take good notes, and study study study!!! Good luck this semester and in the future as well!! : ))
1,163 Posts
Micro is difficult, but IMO it is because it isn't as interesting as A & P. Also, I did not enjoy making the stains in lab :/
Thank you guys! My professor seems to have done absolutely everything she can to help us. She has all of her lectures recorded on the school website, as well as a few videos. I'm just going to have to tough it out. It only gets harder from here haha. Glad to know A&P won't be as difficult.. hopefully. haha
147 Posts
I must be an odd ball or I had the best Micro professor ever because I love Micro! I love micro so much I took pathophysiology even though it isn't a prerequisite. Physiology is the normal function of the body systems but as nurses we are going to be dealing with the major malfunctions:) a lot of what you learn in micro applies to the disruption of the body systems in the disease process. So I guess it is all how you approach the class and if you have an instructor that was as awesome as mine!
139 Posts
Micro was my favorite class of all the sciences, and I did well too. It was very interesting subject matter, and the labs were well run and informative. I won't lie. It WAS a lot of work. Just fascinating work. I think it helped that our instructor gave us in-depth study guides for the tests, and if you worked on those you pretty much aced the tests.
A&P 2 was my hardest class, followed by chemistry. I did so well in A&P 1, and was pretty shocked to do so much worse in 2. (3.9 vs. 3.1) I know that a 3.1 is still an awesome grade, but it is the lowest I got in all of my classes, and that stings a little, especially considering how very very hard I worked and how many hours I put into it.. I think the difference was partly because of the larger amount of physiology in the second part, whereas the first part was mostly anatomy and a lot of memorizing of parts. I also had some major family issues during the second A&P, and that had to affect my concentration and ability to study and remember as well.
47 Posts
CHEMISTRY 1 and 2 were both extremely difficult for me. Anatomy was also challenging. Micro and Bio were easy!
SopranoKris, MSN, RN, NP
3,152 Posts
I loved Micro! Yes, it was hard, but I found it very interesting. I love doing all the staining and looking at slides, so I guess it's all how you perceive it. I definitely spent a LOT of time studying. I have to re-take Micro since my previous credits are now "too old" to count for admission to our program. While I'm bummed I've got to re-take it, I'm actually looking forward to the class again.
In our program, we're also required to take Pharmacology as a pre-req...that one, I've heard, is a lot more difficult than Micro.
Best of luck to you! Sounds like you've got a good professor
218 Posts
None of them were difficult, per se. Challenging, yes...but if you devote enough time to study, it's relatively easy. :) Micro would probably be the most challenging; the only thing I found hard in the class was drawing what I saw under the microscope...because I am no Picasso. hahaha
I think the syllabus sounds scary, maybe to get you to work harder as you take Micro. I believe my syllabus (and professor) said the same thing. Truth is, the class isn't as bad as it might sound. The only science class anyone should fear is Organic Chemistry...even college professors say they hated that class.
Study for Micro as you see fit throughout the semester and you'll do fine. :)
299 Posts