Every hospital at which I've worked- both as a tech and now a nurse- does modified self-scheduling. Meaning that you put in the days that you want to work (within the scheduling rules) as well as the days you want off and you may or may not get any or all of them. I'm sick and tired of having to work different days every week and not having regular days on/days off- all because different people want various days off each week. Why can't nurses just have set schedules (with weekend rotation if they don't already work a weekend day/night) and then plan their lives around those work days? Before everyone starts saying "well, nursing isn't a M-F, 9-5 profession," I've worked for ambulance companies (24/7 operations) where employees work the same shifts every day of the week and swap with colleagues if they need to take a day off. Furthermore, employees can go to the company scheduler and request a different schedule if they are going to do something like go back to school. I just don't see why hospitals can't have a similar scheduling system. It would be so much easier than having to work different days of the week to accommodate each others' needs for days off. For a single guy like me- it would be much easier to have a regular life outside of work.