Merry Christmas from...


Every couple of months someone starts a "greetings from my part of the world" post on youtube. How about one for allnurses? Let me be the first to say

Merry Christmas from Lagos, Nigeria!

Specializes in Psychiatric.

Happy Holidays from Coos Bay, Oregon, USA!:reindeer::candy::reef::snowflake:

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

merry christmas from northwest pennsylvania, where it can be below zero, rainy and freezing, or somewhere in between. it's 11:45 pm and in 15 more minutes it will be christmas. we had just come home from early church services, when our muslim next door neighbors came and brought their sons who are five, three and three months for a visit. soon after, our next door neighbor on the other side came. she's jewish and brought candy made from her grandmother's recipe. quite a varied group all in a row!

merry christmas!

i wish there could be peace on earth.


shar pei mom:paw::paw: :candycane::candycane::candycane::candycane::candycane:

merry christmas from central ohio.:candle:

Specializes in ER.

Merry Christmas from Ontario Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Merry Christmas from Northeast Wisconsin! :)

happy holidays from miami, florida, where it's a balmy 74 degrees. how i miss the snow! :snowman: i'd even settle for cool weather, where i can actually wear a sweater. :hehe:

Happy Holidays from Los Angeles...


Happy Holidays to all from COLD BALTIMORE, Maryland!

Merry Christmas from northwestern Iowa, in the middle of a blizzard!

Merry Christmas from Charlotte, NC!

Specializes in Cardiology, Oncology, Medsurge.

:candy:merry christmas from portland, oregon!:santa:

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