May Nclex takers...come and join hands...

Nursing Students NCLEX


apparently, ive been waiting for other people to start a support group for may nclex takers.....but here i am.....

im taking my nclex on the 7th of may...hopefully, i pass this time. im tired of living a non-RN life......

Specializes in Telemetry.

i'm really trying to stay positive..but i can't. they were all asking me if i did pass or fail this time. and when i was explaining how the process works, for them it's not an excuse. i was hoping till now, 'till may24, i know my name will appear. they were telling me that it's been how many days now since i last sat for the test..and my surname starts with a, so there'll be no reason why my name is not up there yet. so no name, means only one thing. im looking for a job now..but it's hard for me since im only a new grad and the offers need a lot of certifications. i need to work, and got to look for a place to stay, money to pay for the loans, money to support my family. they told me i can't wait again for the mail since it'll come after yeah..i failed. again..

Specializes in OR, Home Care, Managed Care, Case Mgmt.

well, the CA BRN is always a "day behind"--if you check it will show yestersdays date-

I guess-they go into work on a monday--do there thing and post mondays reults on tues--so tues is the first day of the week.

then they go into work on friday morning and and do there thing, so sat morning-would show the "fridays" work.


Im still here (along with alot of others) still praying for you !!-no matter what happens-always look at what youve accomplished so far --


--us in CA really envey you only having to wait 48 hours, i think on my first test i waited , hoping everyday-for like 3 weeks !!--until i got my letter. the best of luck to YOU !!

still dont see why CA does not do quick results ???-people will say we are a bigger state, well that just means we have more people working at pearson view AND our BRN--(its all relative/proportional)-- i.e. we IN CA we have more Mcdonalds because we have more people..etc...

GWAFUH !!!!!!!!

GOOD luck tommorrow !!!--you WILL do great !!!--


Hi Jon!

Thanks for the well wishes. I did realize right away that CA doesn't have Quick Results, which is so odd since I heard about Cali nursing all the time in school and how great it is over there! I suppose it's a bureaucratic thing and no one ever got past the red tape to let you guys know SOONER! I can't imagine waiting weeks...48 hours is enough...but I guess it's all for a reason! =) I'm thinking about moving to San Diego one day, since I've been to NY my entire life. I figure why not take up nursing there on the sunny side of the country =).

Is it true that there is a state law on the maximum number of patients each nurse can have? I heard it was like 6:1 max.

My husband is in nursing school now and will be done next year so he can join you as another male RN! Hehe. =)

Kay :typing

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.


were you working before ?--if so could you work as a tech or somoething like that ?--i know its hard to be "demoted" to CNA or tech--but money is money--

if you were not working--i am totally sure any hospital will hire you on there floor as a CNA/tech knowing you are "this close" on being an RN..and they would consider it an investment in you.--

oh and your last name has nothing to do with order in which things are processed at the CA BRN.

i know its hard....but hang in there, "if" you failed this time--you will still only be 'X' amount of questions away from being an RN. --Like i said--I consider you an Rn already (like everyone else who successfully completed RN school)---

i mean they give us an RNIP lisc to work in the FULL scope as an RN

then, IF we fail boards---ALL of a suddent we "lose" or knowldge, we lose our "critical thinking" ??!! i dont see why they just cant let people continue to work as an RNIP for at least the full 6 months !!-


1. there is a nursing shortage

2. most people in the nursing program could use the money-

..aarrggg there i go again, on my rant..sorry


you WILL be an RN very soon !!--so dont worry about them loans-they WILL get paid off--if they are school loans (like i had)--school loans offer a deferment for up to 6 months AFTER you finish school-cause you are looking for a job--just call them.

lean on family and freinds--to help out, and one day when all this is behind you--you can , in turn , help them out--

always keep your head up--dont lose hope, i was there--and my wife and friends ahd to pull me out several times--look to loved ones for strength and look in here.


Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.


I livedin san diego for 4 years !.. its beautiful !--great city..!-

yeah my wife is an RN too--for many years, its nice to have a spouse that is in nursing becasue they know (like you do) how hard it is and how things work

Like the NCLEX--only people in nursing know what its like

Our 'non' nursing freinds and family are like "its just a test" -well your smart you cant just get a simple 'C' on it or somethin ??--"geez, i though you was smart" ??--it does not work trying to expalin the CAT test to them--you lose them half way through--trust me, i done many a dinner party truing to expalin this to them--with blank looks on there face :)

as far as pt loads

that just goes by hospital and floor--so many variations--i dont know of any standard ??


Specializes in Telemetry.

thanks jon..and you're not

i don't have any work experience since i graduate. i just went to a hospital as an intern for more than a month then quit after i got my att. my priority is the test so, im really studying for it. but now..i can't just study again for months. i need to make pay the bills. cna is nothing for me, though they were telling me it's a hard job. and yeah..i know it's hard. they were telling me i had my degree, i should get the license. but it's not that easy..i tried again last week..and i can't do anything if i failed again. i have to work..this is the only way i could help myself and my family.

thanks for keeping with know..encouragement. we really need that. you've really been a blessing jon. and..yeah..where's your sacramento pic with the "v"?

Specializes in OR,Hemodialysis.

dearest fellow may takers soon to be us nurses, i took the nclex-rn on may 15 and i passed!!! you can do it ! you can do it! you can do it!!!!yes! you can!! :bowingpur:bow:

i used suzanne's plan and did work wonders. i failed this test 6 mos ago and decided to take it again. and i made it! when i can, you can!:redpinkhe

hi everyone! new to the site. i just took my nclex exam this morning and got 265 questions. ackk! this is my second attempt at the nclex so i'm hoping i pass this time around. in two days, time will tell...i've lost two jobs that i was hired for at excellent places here in nyc because of my first screw up.

i wanna wish the rest of you may nclex takers the best of luck. take your time during the exam!!! :nurse:

:heartbeat kay (hopefully to be rn)

hey kei35, best of luck to you and thumbs :up: on finishing your test!!! :D

also, :wlcmggrp:

dearest fellow may takers soon to be us nurses, i took the nclex-rn on may 15 and i passed!!! you can do it ! you can do it! you can do it!!!!yes! you can!! :bowingpur:bow:

i used suzanne's plan and did work wonders. i failed this test 6 mos ago and decided to take it again. and i made it! when i can, you can!:redpinkhe


Anyone take the NCLEX and get long case study-type questions? A friend of mine took her NCLEX last week and while I got short concise questions she got case studies. Is that normal or weird or what??

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Congratulations to the ones already passed NCLEX and good luck to the ones left to take it this month.

Specializes in Med Surg, Telemetry, Long Term Care.

congrats thenurse and goodluck to me for tom.hehehe

congrats thenurse and goodluck to me for tom.hehehe

i'll be praying for you while you take the exam...

don't forget to do some deep breathing while you test...

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