Published Nov 28, 2015
direw0lf, BSN
1,069 Posts
I got a virus called cryptowall. They encrypte all files and photos, and ransom them for $500-1000. I lost my nursing notes, ebooks, many pictures, all my essays and power points I made from previous classes, programs are lost like microsoft, lost assignments I've worked on for weeks that are due monday in fact. My laptop and phone got infected also because I shared files with dropbox. I received this virus from searching journal articles in Harvard university's website of all places.
I didn't back this up. I thought dropbox and cloud were good enough and yes I feel stupid now and how could I not have done that.
So. Just a warning to everyone. And my dog is very sick. I've wanted to stay crawled in bed. But the darn positive voice in me says "that's just material things" and hug my dog and get to work trying to redo my essay.
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
Have you tried taking your computer to a professional store where they may be able to salvage some of your data? I once had a hard drive crash and get fried; a rescue service was able to reconstruct most of the data and copy it onto CD-ROMs that I was then able to download onto my new hard drive. After that, I did learn to have a physical back up of everything important- I have quite the stash of thumb drives around with various files, from school papers to family pictures.
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,597 Posts
Well I always back up my files, but I also print them (especially the multipage papers or presentations), and a great idea is to just email yourself the file. If you loose it you just get into your email and download it!
Yes unfortunately they don't know how to recover files from the cryptowall virus yet. I called a few places. I will definately have my own stash by the end of nursing school now!
1,231 Posts
Yes always email files to yourself and a classmate/family member who can print out the file in case in the middle of the night your printer runs out of ink or won't print.
quiltynurse56, LPN, LVN
953 Posts
Should backup files to an external hard drive, just in case. Don't have any advice for you about your current lost files as it sounds like you are doing what you can to find them.
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
This is why I have a Chromebase desktop in addition to my Windows OS laptop and tablet. Since the Chrome OS is not affected by viruses and worms, the files I've saved in Google Drive have been safe over the years.
LPNtoRNin2016OH, LPN
541 Posts
oh no, I am sorry, can't imagine how frusterating that is. Thank you for sharing because I always assumed if I am backing up in the cloud, I am fine.
I didn't know about that thanks!
1 Article; 327 Posts
... I've not even considered backing anything up ... I guess I know what I'm doing over break!
So sorry this happened to you. I've lost stuff before, but not to a great extent (still upsetting,, but fortunately wasn't anything major), but I think I would've cried if I lost all my school stuff.
I hope your dog is doing better
nursephillyphil, BSN, RN
325 Posts
do not pay the ransom, they won't decrypt your files when you pay.
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
3,950 Posts
Gosh I am so sorry. All the advice in the world to back up your data isn't going to help you now. I am fairly computer savvy and I had no idea a virus could affect a cloud back up service. Hopefully you find some way to recover your files.
ps. To your dog..get well soon!