Published Aug 12, 2005
lisa bear rn
39 Posts
Hello everyone, yesterday the BON called me and told me my license was suspended due to my documentation errors!!! I am so distraught, I had started a new job in the ER (my true love) and was having a great time, I was immediately accepted by the other nurse and the MD's. Now today I had to go to my supervisor and tell her about all this crap..The hospital that accused me of doc errors, that my husband still works there, gave him a dollar an hour raise and a thousand dollar bonus, to "soften the blow" of what they did to me....IS THAT NOT CROOKED OR WHAT??? They feel guilty for this, but now I am out of work and I dont know the details of what the BON wants me to cant be rehab or anything like that because the problem was a couple of documentation errors!! I dont understand. Maybe if I was a druggie I would get off easier. I dont know what to do... I need advice on this. There were many drugs also missing at the hospital, I was cleared of that, but everyone thinks thats why I got fired. Now people at other hosp in the area are talking "about the nurse that was fired because she was doing drugs". How can i clear my name, I love nursing, I want to return but I cant even think straight right now.
173 Posts
your anger might be misguided. Did you make the errors or not? My suggestion take a documentation class and further follow-up with the BON to see what the next step is.
13 Posts
I am so sorry to hear about what is happening to you. As a new student starting in the Fall, I am often worried about losing my licence because of a mistake, instead of being maliciously neglectful. I find that praying about my problems and giving them over to the Lord helps me to deal with things, but when your licence is being suspended, that is easier said than done. Please keep us updated.
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
What is the so called error?
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
I thought that when the BON made a decision they had to put it in writing. Suspended licensure usually carries stipulations you have to complete before being in good standing again. Did you receive a letter from the BON regarding your suspension? Did any communication mention the rule you breached and the stipulations? Weren't you contacted by Peer Review before the Board made a decision? Seems like there should be more to this. I hope you resolve these issues soon.
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
Agree with purple, there should be more to this story. The BON usually makes recommendations, sets objectives, and gives person a time line to fullfill recommendations.
222 Posts
I've never had the BON call me. They have always sent me written documentation to call them if I had questions about anything.
170 Posts
I thought this had to be in writing too??? Something seems a little fishy here.
Also, did you hire an attorney? That is the first thing I would have done. You may very well need one now because it sounds like there is some deflamation of character going on here too. If what you are saying is true, you have every right to fight for your license and your character. The hospital that you are saying is getting all this spread should be responsible for this.
What exactly were the errors? And have you taken responsibility for them. Sounds like you will need to be taking a remediation class to fix your documenting skills. Documentation has to be immaculate. It is better to document to many details then not enough. Document, Document, Document.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
So sorry, but, got to believe this is more than just "a couple of documentation" errors. The BON just does not suspend someones license for this unless you are VERY dangerous and inept in your nursing practice.
Investigate this with the BON and seek attorney advice if you truly think you are a victim.
20,964 Posts
My next move would be to find legal counsel and deal with the BON only w/his or her advice. But DO tackle it ------and also own whatever mistakes you have made and make amends.
Best wishes to you.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
The BON normally deals only with mail, not be personal phone calls. At least in the initial phase. Do you know for a fact that this was the BON calling and not some hurtful prank? Did they give you a phone number that you could call back and verify?
Did they phone you at work or at home?
Something sounds very fishy with this.
108 Posts
I've never heard of any BON "calling"...I bet if you look at your state's standards you will find you will be notified IN WRITING. Something is very weird here....