Leaving Your Job Due to Mandate

Nurses COVID

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For those of you who have recognized your employer can terminate you for not taking the COVID vaccine and have decided on or are considering employment elsewhere please share your experiences here. How do you feel about having to make that choice? 

The purpose of this thread is not to condemn those making this decision or debate whether they should vaccinate or not. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
14 minutes ago, jive turkey said:

You must be replying to somebody on my ignore list who I  Bet gave a smart alec response I don't see.  It's interesting they don't get the hint after weeks of being ignored???

I get what you're saying on long term data

More make-believe.  Ignoring me doesn't mean that you can't see my comments when they are quoted by another member.  You know who 10GaugeNeedles is quoting and replying to.  I've come to expect dishonest and disingenuous content from those encouraging vaccine hesitancy.

On 8/20/2021 at 2:01 PM, toomuchbaloney said:

This ought to be "interesting". 

How do you feel about losing your job because you are being non-compliant with public health recommendations during a public health emergency? We're all just waiting with baited breath to hear how the intentionally unvaccinated HCW feels bullied or singled out, while they endanger everyone. 

I find this attitude on the part of intentionally unvaccinated health care workers who don't have an actual valid medical reason for not receiving the vaccine (as far as I know there are few actual valid medical reasons for not receiving the vaccine) incredibly cavalier when hospitalized patients have been denied visits from their own close family members for much of the Covid crisis.

Family members/significant others have been prevented from being with their sick or dying loved ones in the hospital because of the RISK that family members/SO could catch Covid in the hospital and spread it to others or could transmit the Covid virus that they are already carrying to others; all the while some health care workers have intentionally chosen, not even due to an actual valid medical reason, not to vaccinate, and are caring for vulnerable patients who have been denied visits from their own  family/SO (who may well be fully vaccinated).

I assume this situation is something that intentionally unvaccinated HCWs' without actual valid medical reasons for not receiving the vaccine feel is acceptable and aren't particularly bothered by.  This situation also applies to other health care facilities where family members/SOs' have been prevented from attending appointments with the patient or visiting the patient due to the risks stated above.  

52 minutes ago, jive turkey said:

You must be replying to somebody on my ignore list who I  Bet gave a smart alec response I don't see.  It's interesting they don't get the hint after weeks of being ignored???


42 minutes ago, Curious1997 said:

And what an idiot who thinks he's an ostrich! Apparently because he doesn't see something, it must mean that no one else can see it as well! 

I am mostly fascinated by the fact that he doesn’t realize that even though we’re quoting his posts, we’re not trying to have a discussion with him. I only reply to his posts to expose and address his poor logic and lack of rationales for his viewpoints. My responses are for all other posters. I thought that was obvious by now.

It’s also kind of funny how ignoring posters doesn’t seem to have done him any good. The whole point of putting someone on ignore is to be able to put them out of ones mind. As he’s constantly and obsessively talking about us anyway, it doesn’t appear to have worked. 


Specializes in Customer service.
47 minutes ago, jive turkey said:

You must be replying to somebody on my ignore list who I  Bet gave a smart alec response I don't see.  It's interesting they don't get the hint after weeks of being ignored???

I get what you're saying on long term data

LOL...JT be thankful I'm busy with studying.

Specializes in Customer service.
14 minutes ago, macawake said:


I am mostly fascinated by the fact that he doesn’t realize that even though we’re quoting his posts, we’re not trying to have a discussion with him. I only reply to his posts to expose and address his poor logic and lack of rationales for his viewpoints. My responses are for all other posters. I thought that was obvious by now.

It’s also kind of funny how ignoring posters doesn’t seem to have done him any good. The whole point of putting someone on ignore is to be able to put them out of ones mind. As he’s constantly and obsessively talking about us anyway, it doesn’t appear to have worked. 


He thinks his immaturity works on me. I just took my pharm and fundamental mid terms. I did well. He should keep ignoring me so I'll ace everything. He's a good luck.


BTW, he types and thinks like my ex. If that's him, he's like a teenager who is rebelling. His friends sent everything to me posting on social media bragging for not following his quarantine protocols.


Specializes in oncology.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

I've come to expect dishonest and disingenuous content from those encouraging vaccine hesitancy.

Hear, Hear (used to express one's wholehearted agreement with something said)

I saw another (see one every day)  TV news item of someone on a vent (family astonished this is happening or even that this could happen!). Young pregnant woman with young children...

Is learning that so hard for some people?


59 minutes ago, Susie2310 said:

I find this attitude on the part of intentionally unvaccinated health care workers who don't have an actual valid medical reason for not receiving the vaccine (as far as I know there are few actual valid medical reasons for not receiving the vaccine) incredibly cavalier when hospitalized patients have been denied visits from their own close family members for much of the Covid crisis.

Family members/significant others have been prevented from being with their sick or dying loved ones in the hospital because of the RISK that family members/SO could catch Covid in the hospital and spread it to others or could transmit the Covid virus that they are already carrying to others; all the while some health care workers have intentionally chosen, not even due to an actual valid medical reason, not to vaccinate, and are caring for vulnerable patients who have been denied visits from their own  family/SO (who may well be fully vaccinated).

I assume this situation is something that intentionally unvaccinated HCWs' without actual valid medical reasons for not receiving the vaccine feel is acceptable and aren't particularly bothered by.  This situation also applies to other health care facilities where family members/SOs' have been prevented from attending appointments with the patient or visiting the patient due to the risks stated above.  

I would add to this that I really believe that vaccination should have been mandated for health care workers who don't have an actual valid medical reason for not receiving the vaccine as soon as the first vaccinations were being administered to health care workers late in 2020.  Instead, we are nearly a year on now.  Why this need to accommodate health care workers' choice when a public health emergency exists?  Nursing students are required, even before they set foot in clinicals in health care facilities, to have received a number of vaccinations for the greater good of the general public's health.

Specializes in Customer service.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Your ability to assess the credibility of information had already been demonstrated to be somewhat flawed and your off topic opinions and characterizations of individual members appears to have similar deficiencies. 

Mostly people don't trust government because they've recognized clear signs of corruption in government (Covid corruption ) or because they've believed propaganda about deep state conspiracies told by liars.  Similarly, lies about covid vaccines have led susceptible individuals down illogical rabbit holes of suspicion, paranoia and circular logic.  

I've been interested in viral infections r/t mental health. I'll include one article here. COVID-19 infections and mental health.  

Specializes in Customer service.
1 hour ago, MunoRN said:

When the potential for adverse effects based on its mechanism of action and process of inactivation is at most a few weeks to a month, how do you figure a year or more isn't enough time to have a really good idea of what the adverse effect profile is?

Must show no side effects at 100% confidence interval. Must wait ten years later to prevent COVID-19.  

7 hours ago, MunoRN said:

When the potential for adverse effects based on its mechanism of action and process of inactivation is at most a few weeks to a month, how do you figure a year or more isn't enough time to have a really good idea of what the adverse effect profile is?

Well this is the $1,000,000 question, isn’t it? Several of us have asked this very question probably hundreds of times in various threads in this subforum. Not a single poster who has voiced these fears has managed a cogent reply. That’s because their fears are based on emotions, as opposed to something substantive or factual. 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
11 minutes ago, 10GaugeNeedles said:

I don't understand why nobody understands what I'm saying. Am I saying it wrong? I keep hearing "why are you afraid of the spike protein?" I'm not afraid of the spike protein. I'm not afraid of the spike protein. I'm not afraid of the spike protein. 

I don't want my own cells to be the target of my immune system.I don't want my own cells to be the target of my immune system.I don't want my own cells to be the target of my immune system.


"This vaccine has been shown to be highly effective in clinical trials. The Novavax vaccine is a protein adjuvant. It is simpler to make than some of the other vaccines and can be stored in a refrigerator, making it easier to distribute...While other vaccines trick the body’s cells into creating parts of the virus that can trigger the immune system, the Novavax vaccine takes a different approach. It contains the spike protein of the coronavirus itself, but formulated as a nanoparticle, which cannot cause disease. When the vaccine is injected, this stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and T-cell immune responses."


-By traditional I mean it just presents the spike protein to the immune system. I don't make it. Thus I'm not concerned about an ongoing spike production factory in my body creating an auto immune response to my cells. I don't know what is so hard to understand about this. 

You still haven't explained how one "contracts covid" from the present vaccines.  And if the Novovax is so traditional why isn't  on the market already?  And no one "get" what you are saying because you haven't presented any reasonable argument that a reasonable person is able to follow.

To all the unvaccinated people: People are dying that did not have to, both from COVID and now waiting for beds and procedures, the staff and families are suffering enormously and did not have to, you the unvaccinated are responsible and everyone knows it.  The doctors, nurses and staff in hospitals are living in a nightmare everyday, it did not have to happen. These patients are dying alone and have suffered suffered not being able to breathe and in pain.  Stop with the BS excuses!! Stop with the long tern effects, adverse reactions, the freedoms you are the most selfish individuals in the world

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