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About Susie2310

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  1. Management Criticism: "We see you care a great deal…"

    I was going to say something similar. I think that, in addition to the above, you are expecting too much of your co-workers to expect them to just jump in, read orders, and start doing them without first asking you (and you said they do ask you if t...
  2. The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    I am correcting the above bolded to say an acute medical problem instead.
  3. The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    My understanding is that the litigation has occurred due to various facilities' interpretation of the standard of care required in the emergency dept. setting. As I understand it, the outcome of those cases affects what is defined to be the appropri...
  4. The Collapsing Healthcare System in the US

    As far as I know, the above is incorrect. My understanding is the following: Prior legal cases have brought up the definition of stabilizing care, and this includes the definition of emergency care. My understanding is that the general view, ...
  5. Not all members of the public are able to easily and quickly differentiate between various doctoral degrees held by the person treating them or by the person from whom may receive care. Leaving aside the debate about which doctoral degrees mer...
  6. Patients Filming You

    I have to disagree with those who believe the behavior (filming) necessarily has hostile elements. Of course, peoples' intentions vary, but as some posters here have mentioned, some people choose to film/record procedures for educational purposes wh...
  7. I think there's an area of strong resistance to any public admission that in the health care industry licensed health care workers can practice negligently or worse. Loss of public confidence has significant ramifications.
  8. I think this is a good move towards protecting patient safety and patients' rights.
  9. If not much is actually known about this situation, there's no end to how much anyone can speculate about what happened, what the working conditions were, etc. I'm not sure it's really useful to speculate at this point. If your concern is that char...
  10. EMR Passwords

    I'm wondering how they managed to gain access to your documentation to be able to alter your note.
  11. I find the above quite reasonable. Patients should be able to know up front, at the point of contact/utilization of a nurse practitioner's services what type of license/certification the Nurse Practitioner holds. Patients should know that the perso...
  12. I think it's more than just that some people don't know the difference, although I think this could be part of the problem. I think that some people are quite comfortable with negligent actions being attributed to "mistakes." It's very convenient a...
  13. My understanding is that some facilities have been receiving funding from State allocated Covid funds which have been paying for travel nurses to supplement the staffing . I don't know if this is still happening currently.
  14. Hello, My Name Is... And I'm An Alcoholic.

    Good article. I know people who credit AA with saving their lives and I have witnessed their transformation and return to health and to maintaining satisfying family relationships and being able to be employed at the level they desire - completely ...
  15. I find it hard to believe that most people would find the type of lenience you are saying nurses/health care workers should expect and receive as a matter of course, regardless of negligent actions, acceptable in any other licensed profession. ...