Know it alls....


[color=#b22222]anyone else have a know it all in their class? mine drives me crazy!! he's the only male and tries to out do us at every turn. worse, he constantly argues with the instructors. i get the sense that he's talking out of his backside but what i worry about is that other students follow his advice. every time he opens his mouth i want to throw a book at him in the hopes he'll read it. today our test results from a big test came in and we were all excited but he just had to point out that he just happened to get one more point than the highest in the class. he's always complaining about the program, and constantly saying he already knows everything on the ati. i have 3 more mods with this guy. what do i do? please tell me there is one in every class!! grr!!

Consider this to be the start of dealing with insufferable personalities throughout your worklife. They are no more than a constant nuisance until you meet the one who also wields a knife and is always trying to walk around you so that you can't see him/her. Those are the ones that you will need to worry about, not those who only have a big mouth.

At the end of the day, when all is said and done, does it matter that he is the way he is? Sometimes I feel that when we are irritated by someone else's behavior there is an underlying reason like maybe we are envious in some way. And other times the person is just truly irritating. Either way I say do your best to ignore him and avoid gossiping about him (I'm sure you are not the only one that has noticed his behavior and therefore I'm assuming people huddle together and talk about him).

I can't stand those types of personalities. I had one in my Anatomy class ( a male). He thought because he was an EMT he knew all. I'm surprised the instructors don't knock him off his cloud. When I went through the CNA program years ago I had already been working as a nurses assistant for many years and had also been in the hospital with a brain injury patient. I knew a lot and the course was easy for me. However I learned pretty fast that the instructors did not like the fact that I knew so much and always had something to add to their lectures and it was correct. So i kept quiet. That is not the case for the lvn program though, I am more worried about mean nasty girls...I have heard rumors about the girls in nursing programs, I am just hoping I can find a good study partner :)

Specializes in Pediatrics and Med Surf Float.

ya i had classmates like that. one who argued with the teacher no matter what, then there's the one who read the book and knew it by heart and corrected the teacher by saying "but it says on page..." drove me crazy! I've been in classes with EMT's, paramedics, PCA's and i dont recall any of them being haughty like that. I know an EMT who prob knows more in certain areas of Medicine than some doc's. guys a genius and many times I ask him on nursing stuff. the dif is he doesnt shove it in anyone's face. its the know-it-all's that i have a prob with because they dont know when they have gone too far

funny read, ([color=#b22222]every time he opens his mouth i want to throw a book at him in the hopes he'll read it.) rofl :rotfl: i have no experience with this in school but throughout life we run into this kind frequently.

try and bite the bullet to keep confusion down. totally understand.

Yep I have one of those in my class too. The funny thing about mine is, he is a returning student. I just take anything that he says with a grain of salt. Obviously, if he knew everything, he would have passed the first time :-)

Remember that you are doing this for yourself, you don't have to like or listen to the dude. Ignore him and do what you need to do to get yourself through this class. If you can just convince yourself to ignore his behavior, you will do just fine :-)

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

There were know-it-alls and the story tellers. No matter what condition was being discussed this class mate had it, was tested for it, one of her kids had it/tested/etc or some distant relative. The instructors tried to diffuse. I now know how this student didn't know that antibiotics make oral contraceptives ineffective and thus she got pregnant on prom night and other tidbits that are too detailed for a G/PG rated forum.

Do your best to ignore, it will serve you well as you progress through your studies and career. Trust me your instructors notice.

Specializes in CMSRN.

There are always going to be people like that. There was one in my med-surg class last semester that thought since he was a nurse tech that he knew everything. After tests we would all stand out in the common areas and discuss questions we weren't sure of. He was 100% sure he knew all of the answers and on the first test even convinced me that I must have failed just after hearing him talk (overheard, wasn't talking to him directly). When we got our scores a few minutes after the test I had scored much higher than him. He answered questions based on what his facility does instead of answering based on what we are supposed to do according to the book/instructors. I never worried about his posturing again.

Do your best to ignore him when at all possible and remind yourself that after it's all said and done you'll both be nurses and that's what matters.

Specializes in Home Care.

You will meet these people through out your life. Do your best to tune them out. They'll get there just rewards in the end. I've seen it happen.

I had one try to tell me all about an area that I'd lived and worked in for almost 20 years. She drew on her vast experiene of having vacationed there a few times. Then she was trying to tell me all about American medical insurance based on what someone she knew in the States told her. Kind of shut her up a bit when I told her I'd worked for 2 of the largest American medical insurers.

I've decided to not talk to her at all unless its something work related.

We had orientation and the know it all's were in full effect. People would ask reasonable questions and before the guest speakers could answer, they would blurt out the answer. Then they started name dropping all the doctors and nurses they knew at clinical sites. My attitude has always been.. we are In the same class, learning the same stuff. Now shut up and let me learn. I hate the professors who don't silence them and let them go on and on. Although I did have one professor who asked a know it all if he wanted to teach the class. We heard nothing else out of that student. It then became a joyous learning environment.

I have a couple of those in my class too. They suck. They're annoying, but they have the right to be there same as me. But what can I do? I just ignore them. Someone on this forum told me to make like a turtle and just do my work and ignore everyone. That's what I'm doing. I have a bigger problem on my hands.... Super (Student) Nurse with Rose-Colored Lens.... even worse. She's Miss Super Positive. We're in LVN. And she acts like she's already a Nurse Practitioner. ugh.

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