Know it alls....


[color=#b22222]anyone else have a know it all in their class? mine drives me crazy!! he's the only male and tries to out do us at every turn. worse, he constantly argues with the instructors. i get the sense that he's talking out of his backside but what i worry about is that other students follow his advice. every time he opens his mouth i want to throw a book at him in the hopes he'll read it. today our test results from a big test came in and we were all excited but he just had to point out that he just happened to get one more point than the highest in the class. he's always complaining about the program, and constantly saying he already knows everything on the ati. i have 3 more mods with this guy. what do i do? please tell me there is one in every class!! grr!!

Specializes in NICU.

I used to get so annoyed when I was in my pre-nursing course because there were people who were always on top of everything, asking questions etc etc

Now I'm not annoyed, they worked hard and got into nursing school and are now almost done. I didnt work as hard and didnt get in until I'm 3 yrs behind them. Pays to be a know-it-all sometimes!

Some people would consider me to be a know it all but i don't care. Yes i ask questions. Yes i am smart. Yes i am motivated. It is just who i am, along with caring, compassionate, kind, silly, and understanding. I also understand being annoyed with the ones who think they know something but don't.

Specializes in Informatics, Orthopaedics.

I was previously guilty of being a KIA, but it wasn't in a malicious took me a while to realize that the rest of the class secretly wanted me to burn in hell. I have had some instructors tell me that they actually liked the overachievers, since they are the ones that usually participate more in class instead of just them having to talk at 30 people with no interaction.

But still, I eventually learned that I had to temper my overachieving enthusiasm since there was that whole burning in hell thing. SO I totally hear you about being annoying, but I can say that truly it's not always because they want to shove it in your face. Some people just want to participate more in class than others.

One thing that brings me comfort is knowing that no one knows it all no matter how smart they may be. I had one in my prep class who was so much smarter than everyone else yet she failed both entrance exams after prep. Good thing no one feed off of all the false information she was giving out. The only problem I have with KIA's are the ones who always want to challenge you and prove themselves better than you. In the end we are here to be educated and give our best to be the best. So if there's any place to be a KIA it's in school but only if you really know it. Just don't forget to admit when you're wrong and accept it, instead of trying to prove your wrong answer right.

I often find the know-it-all's annoying if they have a bad attitude ("I know everything and YOU don't! Nyaah!"), but the ones who are honestly trying to help or just asking questions to try to understand have never bothered me.

The Know It All who is just talking to try to seem smarter just reminds me too much of my own kids arguing, I have to laugh at them and once or twice I have actually asked them "Do you even realize you sound like a 5 year old trying to be the 'best' at something?"

Just keep in mind that you are in college to learn..that means learning how to deal with the annoying students/co-workers as well ;). It's all a learning experience.

"he's the only male and tries to out do us at every turn. worse, he constantly argues with the instructors."

Is he arguing, or is he seeking clarification? Sometimes, what my instructor says and what the book says don't line up, and if I don't clarify it, how will I know which one will be on the test? Some people view college as an uneven level between instructor and student - much like high school, teachers are not to be challenged. Some people view college as more of an even playing field - if the instructor has their stuff together, they should be able to answer the challenging student promptly and completely, without feeling angry. Knowing bias can help understand a situation better. If the instructor hasn't come down on the guy like a ton of bricks, the instructor might enjoy having a student that keeps them sharp. I know mine does.

"i get the sense that he's talking out of his backside but what i worry about is that other students follow his advice. every time he opens his mouth i want to throw a book at him in the hopes he'll read it."

This may sound harsh, but don't worry about them. Worry about you. If your fellow students choose to follow a classmate's advice over their instructor's advice, then it is on them for their failings. How do you know he hasn't read the book? You say you "get the sense" he wrong, but can you be sure, or are you just guessing because you don't like him?

"today our test results from a big test came in and we were all excited but he just had to point out that he just happened to get one more point than the highest in the class"

If he got the highest score, I'd wager he might know a fair bit about what you feel he is pulling out of his backside.

"he's always complaining about the program, and constantly saying he already knows everything on the ati. i have 3 more mods with this guy. what do i do? please tell me there is one in every class!! grr!!"

I don't know about there being one in every class, but I have a distinct impression this has less to do with his level of knowledge and more to do with his attitude. Its different to say "he has a grating, negative attitude" vs. "he is a know-it-all". One can be a KIA and not be a jerk. One can be a jerk and not know a thing.

I ask the instructors lots of questions. I will ask them for rationale. I will make a case for my point if I feel I have a rationale too. I am a knowledge seeker and I want the biggest bang for my bucks when I sit for my boards. Some people here would apparently call that being a KIA, but I would call it being an engaged, active, dedicated student. Critical thinking is a skill necessary for nursing, and you don't learn it out of a book.

I suggest you keep your nose to the grindstone and pay nobody no attention, as the song goes. Aggressive people like he may be often thrive on friction and envy. Stop feeding the beast, and away it goes.

wow what the hecks up with all the male bashing?

I don't know if is as much male bashing or bashing a person who happens to be a guy. For me, I don't care if a person has XY or XX under their scrubs, as long as they are competent and I can handle being around them all class day long. :)

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