Kingsborough Fall 2014 Clinical Applicants!

U.S.A. New York


Who else is taking the NLN this coming monday/tuesday at kingsborough? What are everyone's thoughts of science 25?? Any concerns, comments, questions please feel free to discuss them here. Future applicants feel free to ask any questions, too!

Cant wait until clinicals! Currently have a 3.97 prereq GPA, completed all prereqs except for bio 51. All A's, aside from sci 25 with an A-

Is it worth buying the fundamentals book package with the access code?

I didn't buy it with the access code, I bought other supplemental question books instead.

Here is a very useful article regarding school accreditation. For those that are worried - fear not!

Did my research and personally looking into for RN-BSN right after graduation (yes I plan way far ahead). Quick (6 months), accredited (CCNE), affordable (~3k) and nonprofit. Haven't really seen any other university that offers all that and then some. But when the time comes we'll see. :)

Speaking of planning ahead, does anyone know if we're allowed to work as patient care techs or nurse aides, or even telemetry techs after completing fundamentals? We need to get some medical work experience prior to graduating to have a leg up in the job search. And don't really want to spend 1k on a CNA certificate if these things overlap.

Thanks for the link. This just confirms that it's not a good idea. Any word on a Downstate taking kbcc graduates?

Why/what is it not a good idea?

Downstate has accepted graduates as transfers for the bsn program as of last semester. Like I said the acen accredidation is completely voluntary not mandatory. The school is also currently working on getting it back. I have previous experience working in the medical field, yes experience is important. I think you can apply for jobs but you CANNOT work at a hospital where you will so your clinicals. You can try to get a PCA or CNA job, the only issue is they may require a bit more experience than 1 semester of nursing school. Your best bet is probably to do volunteer work.

Ok so we wont know our classes until orientation?! thats crazy I have a kid and will have to put her in daycare but wont know the hours until the last week of august so that gives me a few days to set up a daycare schedule. Man I wish they didnt tell us so late.

What date is the orientation? Normally class sections are given out at orientation, maybe you can call the dept explain your situation and see if maybe the can give you the class codes before hand.

Orientation is the last week of august. I have the same concerns too. I need to plug in my course codes to cunyfirst so that finiancial aid is aware that I will be a full time student! I hope this doesnt cause anyone any issues...

I think you should be okay, call. Financial aid explain the situation to them ask them if anything will be affected. I had the same concern when applying for my student loan but everything worked out.

Good luck freshies. Take the first semester seriously. Lots of kids failed Nursing 18 last year.

@infernou I saw from your other posts you are getting ready to take NCLEX, goodluck!!! .. I'm going into my 3rd semester any tips for onco/psych?

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