Kingsborough Fall 2014 Clinical Applicants!

U.S.A. New York


Who else is taking the NLN this coming monday/tuesday at kingsborough? What are everyone's thoughts of science 25?? Any concerns, comments, questions please feel free to discuss them here. Future applicants feel free to ask any questions, too!

Cant wait until clinicals! Currently have a 3.97 prereq GPA, completed all prereqs except for bio 51. All A's, aside from sci 25 with an A-

Your first two clinicals will be on campus but yes you will need the uniform. I got word from my pharmacology professor that KBCC got approved for candidacy for the acen (former nln accredidation). The program is hard it's not a walk in the park I completed my first year and managed to maintain very good grades. It's all about how much you put into it. It's true that a lot of fundamentals students failed but you can't base your success on other people. As far as the books you definitely need the textbook and some supplemental books with nclex style questions I bought all the other books and just used them if I needed further clarification. The program is truly what you make of it l, if you work hard you will succeed.

Thanks for the info,it helps! :)

The program is truly what you make of it, if you work hard you will succeed.

Could not agree more!!! Your success in the program has nothing to do with anyone else's failure or success, rather it is the work you put into it. Also don't rely on ratemyprofessor. I have learned so much more from those that have "low" ratings versus ones with higher ratings. At least for prereqs this was true for me.

My major has changed to nursing on cunyfirst! In case anyone wanted to check. :p

Thanks @nursingstudentjess. What exactly does "candidacy for ACEN" actually mean? The process can take 2-3 years.

Yes it will take time to go through the full process probably 1-2 yrs .. hopefully by time I graduate in June lol. They are accredited by NY state, you will be able to sit and take NCLEX without a problem. The ACEN accredidation is a voluntary process, it's not a necessity. I haven't heard of anyone having trouble getting into a bsn program, or finding a job due to KBCC not being acen accredidated.

OK so, Stethoscope down, all thats left is the scrubs and textbooks! And Cpr...

Is there ANYTHING else that will require purchasing???? lol

@ironbound what stethoscope did you get?

My friend got me a cheap one. a "disposable" one I believe, nothing fancy really. Just something to get me through the semester.

Its a medline, I believe. I'm seeing alot of decently priced stethoscopes on officemax, if youre interested in that.

Got a stethoscope too. Caved and got a littman cardio iii. And some cheap penlights from Amazon. A ton of nclex and fundamental rationale books (all older editions so it's cheaper) from ebay and/or Amazon. I think people suggest also getting bandage scissors for clinicals too. Heard compression socks are good too for clinicals because you'll be standing and walking for long periods (helps with venous return to prevent swollen and sore feet)

You guys will also need a BP cuff To use for clinical (first semester you will do all manual BP checks), your not allowed to use the electronic monitors for BP only for pulse ox and temperature.

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