Published Aug 30, 2018
1 Post
Hello all. I basically got accepted at my college's RN program in the middle of last month, which was supposed to start mid September, and that's when I found out that we must do titers, immunizations, background checks and all that good stuff in order to register for classes. If any one is familiar with castlebranch that's the website we had to use to to verify everything. Long story short, I got kicked out because I uploaded my last requirement of shots a little later than I should've. I tried to explain that I couldn't land an appointment at the doc's office but it didn't matter. I was told that it's too late because hospitals don't like waiting too long on documents and there's no point for the nursing dept to send in my documents to clinical sites now.
I just wanted to know is that true? Does completing pre-clinical modules and preparing documents really do take awhile? Is there anything I can do to fix this?.
Trust in Jesus, RN
73 Posts
Yes, this is true. All the paperwork for hospitals must be turned in on time. For most schools (maybe all of them), if any of your requirements expire during the semester, you can't go to clinical and you might even fail the course.
You should find out if the school will extend you a spot in their next cohort or if you will have to reapply. I'm sorry this happened to you, but being on top of paperwork and assignments is considered your responsibility in nursing school.
Your username says that you are a nurse. Are you an LVN? If you aren't a nurse yet, you need to change your username.
157 Posts
We had to have our stuff and at least the first round of the Hep B series up by the first week of class, and we still had like 5 weeks before the start of clinicals. I'm not sure if it actually took that long for them to verify everything, but they definitely wanted to make sure everyone was good before we got our rotations.
Even if it doesn't take that long to prepare, ultimately, nursing programs are at the mercy of the hospitals and their requirements. A lot of programs aren't paying the hospitals any money for these clinicals. It's kind of "charity." So the hospitals can demand whatever time frame they want, especially since a longer time frame will put less stress on their employees.
I would probably just meet with one of the nursing advisors or the admissions person to determine what your options are going ahead. Maybe they'll at least let you begin at the next start date?
carti, BSN, RN
1 Article; 201 Posts
I would definitely call your admission counselor and set up an appointment in person and explain. I don't know how uploading your shots a few days late should terminate your spot, it sounds extremely dumb.
What shot was it? How soon do you guys go to clinical?
My nursing school started last week and I barely got my TDAP shot done today just in time for when we start clinical next week.
TheDudeWithTheBigDog, ADN, RN
678 Posts
For next time, any clinic can draw a titer and give vaccines. You could have even gone to CVS, RiteAid or Walgreens for all of them and your physical. Unfortunately, this one is kind of on you. Waiting for an appointment with your doctor doesn't really give you much of an excuse.
Apple-Core, ASN, BSN, RN
1,016 Posts
My school uses Castlebranch too, and yes - you can be dismissed from your program for failing to upload your documents within a specific timeframe. With respect, I am almost certain that your college would have provided you with a deadline - it wouldn't behoove them to leave the deadline open-ended since it is a requirement of the hospital prior to allowing you to go there as a student.
Again with respect - it is a very important aspect of being a nurse that you aren't lackadaisical about such matters, so unfortunately this reflects badly on you that you were somewhat indifferent to the closing date. I know it's easy to say you couldn't get an appointment, but as another poster mentioned there are places you can go without any wait to get these things done.
I suggest re-applying and having all your documents good to go for next time.
Quota, BSN, RN
329 Posts
Yep, no excuses for missing deadlines. I just finished a one year accelerated program and they suggested getting your TB skin tests done the week prior to our orientation boot camp so that it would be good for the entire program and not need to be repeated. I had already scheduled to be on vacation at the beach that week. No problem, visited the urgent care clinic at the beach and got my Tb test completed there. You adapt, don't makes excuses for why you failed to meet requirements that are easy to accommodate.
38,333 Posts
Whenever I need an updated TB test, I go to the same walk-in clinic where I don't even have to wait most of the time, pay the fee, and get it done. When they read it I get the form and that is that. So easy. Go to a nearby walk-in clinic and find out if they do these immunizations. Get it done right then and there. In the future, update at the same clinic. You don't have to wait for appointments with your PCP.
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
I would definitely call your admission counselor and set up an appointment in person and explain. I don't know how uploading your shots a few days late should terminate your spot, it sounds extremely dumb. What shot was it? How soon do you guys go to clinical? My nursing school started last week and I barely got my TDAP shot done today just in time for when we start clinical next week.
It's not stupid when you have multiple school vying for the same clinical sites. A school can't afford to lose a site because a student didn't get every thing in on time. The hospital my MD is affiliated with has 5 schools vying for clinical spots. Because of the sheer number of students, the hospital has to have time to get all their paperwork together, because they have to have their ducks in a row before that student can even step foot on campus as a representative of the school. That means that if you miss the deadline, you don't go.
This semester, only 3 of the schools got spots for one reason or another.
MiladyMalarkey, ASN, BSN
519 Posts
We use Castlebranch too. It is sad but true. I myself almost was dropped from clinical because I got a test result submitted barely in time for the deadline. But, in all honesty, had I been dropped that would have been on me.
The hospitals want all documentation together and on time, no exceptions, it is not a matter of the school sticking it to you, it is your clinical sites that demand timeliness. Like a PP stated, schools are vying for spots. It never hurts to try & re-inquire if something can be done but if it can't reapply next semester and lesson learned, good luck.
86 Posts
well.....maybe shes not near one of those stores
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
And this is off-topic and may sound incredibly nit-picky, but if you're not yet a nurse, the site doesn't permit you to use "nurse" in your user name.