Published Jun 19, 2009
251 Posts
I am sure that there are tougher things to come than Pre-Nursing, but for now, I am finding that it just stinks. Having to wait, and wait, and take class after class to work up to the official goal of Nursing School just seems like it is taking forever (and I only started!!)
What kind of things do you do to keep yourself motivated during this "interim" period?
Coriander, BSN, RN
763 Posts
I have a "vision board" in my bathroom. On it, I have a nurse's body with my head glued on, a picture of the BSN pin and also an RN pin. I have a photo of the college I want to go to, and a picture saying "Hospice Nurse", which is what I want to specialize in.
The classes I take in the meantime I do my best in, because now I have that goal, I want to get into Nursing school!
447 Posts
I talk to people in the program I'm hoping to get into, Watch nursing vids on youtube, and check my schools website daily just to see if they've added anything new!
I get excited when I think of what's to come, and just remind myself that the semesters do go by fast. I've been doing pre-reqs and gen eds for a year, will still be taking them this fall, and hopefully will start the 2 year nursing program in January. That's 3 1/2 years of school for a program that my school says is a 2 1/2 year program! I feel better about doing it this way though because I feel like I've done everything in my power to set myself up for success. But at the same time I feel the same way you do- Like I've been doing this forever and haven't really gotten anywhere.
Absorb the knowledge of the classes you are taking, study hard to keep your grades up (so you'll be more likely to get in once you apply), and enjoy the ride. Everyone keeps telling me when I start the program I'll wish I was still in the easier pre-req classes! I'm not sure if that's true but anyways good luck to you. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
PS-If you don't mind me asking when are you planning to apply for your program?
155 Posts
Your drive will keep you motivated, your passion and desire to be your patient's advocate will keep you motivated. Remember why you went into nursing in the first place. Say to yourself "I love nursing, I love nursing, I love nursing." Sounds funny I know, but it works - at least for me it did. Another thing that works for me is keeping my white lab coat (that says my name and the university's name) hanging on my closet door. When I walk into my room, there it is. That is what I want in life.
33 Posts
Kind of embarassing, but I have a Nurse Build A Bear. Something that reminds me even while I can't pay my bills, or pass all of my classes, or get my crazy family to shut up about how I'm wasting my time and am not cut out for nursing, that well, I'm NOT ALONE.
My first year of college has been hard, but every failure has motivated me more. I now work as a Dietary Aide in a nursing home and am aiming to get into their CNA program. I'm in school and I have a wonderful man standing by my side who supports me, and in a couple years, I will get to be a nurse.
Chin up guys and never forget what it is you truly want to become.
craziechiq, BSN, RN
208 Posts
LOL i just bought a build a bear and put the cutest scrubs on it. I was sooo excited. I just read about nursing and nursing students. This website has kept me greatly motivated. I daydream sometimes of when I will be able to say I am a registered nurse and how proud I will feel. It seems like it is just a dream but when nursing school is so close, its surreal. I took my pre reqs and have waited almost three years for this program. Passion keeps you going! Sometimes things get tough and you start thinking how other degrees have it so much easier and why in the world did I choose this as my major but this is totally worth it in the end.
506 Posts
I have to agree that it's this site that mostly keeps me motivated - though I'm considering going to Build a Bear now for a reward for my 3.7 GPA this quarter. xD Sounds like a good reward to me!
Whenever I'm down or feeling "uncertain" about my future and everything, I come here and browse through the NICU board (what I want to specialize in) and just read everything. It motivates me just by itself.
Best of luck to everyone. :3
21 Posts
I think we should keep this post going, I get easily distracted about how long it's going to be before I can even apply to clinicals. But I am at work now at the harrisburg Hospital as a Nursing Aide and really needed to see this post after working 12- hours and wishing I made the money the RN made. But I'm trying to stick it out guys!! We can do it I want to see everyone achieve their dreams, So God Bless and Good Luck!!! WE CAN DO THIS :p
294 Posts
I am glad you started this post. I have been feeling really burnt out the last 2 weeks. This is my forth semester of classes with not breaks and they are getting harder as I tackle the science pre-reqs. A few times I thought to myself, that I maynot make it, I am not cut out for this, not sure if I can keep up. Between fulltime work, school and raising my daughter alone it seems impossible. I feel tired and stressed all the time I will be done with pre-reqs spring 2010, that's if I don't have to retake anything, and then hopefully get into NS in the fall. A total of 4 years for a 2 year program... Uggg! The journey feels so long, what's the point.
One of my class mates in Biology is applying to medical school and he was discussing his academic journey with the teacher, which is a MD. She said the biggest lession she learned going to school was patience. I really needed to hear that, because I am the Queen of "instant gratification". I review these boards several times a day and it gives me hope and inspiration to keep pressing on.
29 Posts
I am also glad that this has been posted. I am also working on pre-reqs. I am attempting to get into a certain program that requires AP I and II and microbiology to be completed prior to acceptance. Well, the classes I need are full. So I have nothing to take this fall semester. I had planned to apply to other schools but was going to wait. I feel like doing nothing now. I am almost taking this as a sign that maybe this is not meant to be. I have no motivation so start my applications or anything. I am trying to tell myself that this is just a phase and ride it out but it is getting hard.
The whole problem is that this is forcing me to change my plan. Now, I must go ahead and send in all of my other applications because it make no sense to wait to fufill pre-reqs for one school which I may not even get into. Then again I may not get into any program at all. I have got to find a way to get myself back on track and stay motivated.
I'm taking the LPN route first because after this semester I'll qualify, even without alot of prereqs, I know thats gunna make it harder. I'm trying to stay in school even though it's so expensive, and I'm doing a little at a time, reminding myself what awaits at the build a bear has been the best way for me to visualize my goals without my friends and family thinking I'm insane
114 Posts
I try not to let the waiting let me down...think of each class as like a stepping stone until you can apply.