just took the test today

Nursing Students NCLEX


I have just signed up on this website but I have been viewing it for about a month now and I found a lot o things that you all have said helpful. I just got finished taking the nclex RN test today and it was soooooooo hard. I have really studied (about 50hrs a week over 900 questions a week), took Kaplan and sat for a review class that may school offered but I don't think it paid off. throughout the test I felt that I guessed a lot and I was so worried about thinking if the following questions where getting harder or easier, to try to give me an idea of how I was doing. I had 75 question and finished in 1hr and 10min. I guess I will get prepared to study all over again. can I get some encouragement!!! : : :crying2: :crying2: :crying2:

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

By what I have read here most people feel the same way after the exam. I am sure you did very well. I wish you the best of luck :)

Don't fear......the odds are on your side. I know it isn't comforting because I don't have your real results. However, I heard that at least 80% of people who have 75 questions do pass! Good luck to you!

Don't worry, I'm sure you did great. Everyone I talked to in my class was sure they failed the exam because it was just so dang hard; turns out each one of them passed.

Good Luck!

Specializes in ACNP-BC.
I have just signed up on this website but I have been viewing it for about a month now and I found a lot o things that you all have said helpful. I just got finished taking the nclex RN test today and it was soooooooo hard. I have really studied (about 50hrs a week over 900 questions a week), took Kaplan and sat for a review class that may school offered but I don't think it paid off. throughout the test I felt that I guessed a lot and I was so worried about thinking if the following questions where getting harder or easier, to try to give me an idea of how I was doing. I had 75 question and finished in 1hr and 10min. I guess I will get prepared to study all over again. can I get some encouragement!!! : : :crying2: :crying2: :crying2:

Hi Arabia117-I took my NCLEX on July 1 & I felt the same way you did after I took it! I studied so much for it, & I felt like I was guessing on so many questions during the exam. I honestly felt like it wasn't even the real test-like I was just playing around with a practice test or something! I also got just 75 questions & finished in just under an hour-but I passed. I have a good feeling you will too! :) Hang in there! :)


Hi Arabia117-I took my NCLEX on July 1 & I felt the same way you did after I took it! I studied so much for it, & I felt like I was guessing on so many questions during the exam. I honestly felt like it wasn't even the real test-like I was just playing around with a practice test or something! I also got just 75 questions & finished in just under an hour-but I passed. I have a good feeling you will too! :) Hang in there! :)


Hi, Christine

I had been studying a solid 7 weeks with many review books. It's nice to hear from you had the same feeling.


I think everyone after this exam feels the same way you do. (Please remind me when I take mine)

Since being on this website, I haven't seen anyone with 75 questions fail. I'm sure you passed!

Try and not think about it and be positive!!!!

Good luck!!!


You more then likely passed. If you gave it 110% took a review corse and studied on your own there really isnt much more you can do. listen go out tonight watch a movie, get a boyfriend anything to take your mind off the results and when they come in just know regardless of your score that you did all you can do. If by any chance you fail ( which you wont) dust your self off and try again and prove to your self that a test can't ruin your life. You are stronger than some words on a computer screen. Keep us posted.

Specializes in NICU.

I'm sure you did just fine!!!! It's over and done with now, just *try* to relax and enjoy not having to study anymore! I hope you get the results soon so it can put your mind at ease :)

Specializes in ACNP-BC.

You more then likely passed. If you gave it 110% took a review corse and studied on your own there really isnt much more you can do. listen go out tonight watch a movie, get a boyfriend anything to take your mind off the results and when they come in just know regardless of your score that you did all you can do. If by any chance you fail ( which you wont) dust your self off and try again and prove to your self that a test can't ruin your life. You are stronger than some words on a computer screen. Keep us posted.

Ingo456-Hi! I took my NCLEX on July 1 & found out I passed on July 3. :) I was writing to Arabia (first person who posted here on this thread) to give her words of encouragement. But you are correct-for everyone out there who is waiting on their NCLEX results, try your best to keep busy-I went to the movies, exercised a lot, talked to friends, spent time with my family, & of course vented about my exam to all of you on this web site! :) Thank goodness we all have allnurses.com-it helped me transition from my pinning ceremony day through studying for NCLEX through passing my NCLEX. :)


Ingo456-Hi! I took my NCLEX on July 1 & found out I passed on July 3. :) I was writing to Arabia (first person who posted here on this thread) to give her words of encouragement. But you are correct-for everyone out there who is waiting on their NCLEX results, try your best to keep busy-I went to the movies, exercised a lot, talked to friends, spent time with my family, & of course vented about my exam to all of you on this web site! :) Thank goodness we all have allnurses.com-it helped me transition from my pinning ceremony day through studying for NCLEX through passing my NCLEX. :)


Sorry Christine i meant to write to Arrabia I am new to this site and still getting used to it. Arabia you passed my crystal ball told me you did :) :) :) :) :)

Dont worry Arabia, you're not the only one. I took it today and I feel the same way as you. I just pray that we both pass.

God bless...

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