Published Aug 16, 2005
17 Posts
Just took my NCLEX-PN about an hour ago and I feel like a ton of bricks are laying on my chest. My computer shut off @ 85 questions. After I finished I didn't know what to think. I couldn't remember any question that I may have gotten right. I had 4 pharm. ??s and about 7 select all that apply. My studying didn't really seem to help b/c with each ?? my mind went COMPLETELY blank. I am not the nervous type at all, but I had butterflies all throughout the test. So I just pray I passed.:uhoh21: My heart is giving me doubt and my mind is telling me to trust God for it. So I will do that and let you guys know how I did in a couple of days. Prayers of the righteous be with me.:)
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
I bet you did just fine. Everyone leaves with that fear and panic. Just let us know in a few days that you passed!!!!!!!! :balloons: :balloons:
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
I wish you the best of luck. :)
1,987 Posts
Hold close to your faith, and I'll be praying for you! Let us know how you did! Try to take it easy and not second guess yourself.
nursing 101
485 Posts
All of us that took the test had this feeling. Good luck! And you are in our prayers.
97 Posts
Good luck sure u passed!!!
christvs, DNP, RN, NP
1,019 Posts
We'll keep our fingers crossed for you! I felt like I didn't know if I got any of my questions right when I walked out of NCLEX last month-but I passed. Honestly, I think every single last one of us feels crappy after taking it! I bet you did better than you think. :)
4 Posts
Hey there I bet you did just friend took NCLEX like 2 months ago...shut off at 88 and she passed no problem...she got like 10 or 11 of those awful questions where you check all that apply! I am in your boat of not knowing and feeling the way you do...I took NCLEX Monday and am waiting to find out today! I have been sick to my stomach the past couple days. Hang in there! I'm sure you will be okay!
QUOTE=JBuG88]Hey there I bet you did just friend took NCLEX like 2 months ago...shut off at 88 and she passed no problem...she got like 10 or 11 of those awful questions where you check all that apply! I am in your boat of not knowing and feeling the way you do...I took NCLEX Monday and am waiting to find out today! I have been sick to my stomach the past couple days. Hang in there! I'm sure you will be okay!
I just found out my results today!! I PASSED!!!!! 168 questions and I passed!!! thought I would share!!! :rotfl:
122 Posts
congratulation to you