Joint commission requesting to see diploma


Specializes in Telemetry, Cardiac Stepdown, MICU/SICU.

I was at work on Tuesday and had joint commission follow me up from lab and do their check while I hung blood. Now I got a call from HR asking me to bring in my diploma because joint commission wanted to see it. Has this happened to anyone? Should I be worried?

To me, that is laughable.

Everyone knows that a diploma does not prove you graduated from a college...a transcript does.

In fact, when I received my diploma, there was a paper with it that stated just that.

Show it to them. I would not be worried as long as you have all the necessary credentials!

Specializes in med/surg.

Anyone could have a diploma, doesn't mean you passed the NCLEX. I would ask HR to verify your status online with the state board of nursing, and see if it is good enough for Joint Commission. If you do take in your diploma make HR copy it, and immediately return it, do not leave it. I have never had to take in my diploma, most employers verify license online as part of the background check.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

The only time I have ever had to show my diploma was to get into the nursing boards, back in the days before NCLEX.

Of course, I had to ride my dinosaur to get there. Diploma was in the saddle bags.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

Yeah, why would management not simply verify license online with the Joint Commission standing there? Weird.

Specializes in psych, addictions, hospice, education.

Three places I worked required a copy of nursing school diplomas. It's not a big deal.

Specializes in ER, ICU.

I would only worry if you don't have one.

Specializes in OB.

This is just Joint Commission doing their thing. I had Joint Commission following me one night (yes they showed up on night shift) who asked me "As a traveler, how does the hospital know you are qualified?" I listed off my certifications, license, annual education and CEs which would have been sent by my company to the hospital. They then went and had someone open HR (again, on nights) to check and see if what I had listed was really there. (It was)

Just Joint Commission's way of flexing their muscles and making the hospital jump through hoops. It's not personal to you.

Specializes in Psych- child, adolescent, adult, and CD.

Everyone in our hospital who provides patient care recently had to do this. Even the PCT's. Anyone who might check a blood sugar or collect a urine sample, or do anything concerning lab had to do it. It had something to do with CLIA standards. Either a high school diploma (or higher) or a transcript was required. A lot of people fussed, but everybody eventually got over it.

Specializes in Psych- child, adolescent, adult, and CD.

From the CDC CLIA Regulations:Sec. 493.1423 Standard; Testing personnel qualifications. Each individual performing moderate complexity testing must-- (a) Possess a current license issued by the State in which the laboratory is located, if such licensing is required; and (b) Meet one of the following requirements: (1) Be a doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathy licensed to practice medicine or osteopathy in the State in which the laboratory is located or have earned a doctoral, master's, or bachelor's degree in a chemical, physical, biological or clinical laboratory science, or medical technology from an accredited institution; or (2) Have earned an associate degree in a chemical, physical or biological science or medical laboratory technology from an accredited institution; or (3) Be a high school graduate or equivalent and have successfully completed an official military medical laboratory procedures course of at least 50 weeks duration and have held the military enlisted occupational specialty of Medical Laboratory Specialist (Laboratory Technician);

Interesting!!! Always hope I'm not working when joint commission comes. After 40+ years and untold number of moves, guess I'd better go looking for it because, at the moment don't have a clue where that thing would be.

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