January 6 Select Committee


Things seem to be unfolding rather quickly. Former White House aides and advisors are scrambling to cover themselves as they receive subpoenas to appear and produce documents. 


It’s rare when lawyers — as opposed to their clients — take the Fifth Amendment. But Jeffrey Clark, the former Justice Department lawyer who reportedly tried to help Donald Trump overturn the 2020 presidential election, is now claiming the privilege against self-incrimination to avoid testifying before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. He has just been joined in that posture by one of Trump’s main outside legal advisers, John Eastman.


The lawsuit comes after the committee signaled it would pursue a criminal contempt referral against Meadows because of his refusal to sit for a deposition in the investigation into the Capitol riot. Meadows alleges that the subpoenas are "overly broad and unduly burdensome," while claiming that the committee "lacks lawful authority to seek and to obtain" the information requested.

And apparently Mark Meadows had a power point outlining how to overturn election results. 


The 38-page presentation, entitled "Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 Jan," is dated one day before the Capitol riot. It's believed to have been submitted by Meadows after he was subpoenaed by the panel in connection with the insurrection.

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Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
3 hours ago, Beerman said:

I don't think anyone is disputing that Trump knew a riot was going on.  Assuming he did nothing as you say, what are you hoping comes from this?

Beerman, it appears from your responses that you don't think Trump continuing to watch the riot on television and do nothing as everyone who has a television that was turned on that day saw for themselves was a big deal.

Sorry for the run on sentence, but honestly how can you continue to support a leader who watches violence unfold and refuses to stop it?  It later came out from sources other than Meadows texts that he was critiquing the mob's fashion choices and told Kevin McCarthy in a phone call around that time:

"I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

What I hope comes from all this is that it accelerates the thorough debunking and discrediting of Trump and Trumpism.  Whether he is charged with a crime or not is irrelevant to me.  The impact of Watergate was in no way diminished because Richard Nixon was never charged with a crime.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

I am not certain that it is irrelevant as to whether Trump is accused, indicted or convicted of a crime.  What happened on January 6 was dangerous and it occurred because of Trump to benefit Trump at the expense of our republic.  A failure to hold accountable the people who incited that mob in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results would set a very dangerous precedent and example. 

Specializes in Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, nursel56 said:

Beerman, it appears from your responses that you don't think Trump continuing to watch the riot on television and do nothing as everyone who has a television that was turned on that day saw for themselves was a big deal.

Sorry for the run on sentence, but honestly how can you continue to support a leader who watches violence unfold and refuses to stop it?  It later came out from sources other than Meadows texts that he was critiquing the mob's fashion choices and told Kevin McCarthy in a phone call around that time:

"I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

What I hope comes from all this is that it accelerates the thorough debunking and discrediting of Trump and Trumpism.  Whether he is charged with a crime or not is irrelevant to me.  The impact of Watergate was in no way diminished because Richard Nixon was never charged with a crime.  

I will let Beerman speak for himself but I'm wondering where you're coming up with this.  Beerman quoted me and agreed that Trump acted irresponsibly that day.  He seems to not want to buy into the rhetoric that Trump is guilty of crimes that day.  Also, Trump is not President so there is nothing to "support" and frankly I don't think he's ever said he supports Trump for 2024 or now for that matter.  He challenges some of the vitriol against Trump from what I read.

Perhaps he's not as outraged at Trump as you'd like him to be.

Sorry for discussing a poster like this.  I'm just wondering if we're reading the same posts.  Shrugs shoulders.....


1 hour ago, nursel56 said:

Beerman, it appears from your responses that you don't think Trump continuing to watch the riot on television and do nothing as everyone who has a television that was turned on that day saw for themselves was a big deal.

Sorry for the run on sentence, but honestly how can you continue to support a leader who watches violence unfold and refuses to stop it?  It later came out from sources other than Meadows texts that he was critiquing the mob's fashion choices and told Kevin McCarthy in a phone call around that time:

"I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

What I hope comes from all this is that it accelerates the thorough debunking and discrediting of Trump and Trumpism.  Whether he is charged with a crime or not is irrelevant to me.  The impact of Watergate was in no way diminished because Richard Nixon was never charged with a crime.  

So, it's all about your hatred for all things Trump.  Same ole song.

His "crime" is that he didn't speak up soon enough or persuasive enough to stop the riot.  I would agree.   I also question how much that would have helped, or what else he could have done.

My "support" of him is irrelevant to my question.  But, I'm used liberal posters of interjecting personal comments.  You just can't help it for some reason.  And, fyi....I've said it more than once here that the Republicans should move on from him.

5 minutes ago, Tweety said:

I will let Beerman speak for himself but I'm wondering where you're coming up with this.  Beerman quoted me and agreed that Trump acted irresponsibly that day.  He seems to not want to buy into the rhetoric that Trump is guilty of crimes that day.  Also, Trump is not President so there is nothing to "support" and frankly I don't think he's ever said he supports Trump for 2024 or now for that matter.  He challenges some of the vitriol against Trump from what I read.

Perhaps he's not as outraged at Trump as you'd like him to be.

Sorry for discussing a poster like this.  I'm just wondering if we're reading the same posts.  Shrugs shoulders.....


Thank you.  I was addressing this at the same time.  Although,  you may have done a better job...LOL

50 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

I am not certain that it is irrelevant as to whether Trump is accused, indicted or convicted of a crime.  What happened on January 6 was dangerous and it occurred because of Trump to benefit Trump at the expense of our republic.  A failure to hold accountable the people who incited that mob in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results would set a very dangerous precedent and example. 

The emails fron Don Jr and Fox personalities revealed today kinda blow away the theory that anyone thought what was going was going to benefit Trump.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
14 minutes ago, Tweety said:

I will let Beerman speak for himself but I'm wondering where you're coming up with this.  Beerman quoted me and agreed that Trump acted irresponsibly that day.  He seems to not want to buy into the rhetoric that Trump is guilty of crimes that day.  Also, Trump is not President so there is nothing to "support" and frankly I don't think he's ever said he supports Trump for 2024 or now for that matter.  He challenges some of the vitriol against Trump from what I read.

Perhaps he's not as outraged at Trump as you'd like him to be.

Sorry for discussing a poster like this.  I'm just wondering if we're reading the same posts.  Shrugs shoulders.....


I could've sworn I sent a reply to this already, so it may end up a double post, but essentially this-- I apologize for involving myself in your conversation with Beerman.  

You're right.  He's not as outraged at Trump as I'd like him to be.  

His subsequent reply to me reflects the same attitude I very politely asked him about in the snippet I quoted, along with a sarcastic aside involving the horror of mentioning Trump in a thread about January 6 and and the obligatory labeling me as a "liberal".

6 minutes ago, nursel56 said:

 His subsequent reply to me reflects the same attitude I very politely asked him about in the snippet I quoted, along with a sarcastic aside involving the horror of mentioning Trump in a thread about January 6 and and the obligatory labeling me as a "liberal".

Forgive, but I'm not comprehending what you are trying to say.  Except you seem offended I labeled you a liberal.  My apologies for that, if you're not one 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
10 minutes ago, Beerman said:

The emails fron Don Jr and Fox personalities revealed today kinda blow away the theory that anyone thought what was going was going to benefit Trump.

How so? The entire premise of Stop the Steal was for Trump's benefit, right?

Specializes in Med-Surg.
23 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

How so? The entire premise of Stop the Steal was for Trump's benefit, right?

We all knew he lost, so I don't think we thought that this would benefit Trump in getting him back in office.  I thought it would be a protest, they would have their say and that would be that.

He could have conceded but he did not.  He could have asked his supporters to accept the defeat and urge them to call of their protest before it started, but he did not.  He could have during the protest got the word out for them to stop but he did not.  (No this probably wouldn't have accomplished too much as it was too late, but symbolically it would have meant a lot).

Trump convincing these people, whom passionately believed our country was at stake and that Trump won is where he benefited.  His massive ego was stroked, he lost no supporters, and continues to pedal the idea that he won the election today.  

At the end of the day I think the protest was not his arranging but he stroked the madness behind it and I hold him ultimately responsible, although there's nothing that can be done about it.

As far as those Fox News texts goes their private texts don't match their on-air reporting which they catered to the Republican narrative that Trump won, that it was peaceful, that it might have been left-wing posers...blah blah blah.  


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
39 minutes ago, Tweety said:

We all knew he lost, so I don't think we thought that this would benefit Trump in getting him back in office.  I thought it would be a protest, they would have their say and that would be that.

He could have conceded but he did not.  He could have asked his supporters to accept the defeat and urge them to call of their protest before it started, but he did not.  He could have during the protest got the word out for them to stop but he did not.  (No this probably wouldn't have accomplished too much as it was too late, but symbolically it would have meant a lot).

Trump convincing these people, whom passionately believed our country was at stake and that Trump won is where he benefited.  His massive ego was stroked, he lost no supporters, and continues to pedal the idea that he won the election today.  

At the end of the day I think the protest was not his arranging but he stroked the madness behind it and I hold him ultimately responsible, although there's nothing that can be done about it.

As far as those Fox News texts goes their private texts don't match their on-air reporting which they catered to the Republican narrative that Trump won, that it was peaceful, that it might have been left-wing posers...blah blah blah.  


Why do you think that nothing can be done about incitement? Is it because we are complacent?


Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
50 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Forgive, but I'm not comprehending what you are trying to say.  Except you seem offended I labeled you a liberal.  My apologies for that, if you're not one 

You're used to liberal posters interjecting personal comments, yet you're suggesting that I hate all things Trump, and rather than answer the question I asked, you dismissed it by describing it as "same ole song", added that you felt "I just can't help it for some reason".

In fact, I asked you a specific question without making it personal whatsoever.  I've deliberately tried to avoid getting personal with posters I disagree with here.  If we were posting in the President Biden thread, that rejoinder might be legitimate.  We're posting in a thread where Trump is the central character.  

As to support Trump or not, I feel that as Tweety alluded to, how one perceives "support" is relative to how egregious they believe the behavior in question happens to be.  Note that I am not calling anyone here a Nazi, but if someone tells me that Hitler actually did a lot of good things for the German people, such as the autobahn or the Volkswagen, I react with immediate and visceral outrage.  The same comment may not spark such a reaction in everyone, but it doesn't mean I hate them.

8 minutes ago, nursel56 said:

You're used to liberal posters interjecting personal comments, yet you're suggesting that I hate all things Trump, and rather than answer the question I asked, you dismissed it by describing it as "same ole song", added that you felt "I just can't help it for some reason".


I went back to make sure I didn't miss something.  I only see one question, and I addressed it.  And, the question happens to be where you made it a personal issue.

"Beerman, it appears from your responses that you don't think Trump continuing to watch the riot on television and do nothing as everyone who has a television that was turned on that day saw for themselves was a big deal.

Sorry for the run on sentence, but honestly how can you continue to support a leader who watches violence unfold and refuses to stop it?  It later came out from sources other than Meadows texts that he was critiquing the mob's fashion choices and told Kevin McCarthy in a phone call around that time:

"I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

What I hope comes from all this is that it accelerates the thorough debunking and discrediting of Trump and Trumpism.  Whether he is charged with a crime or not is irrelevant to me.  The impact of Watergate was in no way diminished because Richard Nixon was never charged with a crime.  "

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