January 6 Select Committee


Things seem to be unfolding rather quickly. Former White House aides and advisors are scrambling to cover themselves as they receive subpoenas to appear and produce documents. 


It’s rare when lawyers — as opposed to their clients — take the Fifth Amendment. But Jeffrey Clark, the former Justice Department lawyer who reportedly tried to help Donald Trump overturn the 2020 presidential election, is now claiming the privilege against self-incrimination to avoid testifying before the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. He has just been joined in that posture by one of Trump’s main outside legal advisers, John Eastman.


The lawsuit comes after the committee signaled it would pursue a criminal contempt referral against Meadows because of his refusal to sit for a deposition in the investigation into the Capitol riot. Meadows alleges that the subpoenas are "overly broad and unduly burdensome," while claiming that the committee "lacks lawful authority to seek and to obtain" the information requested.

And apparently Mark Meadows had a power point outlining how to overturn election results. 


The 38-page presentation, entitled "Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 Jan," is dated one day before the Capitol riot. It's believed to have been submitted by Meadows after he was subpoenaed by the panel in connection with the insurrection.

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2 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

How so? The entire premise of Stop the Steal was for Trump's benefit, right?

"Stop the Steal" as you call it, didn't include a riot.

The texts weren't exactly cheering on the rioters, were they?  Quite the opposite.

1 hour ago, Tweety said:

As far as those Fox News texts goes their private texts don't match their on-air reporting which they catered to the Republican narrative that Trump won, that it was peaceful, that it might have been left-wing posers...blah blah blah.  

Actually, the Fox folks condemned those riots the day of, on air.  Don't trust your liberal propagandist media.


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
6 minutes ago, Beerman said:

"Stop the Steal" as you call it, didn't include a riot.

The texts weren't exactly cheering on the rioters, were they?  Quite the opposite.

Trump incited the rioters for his benefit.  The texts weren't from Trump.  The texts are evidence that even DJTJ knew that what was happening on 010621 was dangerous and under the control of his father. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
4 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Actually, the Fox folks condemned those riots the day of, on air.  Don't trust your liberal propagandist media.


How have they handled it in the days since? 

Specializes in LPN/Pallative Hospice.
4 hours ago, nursel56 said:

Beerman, it appears from your responses that you don't think Trump continuing to watch the riot on television and do nothing as everyone who has a television that was turned on that day saw for themselves was a big deal.

Sorry for the run on sentence, but honestly how can you continue to support a leader who watches violence unfold and refuses to stop it?  It later came out from sources other than Meadows texts that he was critiquing the mob's fashion choices and told Kevin McCarthy in a phone call around that time:

"I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are."

What I hope comes from all this is that it accelerates the thorough debunking and discrediting of Trump and Trumpism.  Whether he is charged with a crime or not is irrelevant to me.  The impact of Watergate was in no way diminished because Richard Nixon was never charged with a crime.  

Trump thought it was a mostly peaceful but furry protest. He thought it was a more of a social worker issue than a policing issue. Pretty sure. Maybe another CHOP zone? You know where they over took a few city blocks and a police station I believe. During the Summer of love? 

5 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Trump incited the rioters for his benefit.  The texts weren't from Trump.  The texts are evidence that even DJTJ knew that what was happening on 010621 was dangerous and under the control of his father. 

Dangerous, yes.  Under the control of his father.....back to that pesky question I asked earlier...Where's the evidence of communication between Trump and the rioters?  And, let's not forget the FBI found no evidence of a planned attack on the Capitol. 

I know, after collusion and Ukraine, the Trump haters are desperate. 

Just now, toomuchbaloney said:

How have they handled it in the days since? 

Like you, I don't watch Fox all that often.  I haven't heard of them applauding the riot.  Have you?

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
8 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Dangerous, yes.  Under the control of his father.....back to that pesky question I asked earlier...Where's the evidence of communication between Trump and the rioters?  And, let's not forget the FBI found no evidence of a planned attack on the Capitol. 

I know, after collusion and Ukraine, the Trump haters are desperate. 

Trump gave a speech that day. He told them to fight like hell to stop the stealing of the election from him.  He told them they were all going to the capitol.  Trump advertised that gathering shamelessly with that lie about election integrity. 

The only desperate person was the guy who lost the election and was looking for any method to seize or remain in power.  That seems obvious. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
12 minutes ago, Beerman said:

Dangerous, yes.  Under the control of his father.....back to that pesky question I asked earlier...Where's the evidence of communication between Trump and the rioters?  And, let's not forget the FBI found no evidence of a planned attack on the Capitol. 

I know, after collusion and Ukraine, the Trump haters are desperate. 

Like you, I don't watch Fox all that often.  I haven't heard of them applauding the riot.  Have you?

I have heard them spreading misinformation about the riot...insinuating that it wasn't really all Trump supporters, that there were violent antifa sprinkled in the mob, etc. The WaPo put together a short clip which illustrates the tactic.  I think they were smart enough not to applaud the event and instead have been creating a false narrative.  The same way Fox commentators led their audience to believe that there was no collusion between Russian intelligence and the Trump campaign in 2016 and that there was no abuse of power in that quid pro quo with Ukraine's new president. 

Specializes in LPN/Pallative Hospice.
1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

Trump gave a speech that day. He told them to fight like hell to stop the stealing of the election from him.  He told them they were all going to the capitol.  Trump advertised that gathering shamelessly worth that lie about election integrity. 

The only desperate person was the guy who lost the election and was looking for any method to seize or remain in power.  That seems obvious. 

"Make you way to the capital to peacefully and patrioticaly make your voices heard". That's what he said. Forget? 

52 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

 I have heard them spreading misinformation about the riot...insinuating that it wasn't really all Trump supporters, that there were violent antifa sprinkled in the mob, etc. The WaPo put together a short clip which illustrates the tactic.

I looked up that clip since you, for reasons that then became apparent, didn't include it.

It contained a total of about 30 seconds of Hannity and Ingraham combined from their 1/6 shows.  Even when condensed to try to show their comments out of context, a reasonable person couldn't conclude what you are saying.


59 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

 The same way Fox commentators led their audience to believe that there was no collusion between Russian intelligence and the Trump campaign in 2016 and that there was no abuse of power in that quid pro quo with Ukraine's new president. 


Whoever was tasked with putting that video together did a terrible job. Actually, whoever thunk it up should be fired.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
16 minutes ago, Beerman said:

I looked up that clip since you, for reasons that then became apparent, didn't include it.

It contained a total of about 30 seconds of Hannity and Ingraham combined from their 1/6 shows.  Even when condensed to try to show their comments out of context, a reasonable person couldn't conclude what you are saying.



You asked, I answered with zero expectation that you would accept the clip or the observation that some Fox commentators changed their messaging about January 6 as the weeks went by. They said one thing on January 6 and have implied or changed the focus to other things as time passes. The evidence demonstrates that pretty clearly. 

We know that a good bit of the programming that comes from the Fox cable platform is highly biased and not well founded in facts.  Their audience doesn't know that and consequently believe much of what they hear or see there. 

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