I've Failed The NCLEX 8 Times & Now I'm about To Take It 1 More Time...

Nursing Students NCLEX


I'm so ashamed of myself until I don't know what to do sometimes! I'm now 30 years old and have taken the NCLEX 8 times since 2004. I need some kind of inspirational help or something because this test has taken me to the pits of hell. Some of you will never know how I feel at work when I get ordered around by some new grad nurse to do tech work. I take my boards again on March the 10th, but I haven't studied for it. I have to take it now because my ATT expires Monday. I joined this because I need someone to talk to or something because i'm tired. I'm tired of lying to folks about when I got out of school, i'm tired of lying that i'm studying for it, i'm tired of just lying to myself completely. I constantly get complimented on how i'm such a great worker and employee, but that's only as a tech. I graduated with honors from high school and college and this is what my life has now come to?! My boards have held me hostage for the past 8 years and i'm so tired of it! It took everything out of my soul to admit how many times I failed this test. So if somebody wants to make a mockery of me, do as you must. But I need some type of inspiration or last second advice on how to at least just try my best when I take this test Saturday. And this is my last time taking it, PASS OR FAIL!

Specializes in Telemetry, OB, NICU.
Really? How?

I don't understand those "I know you can do it, I believe in you" type of blind comments. OP has shown for the past 8 times that she/he can't do it. Now another testing tomorrow with no preparation. It is ridiculous to ask for help 2 days before the test after no prepping. All you can do now is pray for a miracle. I personally won't give any false reassurance.

I also think OP should look into other career options. 8+ times for boards is too abnormal.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Honestly, I don't think blowing sunshine up the OP's skirts is going to fix this. A reality check, as many posters have provided here, is very much in order as long as we continue to be respectful and prevent the message we're trying to get across from degenerating into a bash-fest.


Sometimes, no matter how badly we desire things in life, they aren't meant to be. Personally, I've always wanted to be a size 6, but even with diet and exercise I've never even come close, and after a bazillion failures I have to accept the fact that I'll be doing well if I ever get down to a 16 again. The same principle applies to pretty much every human endeavor under the sun, regardless of how hard we try or how much we think we deserve it.

I think it's time for the OP to accept the fact that nursing really isn't in the cards for her at this time of her life. Having graduated in 2004, she would need to put in some serious class time in order to be up to speed; I can't imagine anyone hiring a person who left nursing school 8 years ago and has never worked as a nurse. Unfortunately, she's shown an unwillingness even to study for the NCLEX, so I don't see this as a serious attempt to pass the exam. And while it may be politically incorrect to say so, I would not want my loved ones in the care of someone who couldn't pass NCLEX after eight attempts, as the test only assesses the graduate's ability to be a safe, beginning practitioner.

It's just like driving.......if we cannot demonstrate a basic level of competency, we aren't allowed to operate a motor vehicle on the highways. Period.

Just my two pence worth. :twocents:


i don't understand those "i know you can do it, i believe in you" type of blind comments. "

i think i understand it - i don't know how old the op and the other posters saying are but it sounds to me like generation y "everybody is a winner", participation trophies, "everybody is special, nobody is a loser" mentality. i'm in my mid 30's and thankfully i grew up before all this. but the younger generations really got the short changed, never being told that they needed to work harder, be faster, try harder, study more, find something they were better at, etc.

Believe it or not?! We are 2 in the same boat. Graduated in 2004 took my boards in 2004, without the confidence of studying. It's been at least 6 times, and I have moist of the resources available at hand to knock out my studying and get on the other side of the fence and PASS.

Don't put a limit to yourself that "If it's not this time, it's never". I did that at one time and didn't take it for 2 years, I feared myself out of it. This exam has been over my head for 8 years, it has now become a demon in my life.

When I calm and steady the content, I start to feel confident all over again.

You will get through this, and when I hear stories like this (there are several!) I believe we have a strength to come out and speak about it and actually share our experience, fears, and accomplishments; that right there is a step forward and closer.

I will be taking my test in May, I am going through a challenge of building a plan and schedule of how to review the content and questions all over.

Good luck, and if you want to inbox me, feel free. We are in the same boat and we can share our experiences and build our strength to get past this and finally receive our license we worked so hard for!

You will get through this! Just trust in God, and let go of your fears.

I personally feel the state this poster lives in owns some of the blame. Three times are you should have to complete a refresher course and then only one more time to pass the NCLEX.


i don't understand those "i know you can do it, i believe in you" type of blind comments. "

i think i understand it - i don't know how old the op and the other posters saying are but it sounds to me like generation y "everybody is a winner", participation trophies, "everybody is special, nobody is a loser" mentality. i'm in my mid 30's and thankfully i grew up before all this. but the younger generations really got the short changed, never being told that they needed to work harder, be faster, try harder, study more, find something they were better at, etc.

i think that is a pretty bold statement to make. i am a so called generation y and i don't have that mentality at all. the op stated that they were 30....i believe in traditional hard work and perseverance...i do not expect anything to be handed to me on a silver platter.....kinda stereotypical don't you think? i thought as nurses we shouldn't pass our own idealism's or judgments onto others.....just my :twocents:

Specializes in LTC, Hospice, Case Management.
you can do this and [color=#b22222]you will be a fantastic nurse because you kept trying and you never gave up.

yikes! i would respectively disagree with this. there is something seriously wrong with the whole thing. the op either doesn't care enough about being a "fantastic" nurse to even bother studying or the whole post is just a fake trying to wind our clock.

....... I applaud you for not giving up! VERY COMMENDABLE! Some of these posts here need to consider some basic nursing principles before they reply with such answers as "maybe nursing wasn't meant for you." That's a bunch of bull. Keep trying, no matter what! You worked very hard to get through school and you can do this!

Just noticed this post. Why would you think it a "bunch of bull" that this person isn't likely to pass the NCLEX to become a nurse? "Keep trying no matter what"? Have you never believed anything was futile....even the idea that someone who has taken a test designed to assess basic competency EIGHT times in as many years--and admits to taking this test again TOMORROW without any preparation could reasonably expect to pass it?

And how can you tell someone who has posted exactly twice (and gives the above information) that she should keep trying no matter what, that she can do this? Sounds like false assurances to me.

Yikes! I would respectively disagree with this. There is something seriously wrong with the whole thing. The OP either doesn't care enough about being a "fantastic" nurse to even bother studying OR the whole post is just a fake trying to wind our clock.

That's where I was going with my first post.

The original post I believe either was a fake or was just someone who needs far more help than our message board can give in this circumstance. I tend to believe the latter, actually.

But what is actually more disturbing than the original post is all the responses saying "keep trying no matter what", "I know you can do this", "you will be a fantastic nurse", etc etc. It feeds the delusion that this person, IF telling the story correctly, should have any expectation of passing and becoming a nurse.

All those cheerleaders are the cruel ones, IMO....reality must be addressed here.

hello eutawville11.

i am willing to offer you my nclex review at no upfront cost, pay only when you pass nclex.

thats so nice of you to offer to help!

I thank you for telling your story and how you walked your path in Nursing. I do believe that "You get what effort you put in; therefore no effort, gives no productivity, no result, but maybe an undesirable one." I studied but I didn't get a control of my testing anxiety. Now that I've identified my weakness in the areas that need strengthening, I feel I'm ready. To Op, the criticism will get you thru motivation to study & pass that test. I wish OP the best. I look forward in having a nursing mentor like you Ellen, your path truly inspires me!

What is exactly the decision tree? Can you give me a little overview? I take the test in a week and if it wil help me i will buy it lol

If you have not tried it already, please try Kaplan. I know it's expensive but you get given the Decision tree which is PRICELESS. You are an inspiration that you KEEP GOING and KEEP trying. The tree and Kaplan will teach you HOW to take the test and not teach you much nursing content.

You obviously know the content as you are working so well. I suffer the same. I know nursing but not how to take the NCLEX which is why I enrolled in Kaplan and I take my Boards April for the 4th time.

You can do this and you will be a FANTASTIC nurse because you kept trying and you never gave up.

Remember.... PAIN is not physical in the NCLEX.... it is considered Psychosocial. :)

I hope this helps.... GOOD LUCK! :nurse::redbeathe:cheers:

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