I've Failed The NCLEX 8 Times & Now I'm about To Take It 1 More Time...

Nursing Students NCLEX


I'm so ashamed of myself until I don't know what to do sometimes! I'm now 30 years old and have taken the NCLEX 8 times since 2004. I need some kind of inspirational help or something because this test has taken me to the pits of hell. Some of you will never know how I feel at work when I get ordered around by some new grad nurse to do tech work. I take my boards again on March the 10th, but I haven't studied for it. I have to take it now because my ATT expires Monday. I joined this because I need someone to talk to or something because i'm tired. I'm tired of lying to folks about when I got out of school, i'm tired of lying that i'm studying for it, i'm tired of just lying to myself completely. I constantly get complimented on how i'm such a great worker and employee, but that's only as a tech. I graduated with honors from high school and college and this is what my life has now come to?! My boards have held me hostage for the past 8 years and i'm so tired of it! It took everything out of my soul to admit how many times I failed this test. So if somebody wants to make a mockery of me, do as you must. But I need some type of inspiration or last second advice on how to at least just try my best when I take this test Saturday. And this is my last time taking it, PASS OR FAIL!

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

It doesn't matter how hard you pray to win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket. Signing up for NCLEX without proper preparation is the equivalent.

Eight times since 2004....means to me you need to take a refresher course before attempting this exam again.

if she is taking Kaplan for the first time she will be given the same priviledge as a frist time taker, i dont think they discriminate like that!!!!

Doesn't really matter. Kaplan is not an option: the OP tests tomorrow.

...I...have taken the NCLEX 8 times since 2004...I take my boards again on March the 10th, but I haven't studied for it...
Is this a pattern? The NCLEX requires study preparation.

I admire your persistence and tenacity. I think if I failed the NCLEX 8 times, I'd find a different career field. Everybody is good at something; nobody is good at everything. Do what you're good at.

Hey, folks, you know what? I don't think any of this really matters, as I don't believe the OP is likely to be back before her (his?) test tomorrow.

I have no doubt the OP already knows the truth of the situation, that there is virtually no chance of passing the NCLEX this time through, the NINTH time through, without having had any preparation (when the first EIGHT times, it could be assumed, there was).

I'm not sugar-coating this; the bottom line is I don't believe a nursing license is in the cards 8 years and 9 NCLEXs after graduation. Holding onto that because he/she did well in school is tantamount to the 30 year old former homecoming queen pulling out her tiara to wear around the house before she goes to her mundane job.

We either move forward with our lives or go nowhere.

Specializes in MedSurg, OR, Cardiac step down.
We wish you the best. However, as others have said, best wishes, prayers are not really what you need at this point. I think in your heart, you probably know that a refresher course might be needed, in addition to different studying techniques.

This is not meant to be mean-spirited, just honest. I presume that you want honesty when you post what you posted.

I think best wishes and prayers are the best at this point, seeming how she didn't study....

if you are not studying and practicing, you are accountable for failing. I do not pity those who do not help themselves. If you wanted to pass this test many tests ago, putting in a 110% each time in between tests would have been given if someone truely wanted it. Practicing everyday.

I may be way off, and maybe you do do practice questions every day, and have done so everyday inbetween all the tests you have taken, who knows....


Flase reassurance is a big nono in nursing. Therefore I will not offer any.

If you don't study how do you expect to pass it?

Would you want a nurse that has failed their boards multiple times caring for you and your family? A surgeon that failed 8 times doing your surgery? I sure wouldn't.

Best of luck in the future, I truely hope you find something that is right for you.

Specializes in none.
@ Merlyn... I never said I got into nursing to be seen or that it was a fashion symbol. And this test is not indicative of whether I care for people or can't care for people. YES, I HAVE FAILED THIS TEST MORE THAN MOST, but at least I never gave up! And maybe you should try another line of work because if that's how you talk to people you don't know, then God help the patients that you come in contact with on a daily basis. I've tried Kaplan and I've had a tutor! There is nothing wrong with my intellect in regards to this test, nor was there something wrong with the school I came from. Maybe you need a self examination. One thing about life, none of us know what deck of cards we'll be dealt. Mine came in the form of a roadblock to my career, but yours may come in the form of something much worse. I have been employee of the month more times than I can count. I have received numerous awards as a tech! If my heart wasn't in nursing, I could have very easily been doing something else besides making $11 an hour when I've graduated with numerous honors! Please examine yourself before you respond.

If caring for people was all there was to nursing then anyone could be a nurse. If nothing is wrong with you then there must be with the test or the way of preparation. 41 years in this business. I've have seen LPN's and CNA's that were remarkable but just couldn't past the boards. I too have been commend for my nursing, from the Patients and families that I have served. I was even commended by the police for talking down potential jumpers. I wasn't insulting your intellect. So don't insult mine or my bedside Nursing, I don't know how you are with your patients and by the same token you don't know I am with mind. Were you one of my patient? Pass this test and I will be the first to apologize for my remarks.

I've actually failed the NCLEX once myself, and I was terribly disappointed in myself.. I found that this book, which I found 2 nights before the exam, to be very helpful. Prioritization, Delegation, and Assignment.. it prepped me for all the difficult questions. But overall idk how prepared you feel about going in tomorrow. But I wish you the best of luck!

Sorry to hear this, iknow you can do it

I'd find another line of work. On the off-chance that you pass #8, it's going to be extremely difficult to be hired as an RN if you graduated in 2004. Cut your losses here, find another career.

Specializes in Pedi.
I'd find another line of work. On the off-chance that you pass #8, it's going to be extremely difficult to be hired as an RN if you graduated in 2004. Cut your losses here, find another career.

I had the same thought as you on this. The job market is extremely tight and I imagine someone who graduated with a nursing degree in 2004 but has never worked as a nurse and only became licensed in 2012 is going to have an h-e-double hockey sticks of a time finding a nursing job.

Sorry to hear this, iknow you can do it

Really? How?

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