without lice!!! Kid (repeat offender) comes down 1 hour and 15 minutes after the start of school and, sure enough, she has lice. I call mom who doesn't believe me. She takes her merry time coming in to get student. Once she arrives, I take my licemeister comb (fyi - to any passersby - this tool is as essential to school nursing as the thermometer) and pull 4 louse out of kid's hair. Two of them were mating at the time (I'm such a killjoy).
Mom is so disgusted she won't even touch her kid. She wraps the kid's head up in a shirt.
Dad called the Board of Health. He threatened to do this last time she had lice after he schooled the principal on how lice can live up to 3 weeks off a human head. Clearly she got 4 louse in her hair from the hour she spent in the classroom this morning. My non-nurse supervisor directed me to perform a full class lice check. Nada. Zilch. Negative on all other clients.
FWIW, I checked this student the day before spring break and called her mom to report nits.