Is nursing REALLY for you?


Yes, you are all obviously nurses at this point :)..but I'm wondering...pure you feel nursing is really for you?

I know that many people find out that nursing is not for them...and some are some of the most intelligent nurses out there. So I am just this seriously what you want to do for the rest of your life? :nurse:

I'm asking because I have seen so many posts full of stress, misery, and yet (all at the same time), enthusiasm. Some seem to be in denial..and the other seem to just really love the profession. What's the consensus? Please...don't sugar coat your answer is right or wrong..I am just curious to know how you REALLY feel about your profession...deep deep deep down inside. :D

Specializes in critical care, PACU.

Before choosing nursing I had a lot of fears that I would go through all of this education and find out that I didnt like it.

I was freaked out by the negative posts but then I was told that the reasoning for this is because we come here to vent since we cant always vent in our professional world. Thats why you may feel that you see alot more negative posts than positive posts.

I checked out the success stories in nursing forum under the general tab or by clicking here: and was inspired and felt less worried.

I'll let more experienced nurses attest to whether they love it or hate it though because as a new grad I dont have enough experience yet to really decide if it's "for me"

Specializes in M/S, MICU, CVICU, SICU, ER, Trauma, NICU.

After 17 years, it is.

Now some patients I can leave behind forever. There are some very, very weird people in the world.

Specializes in ED Nursing, Critical Care Nursing.

I haven't been in the profession very long, so it's hard to say whether it is "really for me". There's no doubt that there have been days that I felt on top of the world because it seemed that I really was able to help someone at a particularly vulnerable time in their life. There have also been days that I left work fully intending to run my nursing license through a paper shredder the minute I got home. I'd say that 85-90% of the time, I love what I do. Alas, that 10-15% can really make one wonder if this was the right career choice. On the other hand, I came to nursing as a second career (the first being law enforcement) and I had the same feeling about that job too. Every career has its ups and downs I suppose. I'm trying to figure out a way to brush off the "downs" and come back to work and do the best job I can for my clients.

Specializes in LTC.

Its for me... its a hard job at times but I know its for me.

Specializes in Acute Care Cardiac, Education, Prof Practice.

Nursing is, really, truely for me.

Where do I see myself in ten years? Teaching, mentoring, creating a better world for incoming nurses.

I think what frustrates, infuriates and depresses a lot of nurses is not the career, but the heavy handed policy and politics that keep us from our ideal working conditions.

I would love to do 4:1 patients and give 1:1 care every night instead of relying on techs, not many who care to do a good bed bath each night. (Though bless me most of them do!)

I would love if we finally would get the computerized charting that we have been waiting for so my night could be more efficient.

I would love for us to have more time to teach.

I would love an option to get drug seekers more care from psych.

All jobs come with roadblocks, just sometimes it feels like ours can be life or death.


Specializes in neuro/ortho med surge 4.

I love the patient care but hate the time constraints placed on that care. If I did not have to do so much charting I would be a happy camper.

Specializes in Critical Care; LTC.

I find nursing is where I belong, It is just taken awhile for me to find my niche in nursing. Started off in the hospital setting bounced around unit after unit never truely happy in that atmosphere. Left the hospital and went onto long term care and pre-hospital found that to be more home like to me. I love providing care while making someones day and being able to joke around with the residents, dancing with them in the halls. Although there is a ton of paperwork, the paperwork cannot come between the nurse patient relationship, I am truely happy with the career decision I have made, and see myself teaching and coaching and more likely being an advanced practice nurse.

I have to admit, I went into nursing because I had no idea of what else I wanted to do. From the start I didn't really care for it but I stuck with it and learned to make the best of it. I don't have too many regrets as I have earned a good living and been able to travel the world and work. However, if I could turn back the clock I would have done something different. Something animal-related probably. It's never too late to change careers and I think that someday soon I will have the confidence (and start up money) to start a small business...I hope.

I've been a nurse for 6 1/2 years and I can't imagine doing anything else (besides a stay at home mom, and that's definitely not in the picture). I really, truly enjoy my job and hey, when (when, not if, LOL) I get tired of this particular area, I can move onward and find something else in nursing. How many other careers can you do that in ?

Last night I was getting ready to go to work and my 2 1/2 year old asked me, "Mom, you go to help people tonight?" Just made me all warm and fuzzy and reinforced why I do what I do :D

Specializes in Cardiac ICU.

I'm not a bedside nurse (my current job)--I love research and advocating for nurses.

Specializes in NICU Level III.

I actually think so. Growing up, I NEVER wanted to do nursing and when my mom would suggest looking into it, I always said no way..yet here I am! I've wanted to get a master's and do something in an admin position but now I actually like bedside nursing...and the schedule!

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