Published Aug 15, 2011
99 Posts
I'm debating between taking both classes together in one semester or just taking one this semester and waiting till Spring to take the other. Anyone taken these together and succeeded?
151 Posts
Are you going to be taking any other classes or just those two?
I took micro along with patho, nutrition and medical terminology and it wasn't too bad. For what it's worth, I don't work and I have two little boys but they were in school during the day during the week - I have outside obligations but also a fair amount of time to commit to school/studying.
1,381 Posts
I took Micro, AP2, Eng 231, Anth 101, and Math 97 plus worked full time with bills to take care of and an bf and I got A's in all but micro (89.4 gah!) and Math (got a B) me it can be done! And if you are only taking those two then you can definitely succeed!
24 Posts
If you think you can do it, you can! I am taking Micro and Physio together this semester. I know that I have good study habits. It really just depends on the person in my opinion.
SBJustBreathe, ASN, RN
297 Posts
I hope it's not insane..I'm doing that this semester. I'm only taking those two classes so I don't think it'll be TOO bad.
55 Posts
I'm taking both of these in the spring as online classes (in class labs) because I work full time. I've had both of these previously together but must retake them because I'm going back to school so it's been too long for the classes to count for where I'm applying. It's definitely do-able but just requires dedication. Just by posting the question, I'm sure you're ready a can do it. Go ahead and begin stocking up on flash cards :) good luck! At least try it and if after the first couple weeks it seems like too much, drop one and take it in the spring like you mentioned. You can do it!
5 Posts
It can be done. A lot of it depends on what else you have going on in your life and how dedicated you are. You won't be able to procrastinate and you will have to keep on top of what you're doing.
I took Anatomy (A&P I), Micro and Pharmacology in the Spring semester. I made an A in everything but Anatomy and I missed that A less than a point.
I also took Physiology (A&P II) this summer in an 8-week session, which I don't recommend unless you absolutely have to because you will have no summer and absolutely no life for 8 weeks (and you might just wish for a quick death at one point when you're up at 3 AM trying to make the cardiac cycle make sense).
I agree with ChattNurseHopeful, you can drop it and try again in the Spring if it doesn't work out.
johnny depp23
218 Posts
Of course not! If anything, it'll look good on your transcripts if you pass those classes with A's in the SAME semester. I know some people who take Micro, Anatomy and Chemistry at the same time and pass with good grades. It just depends on how smart you are and how much you are willing to study. I made a B in Micro and never even studied for the test until the night before:uhoh3: Good luck!
26 Posts
I took A&P I, micro and math 95 at once and was totally fine. I had other time-consuming obligations I was attending to at the same time as well, so you should be good to go. Micro was a fun class too. I really enjoyed the labs.
Good luck!
21 Posts
I took them both together this summer along with Chemistry and made straight A's - it's doable, don't worry! Plus, AP2 and Micro are super interesting :)
If you get stuck, I tutor on the side (I used to be a school teacher) and I could help you
121 Posts
I think it depends on you and your study habits. If you are discipline and have good study habits, you can do it. These classes are vital for getting into a good nursing school. So you want to aim for A's since nursing school is really competitive. I took them together and worked 2 part-time jobs, and received A's in both of them, but every free time I had, I was studying hard. If you want it bad, its very attainable.
177 Posts
I've always heard from advisors and professors to avoid taking 2 science classes together, specially if the student is taking more than that, but it really depends on the students. I've done it before and I've gotten good grades. I'm actually taking Micro, AP2, and 3 other classes this semester, but it's an usual load for me.
I took AP1 during Summer1, and what macmommy says is the absolute truth. I felt I was always behind those 4 weeks, taking classes for 6 hours a day and studying several other hours. Every day lasted forever!