Published Sep 25, 2017
3 Posts
So, I like to post things that happen to me that I find funny.
Is this FB status okay in terms of HIPPA?
"First day of clinical and I had a patient tell me that they liked my hair which was really nice to hear because I had to put no less than 53 bobbypins in it to make it look presentable. Oh, and they also said I'd make a beautiful nun!"
Also, am I allowed to quote a patient if I put no other information about them?
Emergent, RN
4,278 Posts
I think it's a good idea to avoid using Facebook to discuss work and interactions with patients.
If you have to come here and ask bunch of strangers, you probably shouldn't post it even though it looks harmless. When in doubt do without!
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,934 Posts
I second what Emergent said. If it's at all related to work/school, don't post it. The most I've ever said about either was how I was happy to have turned in the last paper.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
And it's HIPAA
243 Posts
A post like that should be fine. There is no patient identifiers. That being said, social media rules are incredibly strict these days and I have joined the ranks of those who don't post to prevent any misunderstanding.
6,952 Posts
It's a real stretch to call that particular post a HIPAA issue - the real issue is that employers/schools don't like people who are associated with them posting various things. IMO that's understandable to a certain extent, but they take it way overboard in order to properly scare everyone, and they like to conflate HIPAA with their own "privacy practices" and behavioral expectations. So you really need to ask yourself two questions: Is it a HIPAA violation? and "is my school/employer going to come up with some reason that I shouldn't have posted it?"
MunoRN, RN
8,058 Posts
It's not a HIPAA violation, but as a student it's not HIPAA you really need to worry about, it's not unusual for schools to discipline or remove you from the program for any posts that mention of what goes on at clinicals.
385 Posts
All I'm gonna say about this is that I have hair just like
183 Posts
Eliminate the word patient†with someone†and I doubt anyone could pick it apart, even under a microscope.
Julius Seizure
1 Article; 2,282 Posts
I vote that you don't post it. It's kinda funny, and it's HIPAA friendly, but I wouldn't risk the wrath of my nursing school/clinical instructor over it.
CeSoirLeCiel, BSN, RN
21 Posts
It's not a HIPAA violation, but you'd probably be best off changing it from 'patient' to 'someone' like the previous poster suggested. Our school told us to avoid saying anything more than "Had a great day at clinical today" just to err on the safe side.
bsyrn, ASN, RN
810 Posts
Your best bet is to not post ANYTHING about your job on social media!