Published May 10, 2015
Is there any things about your that puzzles or confuses you?
897 Posts
I don't see why people are having difficulty understanding the question. It's asking, "Is there anything about your work/job that puzzles you?" Like a behavior, expectation, observation, etc.
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Ok, but you didn't answer the OP's question. Apparently you are one who, despite mangled English, understands the query.
nurseprnRN, BSN, RN
1 Article; 5,116 Posts
Yeah. How come my cat always knows to come running to wash my bowl just as I'm finishing my breakfast and never a minute sooner? How does she know that? (Home office)
Ou sont les Neigedens d'antan?
(gold star if you get that reference)
No Stars In My Eyes
5,410 Posts
Sigh. No capish/cabisco.
blondy2061h, MSN, RN
1 Article; 4,094 Posts
I'm confused at how sometimes the parking ramp gate is left unattended and then cash pay customers can't get out and a whole line of people trying to exit the ramp forms behind them. It's a real safety issue. Why would they think it's okay to leave their post? A real puzzler!
I did not answer the OP's question because I am not yet working as a nurse.. unless y'all would like to hear about my bewilderments concerning my customer service experience of which I have plenty?
2,453 Posts
How the hell did my boss get his job?
993 Posts
That as a nursing student I am not allowed to do BGMs but the NAs are.
You are not allowed to do this during clinicals? We were.
On our system all users need to be entered into the system and have their ID badge barcode linked to the tests they preform. I'm sure it's too time consuming to do this for all students that rotate through for a few weeks.
7,108 Posts
It puzzled me that my adult vent/trach private duty patient told me many times he was not afraid to die in a fire or an earthquake, but had a 10 out of 10 freakout when the power went out one evening. There was plenty of backup for the vent. It was the dim lighting that did it, the dark.
It puzzled me when my patients came in for a weight check knowing perfectly well they didn't follow their diets, but insisted on removing not only their footwear, but every stick of jewelry including clip-on earrings before stepping on the scale.
Don't forget about getting that last pee in right before. Heck, sometimes I try and plan my haircuts the day before an appointment.