Published Jul 23, 2008
119 Posts
What Kind Of Stethoscope Would You Recommend Investing In For Ns? I Am Willing To Purchase An Expensive One Only If It Is Worth It. I've Been Looking At The Littman Stethoscopes. I Think It Was Called "master Cardiology".
353 Posts
littmann cardiology III or master cardiology
409 Posts
What Kind Of Stethoscope Would You Recommend Investing In For Ns?
I use:
64 Posts
Honestly I would not invest in a really good stethoscope until you are at least in clinicals. So many people, including myself, lost and misplaced stethoscopes in labs and going back and forth between clinical sights. Right now I have an $80 Littman and a cheaper $30 stethoscope and can't even tell the difference! Whatever you get, make sure you put your name on it!! :heartbeat
28 Posts
Go with a Littman but don't go spending all that money on one of the fancy ones just yet. There were so many that dropped/failed out the first semester, so just in case nursing doesn't end up being for you, buy a cheaper one and then go for the cardio one later. On the other hand, I spent over $300 on an electronic one because I am 50% deaf and couldn't hear well on Med-Surg rotation. So unless you have a similar situation, start off with the lower end Littman.
561 Posts
I have a Littman cardiology, not sure if it's master cardiology or not, as it was a gift from my husband. Do get your name put on it, as all stethoscopes have a tendency to grow legs and walk away. I also was given the advice that a cheap stethescope would be just fine, but I find the cheaper ones at work impossible to hear anything with, not sure why though.
48 Posts
Anyone heard of a Marshal steth? Is it a good one and how does it compare to a Littman cardiologist III?
if its not a littmann its not worth owning
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
I use the GRx CD25 scope. Compared it side-by-side with a Littmann Cardiology III during clinical more than once. The GRx is just as sensitive but only $44US + S/H. Well worth it.
1,194 Posts
This is the one I have and it works great. I didn't want to spend a ton of money on one until necessary, but in all reality, I'm glad I didn't because this one is great...even my instructor said so!
casi, ASN, RN
2,063 Posts
Start with a low-end stethoscope at no more thatn $30 and then if you need it get a better one.
90 Posts
Since I currently work for a D level executive in a local hospital, I get some nice perks. One of the 3M :bow:reps gave me a Littman Classic II S.E. Black Edition scope as a present for getting into nursing school. So I don't have to invest in one anytime soon. lol:yeah: