Infection Prevention Misinformation

Nurses COVID


a nurse friend of mine at Country Bumpkin General tested positive for CV-19 yesterday. Like me, she does the right things, and avoids situations that could have led to this, and takes precautions. She's the manager of the step-down unit, so limited patient contact. I haven't seen her in person for over 6+ months. She called me to let me know that she had tested positive, and she's got flu symptoms as well. I prayed with her, but then she told me that she had called to let me know so that I could be tested since we spoke on the phone last week. The infection preventionist at CBG is apparently telling folks that it can transmit through telephone lines. No, not picking up a dirty phone that should have been wiped, but through normal conversations through your personal cell phone! Who knew? (This is sarcasm for those who don't get it). I called the infection preventionist for clarification, thinking my friend had misunderstood. Noooooo...the young lady on the other end of the line informed how out of touch with current science I was, that this was in fact true, and very common knowledge. She in fact told me that since I've been away from school so long, perhaps I should find some materials to review ?  No wonder there is confusing information out there, when someone in a position like this is spouting oddball misinformation. And yes, I reported this to the CNO, who assured me that her infection preventionist is very up to date on her knowledge, and refused to listen to my reasoning. WOW!, just WOW!. I had to vent, as this sort of thing is dangerous and shows how out of hand things have gotten. Or it qualifies as the "stupid human in a position that they shouldn't be in" award of the week!  

I can't believe that my friend didn't question it, she went to nursing school with me, and is a smart cookie. I can only put it off to her being sick and not thinking straight


Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.

I wonder if this telephone woman worries that she will get it from touching radiators while she is communicating to Martians.  I don't know - I just assumed she uses radiators for communication purposes.....

Specializes in Psychiatry, Community, Nurse Manager, hospice.


Please tell me you are joking.

I am stunned and terrified.


Specializes in Dialysis.
3 hours ago, FolksBtrippin said:


Please tell me you are joking.

I am stunned and terrified.


I wish I was. My friend is a little more clear headed today and says, while she remembers our conversation, it's a blur like a dream.

It's sad that some rural communities let things like this go on. I don't go to that hospital for fear of what will happen. They almost caused very bad things to happen to one of my in laws last year, over their "advanced thinking". Smh...

Dear God.....I WORK in public health, so I thought I'd heard everything. It's astounding to me on a daily basis, how "dumb" we've become as a nation, and how gross incompetence is ignored, or even worse, promoted. And not just in our jobs, but obviously, in higher places. Remember when science meant something? Obviously not at this gal's school.......

Specializes in Dialysis.
7 hours ago, gracie65 said:

Dear God.....I WORK in public health, so I thought I'd heard everything. It's astounding to me on a daily basis, how "dumb" we've become as a nation, and how gross incompetence is ignored, or even worse, promoted. And not just in our jobs, but obviously, in higher places. Remember when science meant something? Obviously not at this gal's school.......

even sadder, the hospital that she's working for...

Specializes in ED RN and Case Manager.

Thankfully, I am safe! I wear a mask when talking on my cell phone, gloves when surfing the internet, & a tin foil hat... ? ?⛑️

Specializes in SCRN.

Quickly, get your child off the computer screen!

Online education is infecting everyone!

21 hours ago, KyBeagle said:

Thankfully, I am safe! I wear a mask when talking on my cell phone, gloves when surfing the internet, & a tin foil hat... ? ?⛑️

.... and a diaper?

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.


I am very curious where the "infection preventist" got this info. Did you ever find out?

Specializes in school nurse.

I'm safe. My phone is on a homeopathic regimen designed to boost it's immune system (and reception as well).

Specializes in Dialysis.
1 hour ago, Daisy4RN said:


I am very curious where the "infection preventist" got this info. Did you ever find out?

She told me that "it's common knowledge from all of the reputable sources", even mentioned CDC and JAMA. I looked for these droplets of knowledge before contacting the CNO-of course, I didn’t find. The CNO and I go way back, and not in a good way. She told me that I probably wasn't even smart enough to disseminate the information, so it was my fault if I wasn't finding it ?‍♀️

Specializes in Travel, Home Health, Med-Surg.
1 hour ago, Hoosier_RN said:

She told me that "it's common knowledge from all of the reputable sources", even mentioned CDC and JAMA. I looked for these droplets of knowledge before contacting the CNO-of course, I didn’t find. The CNO and I go way back, and not in a good way. She told me that I probably wasn't even smart enough to disseminate the information, so it was my fault if I wasn't finding it ?‍♀️

Wow! I also looked for some info and couldnt find anything (I also thought maybe some article they misinterpreted). This is just plain scary that the CNO would say that and go along with it without even producing the sources for you, but I guess since there aren't any they are trying to CYA instead of providing a retraction of the info and set it right.  Some piece of work eh, yeah ugh! I don't know how some people get and/or keep their positions.

Well, at last we know what's been spreading this thing. It really is droplet-borne. I've been on the phone this afternoon talking to a couple of people who are or are planning to be sick and won't be able to come to work tomorrow. All that coughing and I've probably got it too. I need some Lysol and one of those thingies you get for $19.95 at Walmart to kill germs on your phone. Probably need to stay off the internet for a while too just in case.

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