In mourning and trying to study for boards...


One week ago today my little brother was killed in a motorcycle accident. He was 29 and leaves behind a 20 month old baby girl. I was his oldest sister and we were very close. The last time we were all together for a family celebration was my graduation from nursing school this past May and my party in June. I am in absolute shock and disbelief and on the day of his funeral, my NCLEX exam got scheduled. I am going on August 6 and I feel like I will never stop crying and Ill never be able to focus in order to successfully get through this test. Id appreciate any words of advice on this as I feel like Im running in circles. I worked very hard as a single mom to get through nursing school and Id hate to fail. But Im at a loss....please help...


Specializes in ICU/ER.

Jodi--I can not imagine the grief you are going through. You are allowed to resched your test, dont take it if you feel your not ready. Take the time you need to mourn your deep loss.

Give your self at least a month, circle a day on the calander and tell yourself on this day I will decide when I am going to take Nclex.

When you are ready to take it, know you will have an angel in heaven who will be cheering you on, he will be sitting on your shoulder during the exam and will bring you peace. When you get that lic, know that he helped you. Then celebrate your success and his life. And give his baby a big juicy hug and kiss.

Specializes in ER, ICU cath lab, remote med.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Are there any grief counseling groups in your area? You might be able to ask one of your nursing faculty for a referral if you don't know where to start to find one.

As far as NCLEX most cases, I think it's best to test as soon as reasonably possible after graduating. In your case, maybe it'd be best to take a few months to get your head relatively straight first. As a nursing school graduate, you know the stages of grief. Everyone experiences it differently and over different periods of time. But working as hard as you have, and facing the daunting tasks of not only passing NCLEX but then becoming a new nurse, it seems to me you should get your emotions in the best place possible first...however long that takes.

Wishing you peace and love....

i am so very sorry about your brother.:icon_hug::icon_hug::icon_hug:

i think it would be best for you to reschedule.

otherwise, i'm not sure how well you'd be able to study.

perhaps taking the nclex in september would be more realistic?

wishing you much peace, strength and resolution in these days to come.


Specializes in LTC, Rehab, Skilled Nursing, Management.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I can somewhat understand your pain as I lost my dad unexpectedly, he was 49, during the last semester of nursing school this last March. If you are concerned that you won't be able to take your exam on the date it is scheduled know that you can reschedule it as many times as you want as long as it is more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled time. I do believe that your ATT is good for only 90 days, so keep that in mind. Just keep doing what you need to do to 1. process the grief you are feeling and 2. to study for the nclex. I wish the the best of luck on the NCLEX and on the healing of your heart. :redbeathe

Wow!! I am sooo sorry to hear about your loss... That must be hard for you but you are in my prayers. Just know he is proud of you and he did see you accomplish your dreams.

I am soo sorry for your loss. If you feel prepared enough you might want to go ahead and test, do this for yourself and for him. Only you know how you feel.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

what a tragedy. I am so sorry. I too recommend rescheduling till a later date, grief counseling. Later you can dedicate your license to your brother! I know he would be proud

Specializes in ICU/ER.
I do believe that your ATT is good for only 90 days, so keep that in mind.

I think it is good for 365 days, but I may be wrong, definatly worth a phone call. I agree with the above posters who recomended some grief counseling, you have had many changes this year and death of a loved one is a terrible life changing loss.

Oh, how very, very sad. You have a great outlet here at allnurses. Please use all of us to the fullest. Consider giving yourself time to just

many blessings to you and your family,


Very sorry about the loss of your brother.

It is a shock. It will take time.

Reschedule your exam.

All the best to you.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.

Jodi, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved brother.

Shelly has some wonderful advice here... PLEASE give yourself some time to grieve. I'm sending prayers for your continued strength, peace and comfort. Please know that we're keeping you close to our hearts.

Gentle hugs.

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