I'm Stumped

Specialties School


Ok, the condensed version...

This past month I've had 2 4th grade girls fake getting their first period as a way to get out of class and possibly be sent home.

I am not sure how to proceed. I do not want to embarrass either one of them, but I feel it should be addressed. Both girls will try anything to get out of class.

What would you do?

Have you ever seen the movie the Shining? Remember the scene with the elevator doors opening?


Ha! But men contemplate things that women never do. IE: recently someone (inexplicably) asked me which disney prince I would most want to be with. I thought for a moment and then picked one pretty randomly. To keep it interesting, we asked every male who entered the office that day which disney princess they would want to be with most and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM had an answer in a split second and admitted that it was not the first time they had considered the question. An interesting little survey.

let me guess, Cinderella. She cleans.

My hubs would like Princess Jasmine.

My Disney Princess Girl Crush is Belle. Just sayin'.

Specializes in School nursing.
Ha! But men contemplate things that women never do. IE: recently someone (inexplicably) asked me which disney prince I would most want to be with. I thought for a moment and then picked one pretty randomly. To keep it interesting, we asked every male who entered the office that day which disney princess they would want to be with most and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM had an answer in a split second and admitted that it was not the first time they had considered the question. An interesting little survey.

Well, statistically some of those men might have also pondered which Disney prince they'd like to be with as well...

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
Faking in my office blows a kids credibility. I have addressed that directly with students before. If i catch them lying - i am not apt to believe them again. It's that simple. Once that credibility is blown, a student has to work really hard to show me that they are trust worthy. That being said This immediately came to mind:

That has got to be one of the funniest things I've seen - I recently had to take my 13 Y/O son to the doctor because he said he couldn't go to school because his balls were too big and he couldn't sit comfortably. I did establish that the gonads in question were just average size.


Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

disney prince crush is easy - Flynn Ryder - though i don't know if he qualifies as a prince or just a thief

disney prince crush is easy - Flynn Ryder - though i don't know if he qualifies as a prince or just a thief

I like Woody and Buzz. Even their names are swoonworthy!


Never actually thought of a Disney Prince in that context.

My cartoon crush would most likely be Brian from Family Guy.



I'm running out of cartoons.:blink:

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
Well, statistically some of those men might have also pondered which Disney prince they'd like to be with as well...


Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I thought for a moment and then picked one pretty randomly.

Uh Huh...pretty randomly, I'm sure

Uh Huh...pretty randomly, I'm sure

Who'd ya pick, kidzcare? And don't say that playa, Prince Charming.

Uh Huh...pretty randomly, I'm sure

Who'd ya pick, kidzcare? And don't say that playa, Prince Charming.

I honestly don't recall. Probably Aladdin. Maybe Simba

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I honestly don't recall. Probably Aladdin. Maybe Simba

Borrow Far's bag and tell us the real choice.

Borrow Far's bag and tell us the real choice.

No shame here! I think I said Aladdin. He's adorable and has a flying carpet. #winning

A very strong percentage of the men picked Ariel.

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