I'm Never Taking NCLEX Again Because......


I PASSED. This was my second try, and it was successful. I checked the Pearsonvue quick results early this morning. When I saw, "pass" it was like Christmas morning when you're a kid. I felt like a thousand pounds had been lifted off of my shoulders. I used Suzanne's plan, it works. I had studied very hard, everyday since the end of July. The Saunder's Comprehensive Review is a great content review book and CD questions w/rationales. It helped me remember things that I had forgotten in school. Also, a prayer or two helped as well.

To those of you still struggling, hang in there. Try Suzanne's plan and don't get discouraged. I would have kept trying until I passed.

Thank you Suzanne4 and all of you that supported me these last few months.

Congratulations Paleobug,RN!!! :monkeydance: :nurse:

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

congratulations, rn


Specializes in LTAC, Homehealth, Hospice Case Manager.

Congratulations!!!! :balloons:

Specializes in Clinical exp in OB, psy, med-surg, peds.

Congrats Paleobug, it just shows second time is a charm, go ahead and be the RN you have always wanted to be.:nurse:

Specializes in SNF Medical Veterans Hospital.

So happy for you, I know the FEAR....... I only dream of the feeling of extasy ( not the drug)... I took NCLEX for time # 2 on Friday 13, and the damn computer goes blank on question 77. Here I am saying NO NO NO give me a chance too bad off it went.....?????? I studied like a crazy person minimum 100 questions daily practice tests every other day, I wnet to the KAPLAN review ( and it was great) and my passing test was "above passing" and still I kept doing those questions, and pre tests with scores of 65-66% Kaplan said over 65% "go take the test".... On Lippincott I was sscoring 85-88%....so what did I do wrong????? I am so bummed out.... I am going to cry....... any suggestions, ( yes I have allready bought plenty of Kleenex) Bellaluna

Congrats! So so happy for you. Do something fun this weekend. Best wishes in your new career.

hi everyone..im going to take my nclex this december for..need some advice..evrytime im going to have my practice exam my score was always 66-78%..is this a good sign that im going to proceed my exam??or need to reschedule it???

i read saunders Q&A n lippincott Q&A...what other reviewr would u recommend??thanks aloT..looking forward on ur help

Congrats! I know you are so happy. :groupwelcome: :balloons:

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