I'm very disturbed by this

Nurses General Nursing


Found out that one of my coworkers was involved in her very first code blue. She is a relatively new nurse. When she called the code, the manager ran in, while a CNA grabbed the crash cart. Instead of waiting for the crashcart to arrive, the coworker gave the 85yo man (a cancer patient) 2 rescue breaths....without a mask on. The manager did not stop her, in fact, I heard she praised her....since nurses are supposed to do whatever it takes to protect their patient.

Call me what you want, but there is no way I am putting my mouth against my patients mouth wihout a mask on. Protect my patients, yes.... but I come first, too. This man was undergoing chemo, chances are, like many chemo patients, he had fungal infections in his mouth. I am very disturbed that out manager didn't intervene. If it was too late for her to intervene, she should have had a big discussion with her, and possibly write up a incident report.

just because she is a new nurse does not mean that she is young or just learned CPR. I "know" better, but it has been 47 yrs since i first learned CPR, ya think it is ingrained a little? lol

Specializes in critical care, PACU.

what setting was this in? I hate to say it, but in extra-hospital locations they may not have the luxury of an ambubag in every room. she probably panicked and just went with it.

although I know that if I couldnt find an ambubag I would press that blue button and an ambubag would shortly appear so Id definitely not be doing m2m. that gives me the heebie geebies just thinking about it!

Back before there were pocket mask. I did CPR on an elderly lady that aspirated in my mouth. On post she was eat up with TB. I ended up with a terrible case of TB. I was fairly new and would have moved heaven and earth to help thid 74 y/f who had been raped and beat up. I am so thankful we have pocket mask now. Everyone please use them.



OMG! Thank you for sharing your story. :)

I was a brand new LPN right out of school. I was working in a crazy nursing home. One of the CNAs came running to me, "John's blue!" Holy.... Anyhoo, I and my supervisor ran into his room. OK, I was concerned more about this pt then trying to find a mask. I did mouth to mouth until another co-worker grabbed me an Ambu bag.

Why this CNA didn't initiate CPR is beyond me.

I did what I had to do in this emergent situation and if it were me, I would want the same from my nurse.

Now, I know where the proper equipment is and always carry a mask in my pocket, just in case.

You never know how you will respond in an emergent situation until it arises.

Specializes in CVICU.

I did what I had to do in this emergent situation and if it were me, I would want the same from my nurse.

No offense, but if I were the patient, I'd rather wait for the ambu... just do compressions. Look at the evidence and you'll see that it's not really worth it!


Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.

I was really saddened in my CPR class (prior to going into nursing) that so many of my classmates were adamant that they wouldn't touch another person without PPE.

So, they would stand by and watch someone die rather than acting and taking the extremely small risk of contracting something. Sad.

It's one thing if PPE is readily available and it only takes a few seconds to don it, but to stand there and refuse to help because there is no PPE available.....is truly disturbing to me.

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

Virgo the evidence is showing that in an emergency situation that compressions are adequate.

Now you may feel comfortable risking yourself giving mouth to mouth but I certainly am not. I'm not risking my own life to be a hero.

Specializes in OB, HH, ADMIN, IC, ED, QI.

Ye Gods, where is the doctor, who is supposed to get permission for DNR when someone in the twilight of their life, with Ca is admitted? Most hospitals have printed order sheets with a check box beside the things that need to be done routinely for patients, and one which states CPR/no CPR


The buck for that stops with the doctor, who should be reported to the chief od Medicine at the facility, if he/she repeatedly leaves those boxes unchecked, or circles NO CPR without having a copy from the office chart, of the signed permission for that, by the patient or someone with medical POA.

I'll never forget teaching the entire staff (housekeeping, engineering, interns, residants, dietary - everyone) of a hospital where I was the Inservice Coordinator, on how to do CPR, when it was first introduced, in the mid '60s (when the unresponsive patient received a hard blow to their chest first). I drilled them on it regularly.....

Then a cardiologist came into a room while CPR was being orchestrated perfectly, gave everyone a dirty look, and unplugged the defibrillator. He said, "Haven't any of you read this guy's chart? He's moribund!" Well, then the NO CPR criteria and procedure were developed.

I'll never forget the looks on the staff members' faces. They had performed beautifully, and now one more detail had to be added....?!!?

Specializes in ER, L&D, ICU, LTC, HH.

OMG! Thank you for sharing your story. :)

Your welcome! I did not do it to reprimand the new nurse; she had the patient's care first in her mind just as I did. I told my story to let others know what can happen. Precautions are there for a reason. I had 18 months of medications, feeling sick and losing weight down to 104 pounds over this. It was no little thing. Would I do it again for another patient in the same situation (primitive equipment); yeah I would. We all take a risk everyday we go into work. If you have access to protective gear just learn from this and please use them.


I think the charge nurse has the responsibility to at some point go over the code with the other nurses. We always do this fairly informally, at the nurses station. I always emphasize what went right, and then give a few pointers. Emphasize that the first code is always a big hot scary mess, and subsequent ones will be much smoother. Emphasize that one of the best ways to improve practice is to go over a situation in your head, figure out what you did right, and figure out how you'll handle some things differently.

And this is a reminder for all the experienced nurses-if there's a code, get your newbies in there doing compressions. Let them see the code from the most central, yet ultimately least complex and stressful position.

Specializes in Med Surg-Geriatrics.

No Ambu bag on the crash cart?

Specializes in Med Surg-Geriatrics.

O ok she did not wait for the crash cart..well as another writer said she's new and obviously panicked it happens

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