Published May 24, 2015
15 Posts
I believe it is around 12%. What you guys think?
58 Posts
I don't think it helps us any to speculate on this. Seeing new statistics from actual surveys would be best. My class is 8% men.
Asystole RN
2,352 Posts
9.6% to 12% would be a massive shift. Granted, a lot more men are interested in nursing today than several years ago but nursing has grown in popularity with women too as steady source of independent income.
I think the percentage is still between 9-10% will a lean closer to 10%.
218 Posts
It is probably much higher related to new graduates, but because of the many years of nursing being female dominated it will take a good amount of time before the overall % changes too much.
228 Posts
If I were to venture a guess... somewhere in the 10% range.
windsurfer8, BSN, RN
1,368 Posts
I think that making assumptions in nursing is a bad route to go. "you believe" based on what quantifiable data?
154 Posts
Half of the nurses on my unit are guys! Some nights us girls are outnumbered by the boys!
labordude, BSN, RN
482 Posts
153 Posts
Most likely a lot higher. I know that on my new unit I see a more male presence than prior units.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Here Ya Go! Current Trends of Men in Nursing
According to the 2014 ANA data, the percentage of nurses who were licensed 2010-2013 and are male = 11%, prior to 2000 it was only 5%, so there has been significant change. However, nationally, males = 9%. This varies from state to state, as shown in this article... in Nebraska, 20% of nurses are male, but only 5% in Iowa and N Dakota.
2 Posts
My school is 14.6% male. I realize that's a little bit higher than average, but it's a Christian school, and nursing is looked at very positively because of how much service and compassion it requires.
prettymica, ASN, BSN, MSN, LPN, RN, APRN, NP
813 Posts