If I Murder A Co-worker, How To Hide The Body??

Nurses General Nursing


So here is the scenario: step-down for by-pass surgery/thorocotomy patients..first time in the unit; 3 patients - one DOS, the other two matching thorocotomy with "issues".

I was assigned to this floor the past two days - I never complain about my assignment from Central Staffing BUT, these ignorant women wouldn't take time to say HI, let alone show me where things were....the paper work is redundant - paper plus computer and the flow sheet doesn't flow, you need an interpretor.

The oldest RN (not in charge) for my 2 nights is what I call a "pot stirrer" - you know, if it's quiet, she will have to start something so she can either be a martyr or a saviour...

One of my patients went bad mid-shift - I got orders for boluses, Dopamine, the usual. She "volunteered" to go over to CVICU across the hall and retrieve Hespan - I stupidly trusted her and asked her to update the charge who was over there for most of the night....

When Charge came around 3 hours later, I pulled her aside and said I would like to update her on my patient....she started yelling "why wasn't I told"... I said, I asked Nurse Ratchet to update you when she went for the Hespan.... she said, '"OH, SHE DIDN'T TELL ME WHAT WAS GOING ON, SHE SAID SHE HAD TO HELP YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE DROWNING"....it took every bit of will power....I straightened things out with her and went about my business.

They sent me back there last night and she started some more crap the minute I left for lunch. The same patient had pain-control issues all day, the daughter was so upset she threatened the day nurse ... I had the woman comfortable or I would never have left for the brief time it took to drop off some stuff on another floor for a friend who wanted to borrow some CCRN prep books.... I return and the ***** is in my room - BOTh my pain patient and my nutty patient (who finally slept) were up and awake....she said she heard my patient moaning.... the roommate said that the nurse came in and woke them both up...now she is nutty but not confused.

I was confronted with her present by the Charge (a different charge) and I explained what I had done, what I had planned, etc.... he later took me aside and apologized and said to the effect she is a schemer.

To cap it off, no one answered the call light in the corner room near mine so I did....the guy wanted a drink - done....I leave the room, the light goes on again, oops, a mistake....I turn it off and as I leave the room, it trips again..... I discover he has turned the control over and laid it on his knee and the knee is just enough to set it off...I fix it and as I leave the room and walk down the hall, I hear the ***** say: " geez, can't she even fix a call light".

Thanks, needed to vent.......

If you have computer charting, you can just hit the capslock key, then take a paperclip and remove the capslock key. Stick it in your pocket. Whistle a happy tune.

Yes, I've been a deviant little thing. Oh, also if you know how to take screenshots of a windows desktop.... screenshot the desktop, then make that the background. Then delete all the icons off the actual desktop. She'll spend hours just trying to figure out how to open a single program.

Sister...? Is that you? Stealing my ideas again I see.

no one has mentioned wheeling the body into the morgue and just leaving it. i always thought that would be a great way to dispose of the body. now what's the best way to murder a co-worker -- i'd love to hear people's ideas on that!

that might work in a big city morgue. they do get unclaimed john and jane does.

Specializes in Emergency Dept, ICU.

I have a fairly big pond behind my house here in rural Tennessee, there is no way they could connect you and my pond together, I'll even put mud in it each year, so as they never find it even if they did drain the pond one day....

But there will be a fee.

Specializes in ICU of all kinds, CVICU, Cath Lab, ER..

I love how this group bands together to solve a problem! Wonderful! I feel sooooooooo much better!

Love & Thanks!!

Specializes in ER/Nuero/PHN/LTC/Skilled/Alzheimer's.

Never trust a man who owns a pig farm. Pigs eat ANYTHING!

Specializes in ER and Hospice.

Oh, pigs. Excellent idea.

I was wondering what size jars your pathology lab has available?

Hi; Sorry you have to work with an ass. I've worked with a few. Ignore them and they find a way to come after you. Confront them and they turn it around and make you look bad. Try to work professionally with them and they make your life hell. I guess I would talk to the unit manager, write them up when appropriate, and if nothing changed I would move on and tell the unit manager why you are leaving. There are alot of nursing jobs. One thing is for certain you are not the only nurse she is messing with. Eventually her stuff will catch up with her. There's no reason for you to be unhappy. She's the managers problem.

Specializes in Breast Cancer, Arterial, General Surgery.

I think that this is a brilliant thread.

I am taking notes for if I need them, but I will hide them from others in case they find that I am the right royal pain ...

Hi; Sorry you have to work with an ass. I've worked with a few. Ignore them and they find a way to come after you. Confront them and they turn it around and make you look bad. Try to work professionally with them and they make your life hell. I guess I would talk to the unit manager, write them up when appropriate, and if nothing changed I would move on and tell the unit manager why you are leaving. There are alot of nursing jobs. One thing is for certain you are not the only nurse she is messing with. Eventually her stuff will catch up with her. There's no reason for you to be unhappy. She's the managers problem..

Very practical indeed, trouble is that I have found most managers ignore the problem.

The other problem is that nursing jobs are becoming scarce over here in the UK though.

Specializes in ABMT.

Now, this is what I call teamwork.


Isn't there a patient who needs a personal sitter in the room? Or, oh yeah, isn't that her aunt staying down on that other unit? What a nice nurse! Why, she doesn't leave that old woman's side! She sleeps a lot, though...

Specializes in Corrections, Cardiac, Hospice.
Thanks for the laughs and for having sense of humor. I cannot believ there was not ONE extremely offended individual here calling us unprofessional deviants whom g-d will punish while we burn in .....:devil:

I think it is because we have all met this woman:rolleyes:

Specializes in Breast Cancer, Arterial, General Surgery.
I love how this group bands together to solve a problem! Wonderful! I feel sooooooooo much better!

Love & Thanks!!

I have been taking notes ... I may need them in the near future ... :saint:

I love this thread, thankyou walk6miles. Have you heard anymore about what happened at the hearing?


#4: Would anyone REALLY miss her enough to report it?

Thanks for the laughs and for having sense of humor. I cannot believ there was not ONE extremely offended individual here calling us unprofessional deviants whom g-d will punish while we burn in .....:devil:

I think it is because we have all met this woman:rolleyes:

I guess people like that are everywhere. I've run across a few.

There IS a lot of teamwork here in this thread.:bowingpur:yeah:

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