Published Aug 5, 2013
67 Posts
Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know if any ICU RN's out there are currently practicing in an ICU where they are called upon to do CRRT at the bedside. Currently, all HD/CRRT/SLED are done by HD RNs in our hospital, but there is an initiative to train ICU RNs to do CRRT (only). We have been told that the ratio for this assignment would be 1:1...
Just curious to know anyone's experience with this. Thanks in advance!
MunoRN, RN
8,058 Posts
HD nurses do HD on our ICU patients, but ICU Nurses do CRRT. I've been under the impression that's pretty common.
12 Posts
In our 24 bed ICU level 2 trauma center we as ICU nurses do the CRRT. The patient is a 1:1 as long as the CRRT is ordered. The dialysis nurse does all the conventional hemodialysis but we do the CRRT.
umcRN, BSN, RN
867 Posts
ICU nurses do the CRRT in my PICU, however we are at little silly and staff both the pump and patient (so the patient is 1:2). Granted some days those kids can be busy and it's great to have someone just on the pump but then there are also long days where the nurse on the pump does nothing all day
Dodongo, APRN, NP
793 Posts
In our entire system the ICU nurses run CRRT. The assignment is made 1:1.
634 Posts
We SLED our own patients. It is a 1:1 assignment. Our dialysis nurses do bedside HD.
Penelope_Pitstop, BSN, RN
2,368 Posts
Like several previous posters - we do CRRT, the patient is a 1:1 but HD RNs come up to us to do traditional dialysis. I haven't seen peritoneal dialysis in the ICU, but on the floor, nurses did that and did not have any less of a patient assignment.
86 Posts
In my unit (MICU) ICU RN's run CRRT- we are still 2 patients/ nurse, but only one patient per nurse can be on CCRT. Even when your patient is fairly stable, it can still be busy with the frequent labs, gases, troubleshooting the machine, changing filters, changing settings hourly, etc. But it is fun :)
MartinaLorraine, BSN
2 Posts
RNs run CRRT on my unit, a 28 bed MRICU. These patients are only 1:1 if they are maxed on 3 or more pressors, have multiple blood products running, or some other special circumstance depending on how short staffed we are and which supervisor is on that shift lol. We can also have an open bed with CRRT, which gets a bit annoying if you get a sick admission or something is going bad with your CRRT patient.
I was also under the impression that all units had RNs running CRRT. The only thing we don't do is change the sets and do initial setup, that the HD nurses do
5,351 Posts
Yes ICU RNs run both CRRT and HD in our unit. They used to send HD RNs up to do HD but then figured that they could save money having the ICU RN run that too.
Medic, RN
We (RNs) do CRRT 1:1, but we also do peritoneal dialysis. Dialysis nurses do HD.
Sun0408, ASN, RN
1,761 Posts
1:1 in my last unit and yes the ICU nurses set up and started CRRT. Of course we had to be trained and checked off but we did it all. HD was done by HD nurses, PD was done by the floor nurses (renal floor) they come to the unit or ED and set it up if needed.