Topics About 'Crrt'.

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Found 9 results

  1. Patient Diagnoses For Patient on CRRT

    Hey everyone! I am new here but I wanted to ask a question. I am a student writing my care plan for a patient with AKI secondary to CKD that is currently on CRRT. I am trying to come up with three nursing diagnoses that are priority for this patient....
  2. Hello folks, Will you be disqualified if you don't have experience in CRRT. My hospital doesn't train RN's unless u have 2yrs of exp. just wondering if it is really needed. Anyone who got admission without exposure to CRRT... Thanks
  3. CRRT: My Mistake

    I feel like a terrible nurse. I am a fairly new nurse and usually work in the PICU. I pride myself in being very safe and I am not afraid to ask questions at all. I am orientating to the SICU to help out while all this COVID stuff is going on. I expr...
  4. ICU RN's doing CRRT vs HD

    My co-workers and I are in a situation right now that many are feeling uncomfortable with. I work at a fairly small hospital with a 16 bed ICU where CRRT isn't rare, but several of us don't have a lot of experience with. For traditional HD we contr...
  5. ICU RNs running CRRT?

    Hi everyone, I'm curious to know if any ICU RN's out there are currently practicing in an ICU where they are called upon to do CRRT at the bedside. Currently, all HD/CRRT/SLED are done by HD RNs in our hospital, but there is an initiative to train IC...
  6. BuckeyeICUNurse

    CRRT: Providing Optimal Patient Care

    Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) is commonly used in ICUs for patients that need dialysis and are hemodynamically unstable. CRRT allows for slower filtration and particle removal, creating smaller fluid shifts during therapy. Here are...
  7. Hi all! I am currently looking for reviews from critical care bedside nurses on which CRRT machine they use and if they like it. We are currentl using the Nx Stage machine and are finding it to be extremely challenging, even for my best nurses. It...
  8. Hi all. I've used the prismaflex crrt machine for a number of years. Of course, on crrt you'll often have issues where the access pressures abruptly become extremely negative, or in other words, the patient's dialysis port temporarily occludes. ...
  9. Mobilizing While On CRRT

    Hi all! just wondering if anyone in your unit do ambulate or sit out of bed your patients while on continuous renal replacement therapy? I just came across into one of the research article that it is safe to do it.. many thanks!