I wonder why.....

Nurses General Nursing


I wonder why that on the boards, threads that are started with a negative twist (eg: new grads with attitude; the good/bad/ugly of US's; catty nurses; nurses who shouldn't be nurses) grow to multiple pages while threads with a positive twist (eg: amazing stories in nursing; why choose nursing; high school inquiries; etc) fall to the bottom of our screens with hardly a whisper.

Seems like we always have something to say or an opinion about something bad, but nary a positive thought or opinion related to what is good.

The repetitiveness of negativity is very disheartening. Those threads really bother me. Am I alone?

Any thoughts on that?

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

those threads that you view as negative are potentially controversial and become popular to post or view because of all the varied perspectives and opinions.


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Hi Jessica!

I wish I could say that honestly expressing opinion and comments are not going to get reprimands, flames, or heated discussion, but I'm sure you know that is not the case. Personal attacks are not permitted. But we all should be aware that we post at the risk of having it not recieved well by others.

As you may notice, that hasn't stopped me. :rotfl:


I do not engage in personal attacks. But do like to express my opinion. :p

You are definetly correct about people getting messages across differently. It is to be expected though. We are from various backgrounds, ages, have different cultures and values etc...... I respect them all, love reading about others etc. It's what it gives the threads a little "flavor". :roll

Have a good one Tweety


Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
I guess we can turn it around, too--to the flip side of the old coin. When someone "dares" to tell someone else something like " please don't type in all caps" she takes the risk of getting flamed back. My bad. :rotfl:

Fortunately, my Kevlar suit is donned and I have my fire extinguisher handy! :p

See I still don't get it SmilingBluEyes :p

Maybe I am too naive or I missed a point somewhere down the line.

I am a lost case then :rotfl:


Dear Jessica

I read your answer to Smiling Eyes, and one thing I noticed is that you were perhaps a little overly effusive in your apologies. Now, I've noticed that trait sometimes in others, and I think it can sometimes be misinterpreted as defensive, weak, or overly ingratiating. Humble is great, but sometimes folks will misinterpret overly humble. It always makes me a little uncomfortable myself, it seems sort of groveling.

When people are overly humble with me, it makes me feel like I'm in some sort of dominant position to them. I feel uncomfortable when that relationship is blatant. More agressive types will eat you for lunch, however. They view it as a sign of weakness and go for the jugular.

So, my advise is to be more matter of fact. Don't ever overdo apologies. :)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Ya know what, Jessica. Let's just shake hands and be friendly. I think a lot was lost in the online aspect of our communication here. You are sharp enough; maybe I am the one failing to get the point across. :rotfl:

Hey, what was the point? I can't even remember.

*extending a friendly hand to shake yours*

absolutely NO hard feelings here. I enjoy the freedom to express ourselves here as need be. It's a great board! Let's just forget the small stuff.


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
I read your answer to Smiling Eyes, and one thing I noticed is that you were perhaps a little overly effusive in your apologies. Now, I've noticed that trait sometimes in others, and I think it can sometimes be misinterpreted as defensive, weak, or overly ingratiating. Humble is great, but sometimes folks will misinterpret overly humble. It always makes me a little uncomfortable myself, it seems sort of groveling.

When people are overly humble with me, it makes me feel like I'm in some sort of dominant position to them. I feel uncomfortable when that relationship is blatant. More agressive types will eat you for lunch, however. They view it as a sign of weakness and go for the jugular.

So, my advise is to be more matter of fact. Don't ever overdo apologies. :)

Oh honey, trust me, my jugular is very well-protected and iron-clad. Anyone who knows me here, knows how "overly strong" I can sometimes come across. I am working on that, because the last thing I want to do is chase or scare anyone off. And in the past, I may have.

I re-read my post and saw nothing at all groveling in it.....but that is only my opinion. anyhow......

Thanks for the advice, however. I am always in need of improvement, a work-in-progress, really----- and good advice is always welcome! :)

Oh honey, trust me, my jugular is very well-protected and iron-clad. Anyone who knows me here, knows how "overly strong" I can sometimes come across. I am working on that, because the last thing I want to do is chase or scare anyone off. And in the past, I may have.

Thanks for the advice, however. I am always in need of improvement and good advice is always welcome! :)

My advise was for Jessica

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

I do not engage in personal attacks. But do like to express my opinion. :p

You are definetly correct about people getting messages across differently. It is to be expected though. We are from various backgrounds, ages, have different cultures and values etc...... I respect them all, love reading about others etc. It's what it gives the threads a little "flavor". :roll

Have a good one Tweety


I certainly didn't mean you do personal attacks, but when you express yourself you can not be personally attacked.

Look forward to hearing more from you. Hang with is in "Current Events" sometimes and express yourself! :chuckle

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
My advise was for Jessica
rofl ok then. :rotfl: duh on me......See how things get lost online.

I did not see her as groveling either. Nor weak. Just being a bit defensive. But then, again, being online, I have no ability to see the face behind the words. A lot is lost there, as you know!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
I certainly didn't mean you do personal attacks, but when you express yourself you can not be personally attacked.

Look forward to hearing more from you. Hang with is in "Current Events" sometimes and express yourself! :chuckle

Thanks, will do :p

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Thanks for the advice, however. I am always in need of improvement, a work-in-progress, really----- and good advice is always welcome! :)

Deb, you have the very best attitude. You never let anyone or anything stop you from expressing yourself. But when you are perhaps misunderstood, or even a bit harsh, you know when to learn, when to apologize, and when to grow from the experience. (Even when the poster wasn't even talking to you. LOL)

I strive to be like you. We may not be the most popular ones here, but we're not silent either. We can take any flame or rock thrown our way and may get a little crispy at times, but we just dust ourselves off. (I'm gaining on you in number of post sister so watch out!)

You have the gift of self-examination when you are flamed, rather than feeding the fire. You're my hero! (barf...)

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

And see, that is funny Tweety. Because I was just thinking what a great moderator you would be. You are always respectful and kind. And you know just how to put things that will get your point across w/o offending others. My hat is off to you. I have so much to learn yet.

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