I think it is time for the MCC hopefuls to start count down

U.S.A. Michigan


:redbeatheOkay MCC hopefuls, we are under the 45 day mark. Hopefully within 30 days we will at least have our ranking!!:redbeathe

42 days until letter day.....how are you feeling?

no letter today....

No important mail today only sales flyers.:plsebeg:Mitchymich I have been getting some headaches also and waking up in the middle of the night. No matter what the outcome, I'm going to celebrate this weekend and have BBQ :clpty: It's supposedly going to be very nice; I can't wait!!

I was never a runner either. I really wanted to have another baby, but I knew my husband wasn't ready yet. I also thought it would be a good way to sort out some concerns I was working through. Sooo I decided to run a marathon. I was pretty avg. it took me 5 hours; I ran it in Seattle WA. in Nov. I had frostbite when I was done, but I did finish and have a sweatshirt to prove it. lol :lol2: What motivates you to train. I'm always impressed when anybody does it. :yeah: Panky1, made my RT deposit; it's not my first choice but it's a good choice:idea: My mom always told me sometimes the only problem is the way you are looking at the problem; it used to make me sick when I was a kid and she said that :barf02:but I get it now. How is everyone doing???

I just wanted to share a story with all of you contimplating on RT and ST. My son was hospitalized last March with RSV and he was in the hospital for 7 days. We had wonderful nurses, but in our situation the RT's made much more of an impact on us. We had two in particular that really stood out and I actually considered looking into Rt as a career at one point because of my great experience with them. I agree about the phlegm, but it's not all "phlegmy" stuff that they deal with. They see a wide range of patients, and in our case they were treating my sweet little 18 month old that only needed them for breathing treatments every 2-3 hours. They were absolutely wonderful. And if for some reason you do not get into the nursing program and choose RT as your career path, then be proud of that, because they definitely can make as much if not more of an impact on their patients than nurses.

Good luck to all of you and I will be waiting to hear who got in so keep us posted (I know that you will)!!

I like your thinking pbid. A BBQ sounds like a great idea! Thanks for the update on the mail. I was planning on staying home until the mail came, but I think I'll venture out and enjoy the day. I'm getting sick of staring out the window waiting. Maybe tomorrow will be our lucky day!

. I had frostbite when I was done, but I did finish and have a sweatshirt to prove it. lol :lol2: What motivates you to train. I'm always impressed when anybody does it. :yeah: Panky1, made my RT deposit; it's not my first choice but it's a good choice:idea: My mom always told me sometimes the only problem is the way you are looking at the problem; it used to make me sick when I was a kid and she said that :barf02:but I get it now. How is everyone doing???

Frostbite! OMG!!!!! I too like to keep my sweatshirts/tech shirts from the races, that way you can prove it and I love it! What motivated me? I was always an active fit person growing up. When I met my ex-fiance I began to gain wait and stop working out. He was not good for my self-esteem, and well I ended up neglecting myself. Needless to say, with the ex to the curb, I got my mojo back and the motivation for doing the 1/2 was 1) I never was a runner so it was a greater challenge and 2) the 90 pounds I lost!

Love your Mom's saying too! It is so true. You know, it's hard to realize that you are looking at a "problem" differently and there are other angles you need to consider.

No mail here today. I almost thought I was psycic and it was coming. Had a feeling to go check the mail (usually the mail is here around 3pm) and when I went out, the mail-lady was just leaving! I was so excited to find....the newest Warren Weekly in my mailbox! WOW! LOL LOL LOL (Tries to keep it positive!)

hoping09: great story! It's nice to hear that you and your family were touched by some amazing RT. My hope is that I am able to be an RN that positively affect people with the same grace that those RT effected yours!

tomorrow? Winna Winna chicken dinna? I sure hope so! LOL. Come on letters! LOL ;)

I told you it is coming tomorrow since I will not be home until after 5....lol.

hopin09, great story and thanks for the encouragment. I think that it will be an exciting and awarding career. No letter here either!!! I think we all should get together at MCC and have a liquid BBQ this weekend, so they can see and witness the stress they have put us through!!! I figure the letter will come Thursday or Friday because I will not be home either of those days till realllly late...LOL

I told you it is coming tomorrow since I will not be home until after 5....lol.

Shannon why couldn't you NOT be home today until 5pm! :lol2:

I like your idea Panky of a liquid BBQ at MCC this weekend! Except, most of the people that are doing the ranking won't be around. We will tape if for MCC Nursing Hopefuls for 2009 gone wild! LOL LOL LOL.

I thought of an idea, and I don't know if it will work. I'm going to go to MCC tomorrow and pay the $100 for PTA if I don't get my Nursing letter tomorrow. Then, I'm going to head over to whatever dept. I have to an innocently ask what my ranking was. I'm going to say this fast "You know, The ranking for PTA, OTA and RN". And see if I can get them to spill the beans. LOL LOL LOL. I'm thinking it may work, since I have the letters for the other 2 programs. I'll see if I can be sleuty....But, at the same time, I think it might be too bold a move. At least I'm thinking. :lol2:

Specializes in Home Health Clinician.

This waiting is killing me. :p

I am srsly hoping for by Friday I won't be home after that until Sunday!

One of you will have to drive to my house and raid my mailbox if it doesn't come. :p

Hi Pbid, I am going to be in Resp Therapy with YOU!!!!! I finally made my decision and it was on reading alot about both and I really found it interesting that we can work in the er/trauma room....THAT I would Love....so my decision is set and the check went in the mail yesterday.....plus....my gosh, it said I was accepted into ST, but when I called, they said they will be doing another criteria rating in the fall. So you send in 100.00 now and if that criteria isn't met, then you don't get in the program, plus you lose the 100.00.....what a crock.....and I didn't meet the criteria with some of the classes. So I am in RT...I am excited!! Of course if the letter comes about the nursing and I by some slim, very slim chance I get into that, then there I go!!! But hey RT is a great stepping stone and it does sound very interesting! I guess I am going to have to quit smoking now for sure....LOL

I think you should go with whatever career you think is best for you. If you really want to be a nurse, do it. I would hate for you to get into a RT or RN program just for the sake of getting into a program. You have to really love what you do, and the pre-reqs are just as important as the actual program. Keep in mind that you could be taking the spot of someone's dream.

MCC has a lot of stupid stuff that they do, so I'm not surprised that you would lose that $100. They obviously care more about lining their wallets than they do about their students. Like what someone else said, they're fast to send out the bill for your classes, but they sure take their sweet a$$ time with letters that can make or break someones future. :angryfire

I just want this letter to come so I can confirm that I'm not going to be in the program for this fall. Then I can start working on my 'left over' pre-reqs, and I won't have to worry about rushing to take them. :up:

LOL my friend keeps saying we are going to have a letter celebration just to celebrate that it actually CAME! Bonus if I get in, btw I may kill my husband if the letter doesn't come soon. Hello me=stressed beyond belief, respect the letter anxiety!!!

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