I did something stupid... no, embarrassing and stupid

Nurses General Nursing


Okay, first I want to make it clear that this is not a thread about religion. Please, let's not discuss our personal views of religion, that isn't my topic.

Here is my problem. I have two patients, D and J. D and J (I'm serious here folks) share the same biological mother and they share the same husband. D is preggers with her 17th child and J is preggers with her 14th child. There are several other wives to this gentleman but they aren't my patients.

Today I was talking to the MD office getting some orders (home infusion co,) and although the topic was J I mentioned something I needed for D as well. The woman on the phone acted confused and I was trying to explain their relationship tactfully. I started to say that D was going to borrow something from her ... frie... sist... umm... suddenly I drew a total blank at how they would refer to one another. I finally blurted out "co-wives!" Oh geez, what an idiot I am. The stuttering and stammering on my part was not intentional, I was actually looking for a respectful term and I wasn't coming up with anything and the more I stammered trying to find the right term the more it looked like I was looking for a smart remark or insulting term. It felt like this went on for a long time but it was really just seconds. The more I realized what a butt I was making of myself the more I stuttered and couldn't come up with a word.

Finally the woman on the phone kindly reminded me that we are all women and they are just like me. Just women. She did think I was trying to come up with an insulting remark. She was also tactfully telling me that she is also one of many wives to the same husband.

I just came clean with her. I said look, I don't know how I am going to get out of this one other than to apologize. I was trying to come up with a respectful term and I drew a blank. I am so very sorry. She laughed and told me she was used to this. I did explain that I just froze and nothing bright was coming to mind. I really was looking for a respectful term.

She laughed and said not to worry, she believed me. But she just asked me one question, would I please just promise her one thing. I said sure, what is it? She asked that I not believe everything I see and hear in the media. She said it just isn't like the media makes this out to be.

A little history. I live in Arizona and there are parts of AZ that have Mormons that believe in this lifestyle. There has been a great deal of media coverage on this and the are blasting these folks. I really don't know much about this lifestyle but today I realized I need to learn about it.

I am in serious need of a lesson in culture here. I point blank admitted this to the woman on the phone. She said she would see what she could find. I was looking for something to read and understand their point of view. She said she would do some checking and let me know.

A couple of hours later she called me and said that she came up with.. nothing. They are extremely private people and they just don't talk about their world much and they don't write about it. She asked around and pondered this since our previous conversation and she wasn't able to come up with anything.

I asked if I could ask a question and she said sure, go for it. I asked my question and she answered from her point of view.

This makes me realize, I don't want to be in that position again. I want to learn more about this but I don't know how. I want to be respectful of my patients but I'm at a loss as to how to do this.

Any suggestions for some good reading? A place where my questions will be answered? The more I understand their ways of living and thinking the better I can do for my two patients.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. And does anyone have any similar experiences?

Specializes in Case Management, Home Care, ICU, BMT,.

My brain in now in high gear, and yes, I remember hearing about a support group for women formerly in plural marriages. It was started by a woman who had been in such a relationship and had managed to leave. I wonder if a Google search would locate her website?

As far as 14 year old girls getting married--Yes, in my opinion that is WAY too young. However, to get away from home at that age, I would have agreed to just about anything. I thought I was grown up and knew EVERYTHING. Amazing how, now that I'm 53, I know NOTHING!

Try this link

http://www.rickross.com/reference/polygamy/polygamy1.html pv('http://www.rickross.com/reference/polygamy/polygamy1.html','3', 600)*

Susan in NYC

One of my very best friends used to be a reporter for the Fox network in Phoenix. She did a piece on the polygamists. She said that it was terribly sad how they were living. Children upon children crammed into houses and men taking the girls that had just gone through puberty as their wives. She said that the women and children there had very blank, sad looks in their eyes. Many were afraid to talk for fear of being abused. She said that the police of this town follwed her and her camera guy everywhere they went. The night she did her live shot from above the town to introduce her piece, there was a car that slowly came up the hill where they were and flashed their lights throughout the whole live shot. She said each time the camera was on they were flashing. It really scared her. There is an "underground railroad" so to speak, that helps to get these girls out of there. Twelve year old girls could end up "married" to a 50 or 60 year old man. It's just sad. I wouldn't worry too much about understanding the culture. I don't know that it can be fully understood. I think you were very tactful in the use of the word co-wives. It sounds like you did your job by taking care of them. Sometimes that's all we can do, treat the body and leave the rest up to God, or a higher power.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Twelve year old girls could end up "married" to a 50 or 60 year old man.

That's why i feel the majority of the time this is just an arrangement for a man to get his hand on a child, and call it their "practice". That's just bull.

Specializes in Telemetry, ICU, Resource Pool, Dialysis.

AZMichelle, I don't know how long you've worked in that area, but have you come across any pregnant teens from that group? How will you deal with that? I think that would be a tough one for me.


I was aware of the main site where that link is, I found it yesterday and read through some of those.

This one kind of gets to me, it's sad:


...You seem more concerned about the young girls having arranged marriages. Consenting adults is one thing, but you're right, does a teenage girl who has been raised in a culture where this is expected really have the opportunity to say "no, I don't want to live like this"? I don't think so. And before you know it, she has 12 kids and is trapped, along with her daughters. ...

Yes, you have exactly identified my problem with this. Let the adults do what they will. I'm sure I do a few things that others don't approve of, that's life. We won't all agree on things.

My personal feeling is if you are an adult, you are with another consenting adult, you aren't hurting anyone then do as you will. But leave children out of it. Let them grow up to decide for themselves what is right for them.

I've lived with the same man for 16 years without marriage. I suspect the ladies in Colorado City would look at me and my situation the same as I look at them. They probably don't 'get it' anymore than I do when I look at their situations.

AZMichelle, I don't know how long you've worked in that area, but have you come across any pregnant teens from that group? How will you deal with that? I think that would be a tough one for me.

No, I really haven't dealt with pregnant teens from this group. I was mostly OR, ICU, and Trauma. When I was looking for that job that didn't have all the crap to go with it (politics) I tried county and had a LOT of teens there giving birth but not from this group. Most of them were trying to get pregnant so they could stay in the country.

County wasn't for me. Three months is all I could do.

I think I finally found what I need for the time being. The company I work for is absolutely fantastic. Patient care comes #1!! I love that part. And I have patient contact but not too much patient contact, you know what I mean? I just need a break. I'm not frazzled yet but close to it! :chuckle

I don't want to give up nursing but I knew if I didn't make a change and a quick one at that I would give it up for good. I need a break, this is what I need. However simply due to my company and our target groups of patients I find myself dealing with a few new issues I've never been exposed to before, such as my ladies in my original post.

Specializes in Telemetry, ICU, Resource Pool, Dialysis.

AZMichelle - Good luck to you! I sure miss Arizona, but I don't really miss the cultural problems like the ones you have mentioned. I don't really encounter anything out of the ordinary here in KS!

Could you have a frank discussion with these 2 pts. themselves to explore how they express their relationship to each other?

From your description they are true, half sisters, as well as "co-wives".

I believe they are mostly members of the Kingman family. (or something close to that)O

Could you have a frank discussion with these 2 pts. themselves to explore how they express their relationship to each other?

From your description they are true, half sisters, as well as "co-wives".

I've thought about that but it doesn't feel right. I don't really know either of them well yet. Perhaps after I get to know them a little more I could but not now. These are extremely private people that expect and receive criticism from pretty much all outsiders. Talking to them would be a little too risky for me.

I believe they are mostly members of the Kingman family. (or something close to that)O

No, that isn't accurate.

There are many many families out there and tons of last names. I don't know what the population is there but I know we have a slew of them on our caseloads. The kids are on enterals, the adults are on all kinds of meds.

The kids have a lot of genetic problems, the women have been having baby after baby for years and years and they pay for it with their health. The only really healthy folks seem to be the men. :(

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