I was slapped by a doctor!

Nurses General Nursing


I honestly can't believe it myself! I just graduated from my program on May 16 of last month. I am still in orientation at a large level 1 trauma center on a busy cardiac care unit. The hospitalist is known for having a horrible temper anyway. Well, he was on a roll all shift today. One of my pts BP was all over the place all day. It became very low suddenly. I told my preceptor (still on orientation) and she said to have the MD paged. He was not happy and screamed at me over the phone. I braced myself for when he got to the floor, already getting very nervous. Well, he came up fit to be tied. He slammed the papers he was holding onto the nurses station where I was standing with the health unit coordinator. I forgot to get the pts chart out for him to look at (as he requested on the phone...my fault i know :(). He asked for the chart and I said...hold on I'll have to get it for you. He turned bright red and said harshly (but not screaming) "You paged me and you're not even ready!".

And then thats when it happened -- he took his hand and hit my cheek. Now, it wasn't some soap-opera backhand where I went flying across the room or anything..but a little pop. Kinda like what a mom would do to a small child if they said a bad word or something. I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything. I just handed him the chart and he want to the pts room. The whole time I was fighting back tears. The HUC and I just exchanged looks of shock with each other! I think I am going to file a complaint tomorrow against him...and the HUC said she will back me up since she was the only one who witnessed this. I had no idea that doctors behaved this way..is this normal?? To say the least I'm dreading going back in on Wednesday. I had heard some doctor horror stories..but nothing like this -- what I consider to be assault. Am I overreacting? I don't want to be seen as a drama queen or a trouble maker being on the floor only 2 weeks in this unit :(. Ugh!

Specializes in ER.
I was quite surprised to see the advocation of violence on this thread. I know many people are posting in anger but really, to advocate violence back against the doctor is not right either.

Has this been addressed already? Or was anyone else as shocked as I was about all the angry responses? Why so much anger? I am a new nurse still looking for my first job so perhaps someone could enlighten me on doctor nurse relationships/feeling towards one another. There must be a whole lot that I don't know on the subject :)

PS while working as a CNA, the worst tantrum I saw by a doctor was him using the "F" word because the nurse hadn't passed him the right thing during a code. But I haven't seen any kind of hostile relationships yet between docs and nurses.

I must've missed where it was posted to be violent back to that doc...

I would probably have countered violence with violence. Lots and lots of it.

I would probably have countered violence with violence. Lots and lots of it.

Indeed, I may have hit him back myself. In times like that it is the hope that cooler heads prevail but sometimes reflex is faster than thought...

Not to lessen the impact of what finally transpired on the OP, it is too bad that instead of firing me and blacklisting me in the healthcare community, my former employer did not see any wisdom in supporting me by giving me a "pay raise". That raise was a payoff, no matter how one looks at it. It I were the OP I would be very uncomfortable every time I took my paycheck to the bank, knowing that for a paltry sum I was being kept quiet and coerced into not taking further action. A double edged sword that will probably have lingering psychological effects.

you know, i was actually thinking about what i would instinctively do if hit by a doctor, or anyone for that matter.

unfortunately, i do believe i would hit back, and likely, much more forcibly than a 'light tap', as was the case with the md.

if that was the case, could the md file charges for battery in spite of being the instigator?

and, could the person who was initially hit, be charged according to the level of injury?

i mean, if i responded to being hit (lightly) by breaking his nose, could i be charged more punitively?

just wondering...


Specializes in ICU.

I had an ******** Dr in ICU today, demanding various things then just walked off while I was talking to him...like I have absolutely no significance, therefore no need to observe common courtesty. Moaned about the arterial gas printout - one of his minions had walked off with it but all the results were charted for him if he had cared to read it.

I could just see myself getting a new printout, and fastening it to his forehead with a sharp pen or similar :eek: and have been laughing every time I think of it. Made him less scary laughing about him, and I think he knew I was laughing at him too :yeah:

you know, i was actually thinking about what i would instinctively do if hit by a doctor, or anyone for that matter.

unfortunately, i do believe i would hit back, and likely, much more forcibly than a 'light tap', as was the case with the md.

if that was the case, could the md file charges for battery in spite of being the instigator?

and, could the person who was initially hit, be charged according to the level of injury?

i mean, if i responded to being hit (lightly) by breaking his nose, could i be charged more punitively?

just wondering...


Specializes in ED, ICU, PACU.
Not to lessen the impact of what finally transpired on the OP, it is too bad that instead of firing me and blacklisting me in the healthcare community, my former employer did not see any wisdom in supporting me by giving me a "pay raise". That raise was a payoff, no matter how one looks at it. It I were the OP I would be very uncomfortable every time I took my paycheck to the bank, knowing that for a paltry sum I was being kept quiet and coerced into not taking further action. A double edged sword that will probably have lingering psychological effects.

I suspect that in Risk Managment's eyes, she is also a risk. I wouldn't be surprised that the raise was used to pay for her silence until the statute of limitations passes & then her risk to the facility can be eliminated by finding some bogus cause to let her go.

Personally, I would be uncomfortable taking a raise if it were not based on merit or an across the board raise-guess I don't see things the way other's do. :twocents: Somebody's going to squeal about her not getting a raise based on merit & it may come back to bite her from those she has to work alongside.

I do feel sorry for her and her ignorance on things like this; but, she came here for help and made an informed choice on how she wanted to handle it. She is the one that will have to live with the inevitable results of her choice.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Well, let me first say that I work in downtown Detroit and it's known for being a bit "rough". If anyone hit me, they will get twice what they gave me. After reading the OPs story and update, I feel almost like the doc got away with it. I hope that hospital gave her a sizable raise and I hope that doc learned his lesson. He could have had much worse than his admitting privileges taken away.

Bah what you got were peanuts in my opinion. What did you get? a 1-2 dollar raise to keep you quiet? You had a chance to make a significant change for women, particularly in nursing, but you chose to keep quiet after making a small mention of the incident to management. Him slapping you not only disrespects you but also your profession. Sorry guys, I'm just not satisfied with the outcome. She should have at least sued or filed a police report.The doc got away with murder (he still left with dignity), and I'm sure he will hit some other poor nurse after this blows over.

I suspect that in Risk Managment's eyes, she is also a risk. I wouldn't be surprised that the raise was used to pay for her silence until the statute of limitations passes & then her risk to the facility can be eliminated by finding some bogus cause to let her go.

Personally, I would be uncomfortable taking a raise if it were not based on merit or an across the board raise-guess I don't see things the way other's do. :twocents: Somebody's going to squeal about her not getting a raise based on merit & it may come back to bite her from those she has to work alongside.

I do feel sorry for her and her ignorance on things like this; but, she came here for help and made an informed choice on how she wanted to handle it. She is the one that will have to live with the inevitable results of her choice.

If the OP is wise, she will adopt a low profile, bide her time, attempt to cultivate at least two positive supervisor references, and quietly look for a new position, then leave after an acceptable period of time. She would be doing herself a big favor by going on her own terms rather than having any sleepless nights wondering when and how the axe will drop. :cool:


Never got hit by a doc but got groped by one. By the time my INSTINCTS kicked in he was never in the same area as me for the rest of his time there. My friend also saw him with his girlfriend at the time clock on another floor and told her "watch out he's got more arms than an octopus." That also satisfied my ego better than any slap could have.

As far as getting hit, police report, call the supervisor, occurrence report and request to talk to the board.........and DON'T take the hush money. Lawyer up if you have to.

Specializes in CCU.

Again thanks for the advice. I have a contract with this particular hospital, so I'm here for at least 2 years (they paid for my schooling). I can only get out if I pay back the money, so I think I'll stick it out for the time being. Since the doctor is no longer here, I don't see where that will be a big problem. I love where I work and my other co-workers. And btw, without going into too many specifics...the pay raise I got was significant -- I'll just say my salary has been doubled. I was going to go to NP school, but now I don't know if i want to take the pay cut! :D

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