I was slapped by a doctor!

Nurses General Nursing


I honestly can't believe it myself! I just graduated from my program on May 16 of last month. I am still in orientation at a large level 1 trauma center on a busy cardiac care unit. The hospitalist is known for having a horrible temper anyway. Well, he was on a roll all shift today. One of my pts BP was all over the place all day. It became very low suddenly. I told my preceptor (still on orientation) and she said to have the MD paged. He was not happy and screamed at me over the phone. I braced myself for when he got to the floor, already getting very nervous. Well, he came up fit to be tied. He slammed the papers he was holding onto the nurses station where I was standing with the health unit coordinator. I forgot to get the pts chart out for him to look at (as he requested on the phone...my fault i know :(). He asked for the chart and I said...hold on I'll have to get it for you. He turned bright red and said harshly (but not screaming) "You paged me and you're not even ready!".

And then thats when it happened -- he took his hand and hit my cheek. Now, it wasn't some soap-opera backhand where I went flying across the room or anything..but a little pop. Kinda like what a mom would do to a small child if they said a bad word or something. I was so shocked I couldn't even say anything. I just handed him the chart and he want to the pts room. The whole time I was fighting back tears. The HUC and I just exchanged looks of shock with each other! I think I am going to file a complaint tomorrow against him...and the HUC said she will back me up since she was the only one who witnessed this. I had no idea that doctors behaved this way..is this normal?? To say the least I'm dreading going back in on Wednesday. I had heard some doctor horror stories..but nothing like this -- what I consider to be assault. Am I overreacting? I don't want to be seen as a drama queen or a trouble maker being on the floor only 2 weeks in this unit :(. Ugh!

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.
Again thanks for the advice. I have a contract with this particular hospital, so I'm here for at least 2 years (they paid for my schooling). I can only get out if I pay back the money, so I think I'll stick it out for the time being. Since the doctor is no longer here, I don't see where that will be a big problem. I love where I work and my other co-workers. And btw, without going into too many specifics...the pay raise I got was significant -- I'll just say my salary has been doubled. I was going to go to NP school, but now I don't know if i want to take the pay cut! :D

This is very interesting, about the salary increase. I'd expect to get canned as soon as the statute of limitations is up.

I'd feel very strange about this salary thing. It's one thing to receive compensation for an injury - but it's quite another to have it in your paycheck.

There has to be more going on under the surface regarding this physician and the hospital's assessment of their potential liability. Something they are very afraid of.

Sounds like he needs anger management.

Specializes in CCU.
This is very interesting, about the salary increase. I'd expect to get canned as soon as the statute of limitations is up.

I'd feel very strange about this salary thing.

I understand your reservations. I have the same. My plan is to keep my head down, work hard, take the money and when the contract is up...perhaps move on to something else. I don't feel bad about taking the money -- the hospital is getting off easy that I'm not being litigious and they know it. So for now, I'm not rocking the boat and neither are they.

just don't see it as hush $ (maybe it's being part of the deal that the bucks come from the dr. ,heh?) What sort of referance do you suppose he'll get, other than ,yes he worked here, no I wouldn't hire him back., (as per legality.) perhaps the hosp had note of prior problems w/ his actions, or neg attitude, & truly saw him as a liability,(law suit waiting to happen.) Why do u suppose he didn't hire a lawyer& fight this ? I sure think I know. I really feel the hosp is looking after their best interest, as well as the nurse, those in the past, & probably the future.What do you suppose he told his wife, (or hasn't yet) "I'm taking time off" or" pack up,(call the movers)were moving to (filll in the blanks) "I got a super job offer, they want me bad!" lol! take the money & run girl! but I do think a police report, for the record would be in your best interest ,I woudn't call this talking about it : As I said before ,the hosp knows everyone else will be talking about it, so to call it payola is, to me, pointless.Like I said before, this will be good thing for other Dr's, & others to learn from also. Try to relax, are your folks supportive of the latest developement?? sue

Specializes in Medical Surgical.

Uh oh, wait a minute!! I never did see the point of the hospital giving you a raise, but DOUBLED your salary??? Turn it down!! You are being set up, and the axe will fall on you when you least suspect it, ruining your credibility. The doctor made a big mistake for an abuser, in that he left a witness. He will not make that mistake again. Seriously, I was all in favor of your just dropping the matter now that the doctor is gone, but something is very wrong with this situation and it is you who will pay for it.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being bought and paid for, after all, all employees are, but don't for one minute be lulled into thinking these people are your friends. Nobody here is telling you anything that is against your best interests. You are not in friendly territory, no matter how much money they throw at you.

Specializes in ED, ICU, PACU.
Again thanks for the advice. I have a contract with this particular hospital, so I'm here for at least 2 years (they paid for my schooling). I can only get out if I pay back the money, so I think I'll stick it out for the time being. Since the doctor is no longer here, I don't see where that will be a big problem. I love where I work and my other co-workers. And btw, without going into too many specifics...the pay raise I got was significant -- I'll just say my salary has been doubled. I was going to go to NP school, but now I don't know if i want to take the pay cut! :D

I hope I am misunderstanding you; otherwise, it seems to be a self serving attitude being displayed, which doesn't do much to warrant respect... [just erased the rest of what I was thinking because it doesn't seem worth it to waste my time]

Specializes in CCU.
I hope I am misunderstanding you; otherwise, it seems to be a self serving attitude being displayed, which doesn't do much to warrant respect... [just erased the rest of what I was thinking because it doesn't seem worth it to waste my time]

How could this be construed as self-serving? Hiring a lawyer for big bucks would be that. I just accepted what the hospital was offering -- none of this was my idea. Trust me, I would give it back if I wouldn't have had to go through with any of this. But to blame me when I didn't do anything wrong? Kinda like blaming the short dress for rape instead of the rapist:cool: Am I happy with the decision...of course! Am i happy it happened...absolutely not.

Specializes in ED, ICU, PACU.
How could this be construed as self-serving? Hiring a lawyer for big bucks would be that. I just accepted what the hospital was offering -- none of this was my idea. Trust me, I would give it back if I wouldn't have had to go through with any of this. But to blame me when I didn't do anything wrong? Kinda like blaming the short dress for rape instead of the rapist:cool: Am I happy with the decision...of course! Am i happy it happened...absolutely not.

You seriously misunderstood what I was talking about. There was no blame stated or implied. I was referring to an "attitude" that was displayed in the post (and here, too).

FYI, I would hope that if a rape did occur to anyone, that person would do everything possible to prevent the rapist from harming anyone else & not allow themselves to be bought off to keep it quiet. There are no excuses for violent behavior of any kind & the only one at blame for an act of violence is the one that committed the act.

I would speak to a lawyer immediately and get some legal advice. They might offer you some protection for down the line and chances are good you will need it. My guess is this doctor has a long history that your current employer covered or they did some more research after your complaint and didn't like what they found.

I fear they let the doctor off the hook to avoid a big lawsuit that would make them look bad as well. They pay you double for a short time and then find a way to fire you to save money. They then cut their ties to the whole ugly mess and sadly, as the victim you are part of that in their eyes. They will leave you out to dry.

I just want you to make sure you have all your options covered. I would also be sure NOT to sign anything the hospital presents to you without an attorney viewing it.

How could this be construed as self-serving? Hiring a lawyer for big bucks would be that. I just accepted what the hospital was offering -- none of this was my idea. Trust me, I would give it back if I wouldn't have had to go through with any of this. But to blame me when I didn't do anything wrong? Kinda like blaming the short dress for rape instead of the rapist:cool: Am I happy with the decision...of course! Am i happy it happened...absolutely not.

They just don't offer to double your salary if there is nothing for them to gain here. They must know more than you do about this doctor. They gave you this money to protect themselves not to help you. PLEASE know that.

You were clearly the victim here but I fear you are being victimized again.

This "doctor" should maybe swing by the psych ward on his lunch break for an evaluation...yikes...

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