I passed thanks Suzanne! True hope for those retakers!


I took my exam on thurs. the computer shut off at 86 and I passed!! I used suzannes plan! I am a 5th time test taker !! graduated in dec of 99! Thank you so much Suzanne!! if it was not for your plan I probably would not have pass! god bless you and the help you give to those in need! For those of you needed help use Suzannes plan it will work!!

thanks again I can say now I am a RN !!! thank you god!

:balloons: GL to all Lory

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.




:balloons: cong[color=olive]ratulations :balloons:

Congratulations Lory

Specializes in Med-Surg.

That is so awesome!!!! Congratulations!

i am so glad to hear that. i know how hard that you have worked to get to this point. and glad to be a part of it.....

((((((((((((((((((((hugs to you)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

THanks so much!! to all !!


congratulations to u lory!!!:balloons: :monkeydance: :cheers: :nurse:

Specializes in Gynecology/Oncology.
I took my exam on thurs. the computer shut off at 86 and I passed!! I used suzannes plan! I am a 5th time test taker !! graduated in dec of 99! Thank you so much Suzanne!! if it was not for your plan I probably would not have pass! god bless you and the help you give to those in need! For those of you needed help use Suzannes plan it will work!!

thanks again I can say now I am a RN !!! thank you god!

:balloons: GL to all Lory

Congratulations! This gives me more hope! I have failed twice, and am following Suzanne's plan. As tempting as it is, I have turned down free review classes, and also passed on books that others swear works. I am putting all my faith in Suzanne's plan and using only Saunders. Glad to see it worked for you!!!!! :balloons:

IT worked!!! gl to you! I will pray for you too!!


congratulations, :monkeydance: :biggringi :) :saint: :smiley_aa :loveya:

how can i contact suzanne?? i need her help =(( i failed my exam.....

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