I need encouragement.....


Please tell me your honest opinion. I am 34 and a single mom of 3 little girls, no help or involvement from the father for the past 4 years but I've always held my own. I have a BS in Biology and I have done my due dilligence and figured out how to earn my BSN in the next 5 semesters. I was valedictorian of my high school, most likely to succeed, and I have been successful in business for the past several years. BUT.....I want to go to nursing school and be a labor/delivery, postpartum, or neonatal nurse.

My mom told me tonight, "I just don't see you doing that", ie being a nurse. It absolutely broke my spirit. I am in tears, as my mom and I are close. I know I get squeamish at the sight of vomit, as she well knows and reminded me tonight, but I am a loving, caring, and SMART WOMAN.

I am just sad, I have been so excited, and I just need a little encouragement. I have enough in savings that even with no child support I can go to school full time for the next 2.5 years and scrape by and come out ahead. I would need to get student loans but I would never ask my parents for anything. God bless them, they paid for my BS 10 years ago. :crying2:

I would love to hear any words of wisdom. I have a lot to offer, I do know that much!!

Hugs from Charlotte,NC.

Specializes in Neurology.

Ask yourself one question; What do I want to do?

I, myself, do not like cleaning up vomit and wiping stool from someones bottom!

Think about the patients, not yourself. Ask yourself; What would I feel like vomiting all over and needing help? Put yourself in their place. They need your help.

I hope this helps!

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

Go for it. I started a master's program after more than 20 years being out of school, widowed mom with 3 homeschooled kids. Even though I only do one class a semester, I'll graduate with my oldest next year, her with a BS and me with an MSN, from the same university. No matter how long it takes, its worth it.

Mom thought I had too much on my plate, but paid for a housekeeper once a week to support me. Hope yours comes around too. But if she doesn't, go do it anyway. We'll always be just a mouseclick away in here for you! :yeah:

She may not see you doing it... But the important thing is you do. Just think when you are finished with nursing school (Because you will be) She will see it then.

Holdfast to your dreams..

Specializes in LTC, office.

My mom was a nursing assistant when I started nursing school. She was less than enthusiastic about my career choice and trying to talk me out of it. Once I started school and was doing well she started to support me. She now could not be prouder to have daughter who is a nurse. :)

Specializes in Certified Diabetes Educator.

This is your life. You need to live it with as few regrets as possible. If you don't do this, you will regret it the rest of your life------because right now, it means the world to you :nurse:. The WORST that can happen is that you do it and find that direct patient care nursing is not what you really like. BUT, with a degree in biology AND nursing-----you would find so many doors open. I can't see where this is a bad decision. Mom's are great, but they don't know everything like we thought they did when we were little.


PS......I have a hard time with vomit too. I shoved a pan at my patient the other day and left the room, with an excuse, in order to "contain" my gagging. It can be done.:uhoh3: Even worse for me is sputum-----oh my! is it ever a challenge for me. I'm still a really good nurse inspite of all this and I bet you will be too.

Specializes in Multiple.

I was told at an early age that I would never amount to much and wouldn't pass my school leaving exams. My teachers couldn't see me achieving. Your mother cannot imagine you as a nurse - her lack of vision, not yours. You sound to me as though you have done your homework, you are aware of your own personal situation and it sounds like you want to do this.

Like Randy Pausch says

"But remember, the brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people."

I firmly believe that you are not one of the 'other people' and wish you every success.

By the way - the little girl who would not amount to much is now a mother of 3, grandmother of 1, nurse manager with a masters degree - if that's not amounting to much then ok - oh and by the way - I used to faint at the sight of blood... :lol2:

Specializes in oncology, trauma, home health.

My mom thought I wouldn't be able to hack it. She failed out of chemistry and never fulfilled her dreams of being a nurse. I was a horrible student in high school and college. I thought skiing and partying were pre-reqs for life. When at 30 I decided to go to nursing school she said "You'll never be able to pass A & P" HA! All I had to do was think of her "Ace A&P I will" was my chant with Yoda on my shoulder. Yep, all A's..Now who does she call when she cuts her finger? Yep, me, the nurse!

I HATE colostomies. I hate the gas that builds up and I gag when I empty them, but I still just do it. "Empty the colostomy I must" is Yoda's current chant.

You can and you should do this!!

besides, dealing w/baby throw-up is a lot more doable than dealing w/an adult's.

the 'mommy/daddy' in us, tends to take over.

as i have done all my life, go and prove your mom wrong.:)

many blessings to you.


I'm the one who made this original post a little over three years ago.....I figured out how to go back and read your old posts that you've made on allnurses.

I remember that night that I wrote the OP so well, I was so distraught. Thank you all for the encouragement. Well folks I made it, just thought I'd let ya know. Graduated Magna Cum Laude in December and working on a medsurg floor and loving it. ;)

Specializes in Med-Surg, Psych, Tele, ICU.

My mom told me that very same thing...that she didn't see me being a nurse. That I couldn't handle the body fluids. That was over 20 years ago and hasn't stopped me yet. Good luck, you can do anything that you set your mind to!

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