I need encouragement.....


Please tell me your honest opinion. I am 34 and a single mom of 3 little girls, no help or involvement from the father for the past 4 years but I've always held my own. I have a BS in Biology and I have done my due dilligence and figured out how to earn my BSN in the next 5 semesters. I was valedictorian of my high school, most likely to succeed, and I have been successful in business for the past several years. BUT.....I want to go to nursing school and be a labor/delivery, postpartum, or neonatal nurse.

My mom told me tonight, "I just don't see you doing that", ie being a nurse. It absolutely broke my spirit. I am in tears, as my mom and I are close. I know I get squeamish at the sight of vomit, as she well knows and reminded me tonight, but I am a loving, caring, and SMART WOMAN.

I am just sad, I have been so excited, and I just need a little encouragement. I have enough in savings that even with no child support I can go to school full time for the next 2.5 years and scrape by and come out ahead. I would need to get student loans but I would never ask my parents for anything. God bless them, they paid for my BS 10 years ago. :crying2:

I would love to hear any words of wisdom. I have a lot to offer, I do know that much!!

Hugs from Charlotte,NC.

Specializes in Peds Critical Care, Dialysis, General.

My mom didn't like my choice of nursing as a career. This was back in the middle 70's. She had a false notion of nursing - doing the bedpan thing, cleaning up after others, etc. Well, my choices and changed - got married, had kids, had experiences I needed to have.

I got my RN at age 47. By then, her attitude had changed. Her youngest sister had gotten her RN, then my younger sister got hers. She understood more of what nursng was all about, so was very supportive by the time I finally got around to it. Youngest sister and 1 granddaughter are also now nurses!

If you feel led, go for it!!! There are so many excellent options in your area.

Specializes in med-surg 5 years geriatrics 12 years.

You need to follow your heart. I went to talk to my nursing school about enrolling and told the advisor that I wasn't sure I could do it since I too have a "thing " about vomit. She tild me, as I am telling you now......if every nurse who is bothered by something walked out, we would have no nurses; some days everything will bother you and some days nothing will bother you. No wiser words were ever spoken. Welcome to nursing:nurse:

Specializes in Medical, Paeds, Ob gyn, NICU.

All I can say is darn right you can do it :)

I am a 35yo single mum with 4 kids, the youngest is now 4. I finished my RN's at the end of last year and started work as an RN in feb this year!

If I can do it then anyone can LOL

You go girl :)

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

When I got laid off from my "factory" job in my early 40s and decided to go to nursing school I was told by almost everyone in my life including my husband and mother that I would never make it. They spouted long lists of why. I decided to do it anyway.

It was hard, but I was focused because I didn't ever want to be laid off again. I have now been a nurse for 6 years. Graduated near top of class. Am making an obcene amount of money and am working as a travel nurse right now.

PS. my mom and hubby sure are enjoying the fruits of my hard work

my husband has since apologized for making fun of me

From what you have described you are a very smart and very well organized person. You will do well at what ever you decide to do because you have planned well for the future

Specializes in Triage, MedSurg, MomBaby, Peds, HH.

Your mom probably doesn't understand what nursing is in 2008. In time she'll understand and be behind you 100%. We moms usually are!

Like you, when my mom doubts me it crushes me -- no one else seems to have that ability. You have been through a lot raising three girls alone; you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to.

I wondered if you'd explored an accelerated BSN since you already have your Bachelor's? Or would that be much more difficult to do it that way with the 3 little ones?

Best of luck! :) :) :)

Specializes in Med Surg, Hospice.

First off, don't let anyone talk you out of it. If this is what you truly want, then go for it. I let people talk me out of nursing 25 years ago, and I've spent 25 years regretting it. As for the vomit thing... everyone has something that makes them uncomfortable. My biggie is poop. I can't stand to look at it, smell it, clean it, etc. BUT since it's all part of the job, I clean it up and smile while I'm doing it. Why? Cause I want to be a nurse more than life itself.

My mom wasn't very supportive when I started NS either. However, when I had to take a leave for personal reasons, she said to me "I know you did this because you wanted to protect that A and not fail." I think the light finally went on. :)

Good luck! You'll also find a lot of good people on this board who are great with words of encouragement and advice when you need it.


Specializes in ER.

Isn't it amazing how easily well intentioned mothers can destroy our self confidence? And no matter our age and accomplishments, one little criticism from mom can turn us back into insecure children?

When I left the potato chip factory at 31 (where I supervised 32 people) to become an LPN, both of my parents told me I would never finish (based on my quitting college when I was 18). I graduated as valedictorian out of the original 400 that had applied to my program.

I have been an ER nurse for 3 years years. And yet recently when my mother broke her little toe, she absolutely refused to listen to my advice instead choosing to doctor it in her own way resulting in it becoming infected.

When my 16 year old son is sick, she insists on telling me how to take care of him. I gently remind her that not only have I managed not to kill him in the past 16 years, but I also take care of everyone else's children in the ER. Doesn't do any good, though. She still knows better than me. She's my mother.

My point is this: You will always be your mother's child and in her mind, always a child. She remembers having to care and comfort you while you were sick. She probably doesn't see you as the successful, independent person you are: capable of making smart decisions. Smile politely and let her voice her opinion. Give your mom a great big hug for loving you enough to care about your future. Then go do what it is your heart tells you to do. Just be sure to cherish the pride you'll see on your mother's face the day she watches you graduate from nursing school. I know I sure did.

Many people in healthcare have a thing or two they have trouble with. I know many who hate sputum, some who hate poop, and even one RN who hates to see or help people brushing their teeth. We deal with some pretty gross things. Vomit usually makes me gag, but I haven't had a problem at work. You find yourself so wrapped up in helping sometimes you just don't notice it.

If nursing is what you want to do then do it. :) Show them you can.

go for it! follow your DREAMS!!!

good luck to you!

As much as I hate to admit it, my mom had a vote in my decision to drop out of NS way back when . Now I regret not pressing on. Funny thing is mom really didn't like my alternate career choice one bit.

Do what your heart tells you. You sound like you have a lot on the ball and I think you will do well.

Best of luck Carol, hugs from Florida.:wink2:

We all have dreams....follow them and create your future. Never live someone elses "version" of your life. Live it for you, and you will be the best role model for your kids....ever!!!!!!! No one knows you, like you!!!!!!

It will be alright. Just go for it. Follow your dreams and your heart. You will get past the "vomit" part. As you proceed toward your goal, mom will come around. She will realize your passion and hopefully will share it with you. Hopefully you have other family members or friends that will be able to help out with the children etc. while you are in school. It will be alright... Don't be sad..... Good luck to you....

take care and get enrolled...:jester::jester::jester::nurse::nurse::nurse::jester::jester::jester:

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