Published Mar 20, 2011
43 Posts
I must say I'm very thankful for all the helpful advice I have received so far on this forum. I feel very supported and inspired on this forum.
I'm graduating this May and due to my complicated situation, I can only work 12-month full-time then I have to go back to school full-time (I'm planning to take easy courses) and work part-time (20 hrs only/week) for the next years for about 1-2 years. Then, I can go back full-time again. Should I confess this to my interviewers? I was rejected for a job when I confessed this. What should I do? I don't want to bind myself to contracts that I cannot fulfill in terms of hours commitment. Yet, I wanna land a job, too
Please help.
million thanks in advance
eriksoln, BSN, RN
2,636 Posts
I look at it this way, they (admin., managers) change the rules after a few months with no notice what-so-ever so, tit for tat. People everywhere getting their retirement changed, PTO changed, ratios adjusted (for the worse), and they don't worry about what the nurses think when they do it. Sooooo.............don't give them any consideration they have not earned.
dthfytr, ADN, LPN, RN, EMT-B, EMT-I
1,163 Posts
Honesty is a great policy, but it doesn't apply when predicting the future. Is your life now exactly how you always planned it would be? I know mine sure isn't! I'd planned on winning the lottery at least twice and be living in the Playboy Mansion by now (nice thing about dreams, dream big!). I say don't try to predict the future. Life may have other plans for you anyway. If asked where you see yourself a few years from now, simply tell the truth, you hope to further your education. Good luck.
154 Posts
How about getting 2 part-time jobs now, when its time for school, just quit one of those.
HeartsOpenWide, RN
1 Article; 2,889 Posts
I would not bother mentioning it. But part time is 24 hours; not 20.
NaKcl, BSN, RN
236 Posts
I wouldn't tell them at this point. you may plan to work part time after 1 year, but things can happen and you may have to change your plan. you never know what is going to happen after the first year, so don't worry about telling them ahead. They don't want to know that either!!!
734 Posts
Life is short..confess nothing of this sort on an interview. Your plans may change the employers may change. You can not predict the future so too much honesty is not a good thing here.
linearthinker, DNP, RN
1,688 Posts
I agree with the others. Don't mention it. A lot can happen in a year.
Seems like different places have different ideas of what full time and part time should be, IMHO.
CrazziiRN913, ADN, BSN
244 Posts
I wouldn't say anything about...get the job first then worry about that when it gets closer to school starting back up for you. As it has been fore stated a lot can happen in a year
443 Posts
Yeah, I don't know why you would ever tell them that. That may be your plan but a)plans often have a way of changing and b) why would you shoot yourself in the foot like that in the current job market? At the end of a year they're not going to say, "Why didn't you tell us?". They'll assume it's a new plan, probably. And if not, either way they'll either work around it if they like you or use it as an excuse to get rid of you if they don't. And by that I don't mean they'd get rid of you by saying you didn't disclose it, they'd just say they don't have a part time position or something like that.
1,246 Posts
If you are planning to work at least 6 months full-time then I wouldn't even think about telling them anything. It's your life, and things always change.