should I confess? 12-month full time then part-time for the rest


I must say I'm very thankful for all the helpful advice I have received so far on this forum. I feel very supported and inspired on this forum.

I'm graduating this May and due to my complicated situation, I can only work 12-month full-time then I have to go back to school full-time (I'm planning to take easy courses) and work part-time (20 hrs only/week) for the next years for about 1-2 years. Then, I can go back full-time again. Should I confess this to my interviewers? I was rejected for a job when I confessed this. What should I do? I don't want to bind myself to contracts that I cannot fulfill in terms of hours commitment. Yet, I wanna land a job, too

Please help.

million thanks in advance

You don't know how things can change when the time comes. Could be an entirely different, workable situation. Never mention something like this. You will never get a job offer.

Specializes in Global Health Informatics, MNCH.

I agree with others. It's too far down the road to lose a job over. Also, in response to the other poster, part-time where I work is 20 hours.

Confess nothing. Your plans might change. Good luck.

I wouldn't tell them anything.

Things can change.

Most places are at will employment, no contract, you can quit at any time.

I wouldn't say anything unless SPECIFICALLY asked about this. If during an interview someone asks a question like "would you be able to commit to this schedule for atleast x months?" then give an answer like 'I'd have to work something out regarding hours because of classes I'm taking in X semester.'

Don't lie....but don't volunteer the information yourself!

Specializes in GERIATRICS.

I wouldn't tell them right now.

Specializes in Peds/Neo CCT,Flight, ER, Hem/Onc.

No need to disclose but be aware. When/if you decide to go part-time your employer is not obligated to honor your wishes if they do not have a part-time position open. You may find yourself out of a job entirely and you need to plan for that.

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