How do you stay sexy in nursing school


Hello all, I just wanted know how you try to stay sexy while in nursing school, going to clinical, or even working as a nurse. I see so many of us and we look kind of bland. How do you maintain feeling like a woman if your nails can't be done, with pretty polish, or you can't wear make up. So tell me what do you do to keep your sexy.

At first I thought this was going to be a ridiculous thread but really I think you're asking how women stay feminine. The use of the word "sexy" just automatically made me thing this was a joke or something, but from reading the post I see what you really mean. Besides, who's gonna pay for a premium membership if they just wanna post joke threads? lol.

Anyway, in clinicals we were able to wear polish but it had to be in perfect condition. People were sent home even if they had one tiny chip. We were also allowed to wear makeup.

As for what I did then and what I do now (I guess we can apply this to work too, right, not just clinicals?), I do hair and makeup everyday. I don't do crazy makeup because I'm just not a fan of the bright blue shadow and the pearly pink gloss, but I do a "natural" makeup daily. I do kind of a smoky eye but it's like smoky-lite lol, the last thing I want is a ton of black shadow on. I don't use foundation because I don't really need it. I use a bit of blush, mascara, and lip gloss.

I usually style my hair wavy and then pull it into a pony tail. Sometimes I just smooth out the frizz around my hair line and then straighten the top half of my hair and pull it into a bun. What I do miss is perfume! I have so many great perfumes but oh well, it's for the other 4 days of the week!

There's not really much else I can's not like we have much of a choice with wardrobe or shoes.

I really appreciate when others around me show some effort in their appearance though. I remember in clinicals there was this one much older woman who had the frizziest hair I've ever seen and she would style it into two pigtail braids and it never looked like she even brushed it. She looked so unprofessional. A lot of other nurses do show effort though.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
Hello all, I just wanted know how you try to stay sexy while in nursing school, going to clinical, or even working as a nurse. I see so many of us and we look kind of bland. How do you maintain feeling like a woman if your nails can't be done, with pretty polish, or you can't wear make up. So tell me what do you do to keep your sexy.

Going to work I don't care about looking sexy. I care about looking professional and competent. Keep my hair neat and washed, smelling clean, hair out of my face, a little makeup - that's good enough for me. I'm trying to keep people alive not look for a date.

ETA at my job I have my nails done, and wear a little makeup this does not affect how my patients perceive me or what kind of care I provide them. Honestly I feel sexy because I feel smart, I know I do a good job and I know I make a difference, that makes me confident and sexy. :)

I must say the salon I go to offers gel nail polish, its perfect as a nurse. Its like a regular polish but lasts 4-6 weeks no chips!

well you kinda give that up in nursing school but when you get out they have the cutest and brightest outfits ever, and i have bought so many different color shoes to match each outfit, but in reality you are not in nursing school to impress any one on your looks, Your patient 's dont really care if your flashy( although i like to be) they do appreciate bright colors and a a smiling face, being nice and courteous is important as well, no body needs a attitude when they are hurting. And it is very much appreciated and that person will remember you for ever,

Professional should be the goal, not sexy.

The only application I could see looking "sexy" would be appropriate would maybe be in the front office of a plastic surgeon's.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

:smackingf to say this.

If you're worried about looking "sexy" WHILE in class/clinical/on the job, you need new priorities. Those are neither the time nor place to look "sexy."

Outside of class/clinical/job, there is no reason you can't wear make up, fix your hair however you please, etc.

So, to keep it short, I don't see the problem.

Sexy is from within, not from "pretty nails," anyway, but that's a whole other topic.

Professional should be the goal, not sexy.

The only application I could see looking "sexy" would be appropriate would maybe be in the front office of a plastic surgeon's.

I thought this too when I first saw the heading, but in her defense, when I read her post I see what she really means is "feminine". I don't think she wants to show up in stripper heels and show cleavage or anything, she just wants to know how she can be a woman and not look like she just rolled out of bed and put scrubs on because she can't wear any makeup, perfume, or polish.

To the OP, you can be beautiful AND professional and show that you care about your appearance. By the way, my pet peeve when it comes to "looks" is greasy hair. Oh god, can you actually believe some people actually need to be told they should shower daily?

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

"I'm too sexy for my cap, too sexy for my Danskos, whacha think about that?"

(Hopefully someone will be old enough to remember that song.)

Specializes in LTC, office.

I don't WANT my nails done up fancy at work. I keep them short and natural; much easier for what we have to do as nurses and looks very professional.

I do wear makeup and I have never heard of anyone not being able to wear makeup as a nurse. But I personally think heavy makeup and smokey eyes should wait until after work. But I wear mascara, shadow, light eyeliner, foundation and lipstick.

Scrubs are awesome; comfortable and can be very cute. I love being comfortable at work.

I think sexy was the wrong word, I didn't intend for it to sound that way. I just wanted to know how you manage to still fill feminine. I'm not worried about looking good for someone, I know that being professional is the number one thing. Going to work to be sexy is not my intention. I'm just wanting to know what others think. I knew when I got into nursing school, I had to clip my nails, acrylic nails, etc. I work in a hospital so I know how to be professional. In school we are always told you can't have acrylic nails, no polish because of JACHO. The hospital that I'm currently doing clinical at is a faith based hospital so their policy is very strict, you can't have highlights in your hair, or any trendy kind of styles. So that is all I'm saying. I agree with the other poster about missing my perfume, cause I do miss it.

Specializes in PACU, OR.

Ask my husband. he thinks I'm irresistible. No, seriously!

My hair can be standing on end, I can be worn out from a 12 hour shift with overtime to follow, and he will still follow me around, sexually harassing me....

Honey, either you got it, or you don't got it....:coollook:

If you feel good about yourself, others will find you attractive, and you won't even find the need to gild the lily.

Btw, I'm 55, my hubby's 56...

:) I remember that song

"I'm too sexy for my cap, too sexy for my Danskos, whacha think about that?"

(Hopefully someone will be old enough to remember that song.)

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