How often did YOU see the school nurse?

Specialties School


I can honestly remember seeing the school nurse on just 3 occasions:

1. 1st grade - My Mom suspected chicken pox but was not sure. Told me to go to school and ask my teacher to see the school nurse because "my Mom thinks I have the chicken pox." That went over well !

2. 2nd grade - I got slammed in the back of the head by another student doing a "penny drop" on the bars. I saw stars and staggered dizzily back into the school with the help of a friend. Fell asleep with my head on my desk. Woke up and promptly vomited, luckily into a trash can. Sent home. Never went to a doctor. Had planned sleep over that evening.

3. 7th grade - First period began the day prior. I just felt all kinds of weird.

Never saw the school nurse again.

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

I went to 5 different elementary schools for various reasons. My dad was in the military, we moved a lot, one school closed and we were moved to another school, and one switch was because I tested into the talented and gifted program which ran out of a different school.

The only time I remember a school nurse in elementary school was in 5th and 6th grade for lice checks.

I remember a scoliosis screening in middle school.

In high school, I had a bad case of senior-itis my senior year and visited the school nurse more often that I should have and got sent home more often then I should have.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
14 years old, I burned my initial on my hand with a lighter and had a blister. I went to get a bandaid and she called my dad and told on me! LOL got a whoopin' at 14 years old :D

You earned that one!!!!

Specializes in School nursing.

I rarely went. I attended a very same Catholic elementary school and high school - there was a nurse, but she was very part time. I can only remember 3 visits:

3rd grade: spent the day stumbling and feeling very dizzy. Turns out I had a double ear infection. Went home for that one.

6th grade: I remember being screened for scoliosis (in front of everyone - it was horrible and that feeling still sticks with me when I screen students one at a time privately today) and being referred out. No scoliosis, but I had to get x-rays, back bend with only underwear on...not fun. Especially because that was year I was bullied a lot in my small class of 24. Kids did not let that one go.

9th grade: Severe menstrual cramps one day that I almost passed out from. I did make it through the school day, because attendance was very important to me. Went on birth control pills soon after, thank goodness.

I wasn't a complainer growing up. If I did complain, my parents knew something was up.

Specializes in School nurse.

Dating myself here...1969 small pox vaccination in the gym is burned into my mind. Maybe a handful through jr high then never in high school.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.
1969 small pox vaccination in the gym is burned into my mind.

You just jogged my memory! Standing in line in the cafeteria waiting to get immunized like a bunch of cattle through a chute.

Never. We didn't have a school nurse. But the secretary handed out ice packs, so I think I got one of those once.

My school never had one onsite. I met one once when I worked for a hospital that did a health fair at a local high school. She was assigned to several schools throughout the county and was at a different location everyday. That was around 15 years ago. Now my daughter is in elementary school and I know she doesn't have one at her school. They trained someone in the front office to give prescription bottle meds during school if needed. I just come in the office and medicate her if she's being treated for something. I've seen too many errors by med techs when I worked in an ALF so I'm paranoid when it comes to unlicensed personel handling drugs.

Specializes in Allergy/ENT, Occ Health, LTC/Skilled.

never, did we even have one lol?? I swear I never saw her.

Dating myself here...1969 small pox vaccination in the gym is burned into my mind. Maybe a handful through jr high then never in high school.

You just jogged my memory! Standing in line in the cafeteria waiting to get immunized like a bunch of cattle through a chute.

My memory was jogged as well!

I do remember standing in line to get immunized. I have the scar to prove it.

But I don't know if it was the school nurse.

So sorry to my school nurse.

Especially in middle and high school, I'd be the faker. For some reason, I was deathly pale, so it added onto my story of having a bad stomach ache. I didn't do it too often, but I usually was sent home.

Specializes in Med-Surg, OB, ICU, Public Health Nursing.

About the third grade, the whole school lined up for polio vaccine. In 5th grade woke up in princpal's office smelling ammonia inhalant after fainting. Hypoglycemia, which I have to this day. In high school, I caught my hair on fire using a torch to weld jewelry. I was so upset, I immediately got a migraine and she let me go home.

Never. When I wanted to get out of class, I just skipped.

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