How often do you take a vacation?

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in ER.

I take one week long vacation a year....not enough!

Specializes in Geriatrics.

The place I *might* become employed at gives 3 weeks. I plan to make my vacations around my weekends off.... use 3 days for W-F with S-S off to extend my vacations! Doing that I can get in 5, 5 day vacations a year!

Specializes in LTC, Med-SURG,STICU.

Not often enough! One a year if I feel like being kind to myself. However I do take extra long weekends every couple of months.

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

After 7 years of no real vacation (meaning excluding long weekends), I took 2 weeks off this past July. I came back with such a renewed energy at home and a Zen-like calm at work. I am an avid fisherman (fisherwoman?) and I also take a week in October when the seas are getting chilly. I think nurses should definitely take vacations. It really puts things into perspective and it is like Christmas every morning when you DON'T have to set the alarm!

Specializes in Critical Care/Coronary Care Unit,.

I try to not use up too much vacation time. A lot of times I'll schedule myself to work Sun,Mon,Tue of one week and Thu, Fri, Sat of the next week. 8 days off w/o taking personal leave. However, when I do use vacation time I usually take of 3-6 days and schedule myself to work 3 consecutive days at the beginning and end so that I get at least 15-22 days off from work. I try to do this twice a year. You need long vacations in this profession to keep your sanity or recover it if you've lost it. ;)

P.S. Have you ever noticed that when you come back from vacation, they always give you the worst assignment. I guess with us being rested and all.

Specializes in cardiothoracic surgery.

I take about 5-6 weeks of vacation a year. I try to take time off about every 3-4 months.

Specializes in Hospital Education Coordinator.

Three weeks allotted and holidays. I take two to travel and one to visit.

Specializes in medical surgical.

at just a little over 18 an hour for a vacation, after taxes I do not have any money for vacations. We hardly have enough for groceries. I very much envy rn's who can make more than we do. Our top out rate is 23/hour some of these people have been rn's here for 20 years. We no longer get raises due to the poor economy. Raises have been suspended for this year also. Many nurses are getting homes foreclosed on in this very small town. Be careful saying a hopsital doesn't pay as much but col is lower. COL is not necessarily lower. Our cars still cost the same, as does our food, scrubs, electric et al. We really struggle here.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.
at just a little over 18 an hour for a vacation, after taxes I do not have any money for vacations. We hardly have enough for groceries. I very much envy rn's who can make more than we do. Our top out rate is 23/hour some of these people have been rn's here for 20 years. We no longer get raises due to the poor economy. Raises have been suspended for this year also. Many nurses are getting homes foreclosed on in this very small town. Be careful saying a hopsital doesn't pay as much but col is lower. COL is not necessarily lower. Our cars still cost the same, as does our food, scrubs, electric et al. We really struggle here.[/quote/

My pay rate is the same as yours with > 15 yrs experience. My hours have been cut, and no raise for 2 yrs. We're still waiting to see if it will be 3 years without a raise.

Having said all that my family and I manage 2 weeks. One week out of town somewhere, one week staying at home. The rest of my hours are spent trying to make up for the time I'm called off.

I take one week long vacation a year....not enough!

me too!

Specializes in Peri-Op.

5-6 weeks a year out of the city and out of phone range.

I have been taking at least 3 weeks like this since I was "poor" making $9/hr. quit making excuses and live life. Work to live, dont live to work...... It wont matter how much money you make if you keep spending everything and making excuses not to enjoy your life.

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

P.S. Have you ever noticed that when you come back from vacation, they always give you the worst assignment. I guess with us being rested and all.

I am currently on vacation, and when I return, I am scheduled for a full 12 hour day AND I am on night call. Welcome back sucka!

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